November in the Garden: Snow! (Sort Of)

According to my rain gauge, we have had over 4.5 inches of rain this week. There were predictions of clearing weather, followed by freezing temps. But the rain was not completely gone before the freezing air arrived, and we woke up to snow! Sort of. We certainly did not have enough to close schools or roads, and I still had to go to my dentist appointment this morning. But the dusting we received was beautiful. While parts of the country to the north of us could claim a real snow event, we had just enough snow to lay icy tendrils atop branches and to cover leaves and lingering flowers with white crystals.
I considered if it was worth a before-breakfast jaunt into the frigid garden with my camera, then decided that any amount of snow in our part of the woods was worth a picture. So here are images of my garden, just a month out of summer and heading already into winter. Look carefully and you can see some snow!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all; may you be blessed with joy in your hearts and see beauty around you, whatever your season! Deb

Reader Comments (13)
Wow, that is enchanting! Thanks so much for sharing the beauty of your autumn garden lightly touched with snow. This is one of those rare days when you have snow and we don't. Ours is all melted, and I was outside today, sweating a little while I did a little garden work. It was 41--woo hoo! LOL. That felt warm after being stuck in the 30s for many days. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Such lovely photos. I love the looks of things with just a dusting of first snowfall. I' hoping, along with most of the area, we don't get the snow we've had the past few years. We aren't supposed to have it!
It is always fun to get the first snow of the season. We got a layer of sleet before the snow came to our area last night. Everything was frozen solid for several hours today. No blooms here. Winter seems to have moved in not allowing Autumn to last long.
That would definitely count as real snow in my book (not that I have much of any experience with the stuff). Your garden looks beautiful dusted with ice crystals. Too bad you didn't have an excuse to put off the dentist visit, though.
Best wishes for a happy Thanksgiving, Deb!
Beautiful everything and the colors with snow ...who would have thunk. ,
Your garden looks most beautiful with the dusting of snow, like icing sugar :-) Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures.
I have never seen snow with autumn tunts before, it is so beautiful! I too was at the dentist this morning, I know how you feel!
We had the same snow Deb! Your photos are just beautiful. You captured the moment perfectly.
Definitely worth braving the frigid air for these photographs Deb. The woodland is gorgeous at all times of year but with autumn colour and snow - wow!
The first snowfall is always so pretty. We've had a couple but they always melt pretty fast. Have a happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Somehow I don't expect snow in your garden, I obviously have your climate wrong.
With your all year round garden it will look amazing in all weather conditions.
Hasn't snowed here in YEARS.