Autumn Lights

When I published my last post, About Trees, I thought that would be it for fall. Then later this week I walked outside just as late afternoon sun rays were shining through the trees. The golden light from heaven took my breath away, and I grabbed my camera, hoping I could capture the mood. The autumn radiance lasted only about thirty minutes, long enough for me to get the following photos. Enjoy!
An old oak tree behind my house:
These dogwood leaves remind me of stained glass:
I love the pattern of these tree branches:
Nandina in the woodlands:
A Japanese maple drapes over a woodland path:
Feelin' Blue weeping deodar cedar against a soft background of autumn colors:
Golden light washes over the blue bridge in the woodland garden: Another woodland view:
The structure of a weeping cherry stands out against a background of fall colors:
More trees! Will I ever be tired of trees?? Probably not! Here's some tall ones:
I suspect that within a week all these gorgeous fall leaves will be brown and on the ground. Then I'll have to do a post on raking.
Happy Fall to all!
Reader Comments (15)
What lovely photos. You are right, that is a heavenly light.
Many do not believe we have such beautiful fall foliage in the deep south. These photos prove them wrong. Don't know about you, but I will take 30 minutes of radiance any day of the week!
Those are very pretty photos, Deb! Such a variety of colors. I definitely wouldn't want to do the raking. :)
It's the contrasts that make your photos so eye catching: the blue bridge below the trees, the deodar cedar against the fall leaves, the little line of rocks on the ground in the leaf litter. The fall foliage is beautiful, but the little pops of contrast make these pictures shine!
Your photos are so stunning when viewed by those of us who don't get to experience such seasonal changes. I just love the shot of the old oak with the sunlight dripping through those golden leaves ... and the blue of the Deodor Cedar makes a brilliant contrast with the surrounding hues of red, pink and green. Thank you for sharing these fabulous photos.
Those occasional winter mornings when the sun appears can be glorious. That said, I awoke this morning to a wall of white fog, and that too has it's qualities.
Dear Deborah, What a beautiful Ode to Autumn. You have captured the spirit of the moment perfectly and enabledme to enjoy it too.
I am dazzled by the late afternoon sun in the trees every day too. This beautiful weather has been a godsend. I especially love your second and third shots. They really capture that gorgeous light and radiance and color.
oh trees trees I love trees. Like you I don't think I could ever get enough. The oak is simply stunning. How I love those large trees with their big arms. So many shapes and colours to take in, your photos are wonderful, and now I think I must find a place that sells that weeping cedar.
Magical ... I just love trees and the woods. Your photos capture that magic.
You capture the light so well. The first image is so perfect. I would love to get good lighting photos like this. It is so hit or miss with me.
Lovely, lovely photos! The dogwood is just stunning. Our home is in the midst of a forest, and the colors here in Upstate SC are just spectacular this year. Look forward to reading more of your site.
Beautiful! Quite lifted my spirits on what has been a grey and wet day here. Love the stained glass dogwoods!
Simply stunning. That deodar cedar is something else indeed! I love your trees.
Gosh! Deb, these are astounding photos!!! I am so glad you saw and recorded this light. I even see lavender and purple in some. Your first picture is breathtaking and then on and on till your sixth photo which is like a painting! The blue in your cedar . . . Wow! Each is just a joy to see. Such fleeting beauty! How could we ever tire of trees. You have such beauties. Beautiful post! ;>)