A Hint of Fall in Deb's Garden

I shouldn't be surprised, because it seems to happen every year. One day the temp was 90 degrees, and everyone was running around in shorts and sandals. Then 24 hours later the temp plummeted to 40. Summer lasted well into October this year, so this was a welcome change. I have put away my summer clothes and pulled out long pants and sweaters. At last!
The garden is moving from stressed-out end of summer into autumn and is as happy as I am about the new season. October was very dry, but recent rain has refreshed the grounds.
Here are some recent views of the garden as the first hints of autumn begin to show:
Athyrium filix-femina 'Lady in Red' as it begins to go dormant
The lady in the woodlands has a new variegated fig hairdo.
Large photo above shows various evergreens in the woodland garden. Smaller photos clockwise from top left: Variegated euphorbia; Variegated Japanese pittosporum; Lemon balm; Mahonia "Soft Caress."
Here are a few late season blooms that appreciate the cooler weather: Clockwise from top left: Helenium 'Short 'n' Sassy'; Salvia "Black and Blue"; Dwarf butterfly bush 'Purple Haze'; Conoclinium coelestinum (perennial ageratum or blue mistflower); Autumn sage 'Heatwave glitter' ; Encore azalea 'Autumn Embers.'All images in this post were taken last week. Since then, fall colors have begun to show in their glory. So now I am going to grab my camera and take photos for my next post! Happy fall! Deb
Reader Comments (12)
I'm glad that fall has found you and that your garden is enjoying a respite from summer's heat at last. I look forward to seeing your fall color! Thanks to another round of Santa Ana winds our daytime temperatures are still on the excessively warm side, although we're nowhere near the 88F high forecasters had predicted for today. Lower nighttime temperatures help but rain remains a pipe dream. We haven't had any since the half inch we got unexpectedly in early October and the rain that had been projected for early November now has been pushed off into late November. Of greater concern, December and January currently show almost no rain. Ugh!
It's looking great! You have so many awesome pumpkins, pots, and walkways--it looks like a very welcoming garden. So many beautiful blooms, still!
Your garden wears autumn beautifully! Love the pumpkins and the lady's new coiffure. Happy fall.
Love your pumpkin decorations, I have just come back from experiencing them over your side of the "pond"!. Your ladies hair is beautiful and all your foliage makes a beautiful tapestry.
Aww so pretty. Boy oh boy I need to get out, just walking around a store drains me( I'm fine but can't do much till spring). Your post definitely put a smile on my face.
Don't you just love this time of year! I sure look forward to the cooler weather and not having to water...
I love your moss garden. I am still encouraging mine. It is tiny right now. It still makes my heart glad when I see it. Have a great weekend.
Your lady's new hair is inspirational - I need a new head, to plant in.
I came. I saw.
The seasonal shift can come with awful abruptness, can't it? I used to grow the 'Short'n'Sassy' Helenium. It bloomed like crazy but didn't live long for me.
I am enjoying the fall weather but am not looking forwarding to running into winter weather so early. Freezing temps expected here this week and I'm not quite ready for the garden to sleep yet. I'm enjoying all the fall color and your garden is looking spectacular.
Hey Deb,
Your garden looks great as usual.
We've had a sharp change of seasons here in Tennessee too. A bit too abrupt for my tastes. Recent temps would be considered below normal in January and here it's only early-to-mid November!
That said, there are / were certainly gems here and there, including foliage on silky dogwood and red maples, plus the glowing berries on the red chokeberry. Gotta get out and photograph one of these days. But for today I'll probably wimp out and stay indoors under a blanket ;-)
The running joke here in Ohio is that the temperature dropped from 90 to 55 like it saw a state trooper! Since that quick drop it has been relentlessly cold, rainy, and gloomy. We never got an Indian summer this year. But the colors were incredible!