2010 Leftovers

The holidays are over. The last couple of days I have been focusing on leftovers. I am not talking about food, though after all the holiday feasting we have plenty of that! I am referring to the photos that are rapidly filling up my computer. I have almost seven thousand, many taken of the same subject and often of poor quality. It's time to get rid of a chunk of them. Most never made it to the blogosphere but still lurk in my files. A few of them I think are blog worthy, but for various reasons I never used them. I want to share them before I get into the new gardening year; so, like a plate filled with a smorgasbord of leftovers, here's a serving of 2010 photos.
Garden, the cat who does not belong to me, was acting ornery when I made the following picture. About the same time I made a shot of a blue iris. Can you see a resemblance? Garden was a sweet kitty who often accompanied me on my strolls through the garden. Garden wasn't her real name, but that's what I called her, and she responded to it. Sadly, this summer her owner moved and took her away. I still miss her.
Here's some flowers:
I took this photo in early March in the woodland garden:
I took this photo in early March in the woodland garden:
The following is an old oak and a redbud tree behind my house, also taken in early spring. To see their spectacular fall colors, check out my previous post, Autumn Lights.
The blossoms of a weeping cherry tree helped to brighten a gloomy day:
Various images through spring and summer:
I like these photos for their plants' colors and feathery textures:
Finally, here's some more plants with nice colors:
I hope you enjoyed my leftovers. Now I am looking forward to the new gardening year, 2011!
old oak tree,
plant colors,
plant textures,
spring flowers in
garden overview