Almost a Miracle

A White Christmas? Here in Helena, Alabama? It hasn't happened in my lifetime, and I always said it would take a miracle. This year the miracle didn't officially happen, but it came close enough to be exciting. On Christmas Day we had snow flurries most of the morning. Nothing to stick, but wondrous, nevertheless. I went to bed, contented that I had seen at least a glimpse of the wintery stuff. Then, when I woke up yeasterday morning, I looked out the window and the woods were white!
I think we had about an inch. Nothing mind boggling, but still rare for us. Most of the snow was gone by the afternoon, though a few flurries continued through the day. I was out early, a coat over my pajamas and robe, taking the following photos as the snow swirled around me.
Here's a view through the rose arch. One can see the outdoor Christmas tree, its white lights visible in the gray winter light:
There was just enough snow to frost leaves, branches, and garden ornaments:
Here's another look at the outdoor Christmas tree, from the front lawn:
The woodland rabbit watches the snow come down:
This weeping blue cedar is beautiful year round, but I especially like how it looks with a dusting of snow:
Here's a view of the light snow in the upper woodland garden:
Now, those of you who live in northern regions, please don't snicker at my little snowfall. It is for us, after all, almost a miracle!
Blessings to you. Stay safe and warm! Deborah

Reader Comments (15)
H i Deborah
Sorry that it has taken me so long to get over here but I'm finally able to type a little better now and catch up on everyone. I think that it is wonderful for you to have some snow. The scenery surrounding your house is just perfect for hosting those white flakes.
I was reading a blog post yesterday from a mum who had a little boy who prayed for a White Christmas but his mum knew that where they lived in the USA they would never get snow for Christmas but she didn't want to discourage him from praying............ that little boy got his prayers answered on Christmas Day.
I hope you had a Blessed time with your family.
Snow makes everything even more beautiful, doesn't it? We got snow the day after Christmas, at least 6' if not more. I can't remember a time when we got a big snowfall so early.
Your photos are lovely! We got a Christmas snow for the first time since 1882! It was a small miracle. We ending up with a few inches which melted away the following day. Enough for me. I'm ready for spring now!
When we lived in SC when my kids were young we had about 2" of snow one winter. Having just moved to SC from ND/SD, we were excited to see snow again. The locals were ecstatic. My kids celebrated by making a small snow bunny. Not enough snow for an entire snowman!!
Deb.....don't freak out but I think I see two Reindeer in the top picture on the bottom left!!!! A dad and a baby!! Now that snow really is a miracle!!! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!
Thanks to all of you for your comments! Eve, I don't know how I missed those reindeer; they are looking right at the camera! Just goes to show that miracles are sometimes in the eye of the beholder!
Deb, such great pictures. I love the outdoor tree! We were in Nashville for Christmas and missed the Alabama snow. It was a great joy to enjoy a white Christmas from Tennessee.
Happy New Year!
I can just imagine your joy! Snow is pretty uncommon here too - especially at Christmas. Glad you and your family were able to treasure a little Christmas magic! Happy New Year to you Deborah - it's been wonderful to connect with you!
Wow! your garden looks amazing all covered with snow!
Hope you have the best holidays!
Deb, Your photos are beautiful. So nice of mother nature to add such a lovely finishing touch to your Christmas decorations -- and it's probably just as well that it didn't happen while people were driving around to church and Christmas dinners. Happy Holidays!
We were in South Carolina for Christmas and we got some snow the day after, as well. It was so pretty, I just had to take some pictures and post about them, even though it was just an inch or so. I wasn't sure if we would get any snow this winter in Texas, so I wanted to take advantage of all the beauty. The dusting of snow does make everything look magical. I grew up in the north and I don't miss the months and months of piles of snow, but it is nice to see a little bit now and then. Thanks for sharing your beautiful snowy garden.
Wonderful, I'm delighted for you - it all looks so magical, and all the more so for being so rare.
Beautiful! I particularly like the photo of the snow on ferns. Also, no laughter here since this was my first white Christmas in nearby South Carolina.
Deb - freshly fallen snow always feels a bit miraculous, and your photos captured it so well. The Rose Arch with the Christmas tree framed in the background looks like a Christmas card! Thanks for sharing!! --Shyrlene
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