The holidays are over. The last couple of days I have been focusing on leftovers. I am not talking about food, though after all the holiday feasting we have plenty of that! I am referring to the photos that are rapidly filling up my computer. I have almost seven thousand, many taken of the same subject and often of poor quality. It's time to get rid of a chunk of them. Most never made it to the blogosphere but still lurk in my files. A few of them I think are blog worthy, but for various reasons I never used them. I want to share them before I get into the new gardening year; so, like a plate filled with a smorgasbord of leftovers, here's a serving of 2010 photos.
Garden, the cat who does not belong to me, was acting ornery when I made the following picture. About the same time I made a shot of a blue iris. Can you see a resemblance? Garden was a sweet kitty who often accompanied me on my strolls through the garden. Garden wasn't her real name, but that's what I called her, and she responded to it. Sadly, this summer her owner moved and took her away. I still miss her.

Here's some flowers:

I took this photo in early March in the woodland garden:
The following is an old oak and a redbud tree behind my house, also taken in early spring. To see their spectacular fall colors, check out my previous post,
Autumn Lights.

The blossoms of a weeping cherry tree helped to brighten a gloomy day:

Various images through spring and summer:

I like these photos for their plants' colors and feathery textures:

Finally, here's some more plants with nice colors:

I hope you enjoyed my leftovers. Now I am looking forward to the new gardening year, 2011!
Reader Comments (23)
Hi Deb,
7,000 images?? I wish I only had that many! lol, I have a scare amount which I, like you need to have a mass cleanout and delete them all off now we're into a new year.
Lovely photos, I especially like the oxalis/shamrocks, such beautifully elegant flowers and leaves on them.
Happy New Year, I hope Spring arrives for you soon! :)
Your leftovers are scrumptious! I too need to get all my pictures organized in some way. I have so many that it is a very daunting task. Good luck organizing all yours!
One of my favorite winter pastimes is to wander through old photos of the garden. Your leftovers are fun to see, each worthy of their own posting! (I love the cat and iris comparison).
I also enjoyed your previous post of the delicate pretty snow, but was too distressed by our blizzard stuff up here to comment... now looking back over it, it delights me to see how pretty your garden is in a light dusting. It completely transforms the whole look of your garden.
Your leftovers are delicious and I'm afraid I'm in the same situation as you! Too many pics on my hard drive. Time to clean up, but still looking for the time. Your weeping cherry is divine.
Dear Deb, Stunning leftovers! Beautiful!! I love the cat and iris similarities. Wishing you the Happiest of New Years!
A declicius plate of leftovers! Beautiful!!
PS I visited your Autumn Lights post again -- the golden light and splendid fall colors are such a welcome sight on the warm but very dreary day we're having here.
Hi Deborah, these photos are definitely "main course" fixin's! Beautiful. Blessings to you in 2011!
Oh my, I can see a precious little cat face in that iris! Great comparison! I need to go through my old photos as well, except I'm sure I have two or three times as many as you do. A bit excessive, yes. Don't you just hate leaving them in storage in all their beauty for no one to see?
Stunning leftovers Debs - and all calorie free!! Very Happy New Year for 2011 - do hope I get more time to visit your blog again this year - take care Miranda x
Oh, so glad these photos didn't get pushed into the archives of 2010, filed away, never to be seen. The cat and iris picture is so funny! I've always heard that people who live together for a long time start to look like each other, but who knew pets could look like plants! Ha! Looking forward to your garden pics and blog posts in the new year. All the best to you!!
refreshing sights on a winter day ... thanks.
I feel your pain Deborah, I've already half filled the external drive I bought last year to store all the photos, but like you, I need to do some ruthless, but selective image culling. I seem to be a bit of a pack rat in regards to photos. You turned up some lovely images though, very worthy of sharing, and honestly, Garden the cat, and the Iris...the resemblance is truly remarkable! Looking forward to seeing all the new and equally beautiful photographs of your 2011 garden. Happy New Year!
Dear Deb - your leftovers are a fabulous feast for the eyes. I expect 'Garden' is missing the strolls too around your woodland wonderland
Happy New Year
The woodland is glorious and right now, I'll bet, quiet as it should be.
I have never been much for leftovers, but now I think that I am really lovin them. What great shots, you should start something here. Love the kitty, and it is heartbreaking when they leave your life....
Only 7000? Yes, well, over 20,000 and probably many more. I need to do some spring cleaning also.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Deborah I like you need to do a drastic cull on my archives. I've improved so much in my photography skills that I don't think I would use alot of my earlier photos ever again but I find it so hard to hit that delete button. I know that a few months ago I had 10 disks worth of photographs and that was before I really got into photography - so I've got them all on an external drive now. I might need another external drive though as I'm now doing a 365 photography project!
We have a neighbours cat that visits our garden and keeps me company when I weed though we have to be careful as he likes to dander into the house and up into our bedroom aswell.
Happy New Year to you and Lou.
Beautiful set of photos Debs, thanks for sharing them!
Shame about Garden moving away, lovely cat but hopefully you'll have a new garden cat soon :)
Deb, What a nice change from the delicious, but seemingly endless, food leftovers I've been eating. I love the kitty/iris pairing. Having images this good that didn't "make the cut" is a nice problem to have -- but I guess the lack of this kind of depth in my photo archives makes it easier for me to do "photo weeding". :-)
Your cat & iris comparison is very Alice and Wonderland! Love the idea of a tray of photo leftovers -- great shots!
Now I thought I had a lot of photos on file. Whew! How does your computer handle the storage? Such a beautiful garden, and how nice to look back at it over the past year.
Lovely pics, I particularly love the large hosta leaves one. You have reminded me that I had promised myself that I would clear through my photos too, I am running out of space on my hard drive...
Those are some beautiful photos - leftover or not!