Going, Gone: November Review

The end of November brings a sadness for fading glory and a resolve to love winter in spite of it. Fall colors peaked during November, then within days it is gone.
In the following grouping, the photos on the left were taken on November 18, the ones on the right were taken today, November 30:
Watch the Japanese maple, Orido Nishiki, on the right in the following photos as the month progresses.
Nov. 5: Nov. 12:
Nov. 17:
Nov. 20:
And today, Nov. 30, most of the beautiful leaves are on the ground, covering the moss path. I will need to rake these leaves since moss won't thrive if it is covered. It gets most of its nutrients from the air, rather than the soil.
Not all leaves have fallen, and some of the ones that have are still quite interesting:Clockwise, from top left: Korean Spice Viburnum; Anthony Waterer Spirea; a shriveled hosta leaf; Variegated Hydrangea.
Recent frost shriviled and browned flowers that had persisted well into the month, but they were pretty while they lasted. Yes, I know the ornamental cabbage on the second row is not a flower, but it is pretty enough to be one. It also is the only one to be unfazed by the frost:
Some woodland trees, photos taken less than two weeks ago. Only the evergreen Feelin' Blue, a weeping deodar cedar, looks the same now:Left: dogwood, Cornus Florida; Top right: 'Waterfall' Japanese maple; Bottom right: Japanese maple 'Orido Nishiki' and 'Feelin' Blue' deodar cedar. The trunk in the middle belongs to a dogwood.
Finally, here is my Tin Man, given to me years ago by a dear friend, and a few other garden ornaments. The large urn is a water reservoir in the woodland garden, which fortunately I have not needed to use at all this month:
Now it's time to look toward winter, to Christmas and family gatherings, to snuggling under the blankets, to fires upon the hearth, to homemade soup and warm comforting drinks, to good books and garden catalogues, and maybe, just maybe, to a little bit of snow!

Reader Comments (23)
Those comparisons are delightful, Deb! The Japanese Maples are so magical. I may never own one myself (or maybe I will), but I sure enjoy seeing them in others' gardens. The color changes are stunning.
Hi Deb, Wow, your photos are breathtaking. Japanese maples are the best for fall color, aren't they? I love the little Monet-esque bridge too. Your garden art is so cool. I love the animals and Mr. Tin Man.
Hi Deb! Great images! For me, to watch a maple changing its color could be more exciting than to watch a movie!
Fascinating progression photos. You did a great job capturing the same view days apart. I enjoy seeing the changes in trees that stand so still and permanent but are full of such dramatic transformation. Beautiful.
Love the photos showing the progression and it reminds me that there is always the next year to look forward to. I'm not sure that I would like living somewhere without the four seasons. Your statuary elements hold everything together so well- as does the deodar cedar. Beautiful
Will you get snow, and be able to post pics of it? Your garden is so lovely...no matter what the season.
The Japanese maples are wonderful and I love how you captured the changes. Am I correct in thinking that the colours have been later for you this year. I remember reading about your trip with friends to see the autumn colours by glider (I would love to do that) and think it was earlier in the year. Your woodland is so ful of colour you hardly needed to travel to find beauty. Christina
Truly wonderful to watch the changes in your maples, they are stunning. The starkness of the bare trees has its own beauty for the next few months, maybe decorated with a bit of snow, magical!
It can be melancholy to see fall slip away. However, winter does have its pleasures, including planning for spring!
Those trees on the right in the first group look like someone has removed the colour. I love autumn leaves - but then Autumn and Spring are my favourite seasons
I too like the garden in transformation images. The large Japanese Maple really comes to life.I think Mr. Tin Man is adorable. We have a neighbor that makes them.
I love the progression, and am amazed at the glory of the maple on Nov. 20th! It is a bit sad that it passes so fast, but as you say, there are other things to look forward to in future seasons.
Beautiful, beautiful color and I love your Tinman!
hi deb, fascinating to see and compare the changes. I always want to do that, but never seem to be organized enough to manage. I love all your ornaments but the tin man is very special. Those autumn scenes are divine.
Most of all, I am captivated by your golden Japanese maple 'Waterfall' .
Look at those trees and foliage..they out shine the flowers especially the J maple...it is quite a tree and I still love that area of your garden with the bridge
Winter has its own charm and beauty, and there's so much still to enjoy that is unique to this season. Your last paragraph pretty much listed most of what's lovely about winter. Lovely photos as always Debs!
Our gardens are at the same stage. Loved the Japanese maple progression photos. I would love to do that for 'Sango-kaku' for the whole year. All the things you say about winter are true, and I know I should look forward to them, but right now I don't. It was 60 degrees here today and I loved it.
The series of that Japanese maple turning color are beautiful. It's amazing how it seems to take time for the leaves to reach peak, and then so suddenly they're gone. We noticed that with our Big Leaf maple this fall, although the rains helped it to shed most of its leaves at once. It's a shame your maple couldn't hold the depth of color it had on November 20 for the rest of fall though, but it looked beautiful while it lasted!
Hi Deb! I think your garden still looks very beautiful, I especially like the moss path with that little bridge and of course your big evergreen topiary that are going to be showy all winter and snow. We are expecting snow and a bad temperature drop for this weekend, it feels weird since today it was a spring and sunny day...
Hi Deb, what a brilliant way to show the fleeting glory of autumn leaves. Those maples light up the landscape for those few precious days. Amazing, though, how much there is still offering colour and interest when you stop to look.
The color of your Japanese maples is wonderful. 'Waterfall' is amazing!
Looks great, love the 'time lapse' photos