Poinsettia: A Symbol of Love

Christmas is here, and we often see poinsettias decorating businesses and homes. Poinsettias grow wild in rainy, tropical regions of Central America, and Joel Poinsett, America's first ambassador to Mexico, brought the plant to our country in 1828.
Poinsettias are associated with Christmas because of the legend of Pepita, a poor Mexican child. In her village, people would bring presents to the chapel at Christmas and put them around the nativity to honor Christ. Little Pepita could not afford to buy a gift so she gathered a bouquet of local weeds and lovingly placed them at the foot of the manger. Onlookers were astonished when the leaves of the weeds turned to brilliant red. Since then the poinsettia is a reminder that Christ is honored, not by expensive gifts and glittery show, but by our love.
Poinsettias also are a symbol of God's love for us. The red of the traditional poinsettia symbolizes the blood of Jesus, and the central seeds resemble the crown of thorns he wore upon the cross. These remind us of God's complete love for his creation. Christmas is very much wrapped up with Easter. Our fallen world is in a mess, separated from its Creator, but God was willing to step down from Heaven and become one of us. He suffered the same trials and penalties we experience, ultimately facing and conquering our worse enemy, death. There is hope, because the baby Jesus grew up and acted as our representative, accepting our sins upon himself as he died upon the cross. Of course, his death would not have meant much if he had stayed dead. But he didn't. On the third day after his death he rose from the grave. We have many eyewitness accounts from people who saw him, touched him, and ate with him after his resurrection. Although God's work is not done and evil still reigns for a while yet upon the earth, we have God's promise that his perfect gift is coming. Peace on Earth, good will toward men! Hallelujah!
Merry Christmas to all, and in the busyness of the season, may you focus on the true meaning of the holiday. May your hearts be filled with love and peace. Deborah

Reader Comments (15)
I always loved the heartwarming story of Pepita. I really like the white poinsettias though. I can never find them as white as you have shown. Theses are really gorgeous.
Lovely story and thoughts Deb!! Beautiful photos! Wishing you a holiday season filled with Love and Peace. Happy Winter Solstice!
I enjoyed reading your post, Deborah. The true meaning does seem to get lost in the stress of the hustle and bustle. Focusing on the true meaning does bring peace and comfort knowing how much God loves us all. Have a Merry Christmas. ~Amy
What a lovely, and appropriate, post to celebrate the season. Merry Christmas Deborah!
In my part of the world, Poinsettias are not really closely associated with Christmas at all. We grow them outdoor in our gardens and they're in bloom during our Winter. I'm amazed at the variety of colour when I see photos of them posted from the States ... the white ones with the green veins pictured at the top of your post are just stunning! Great post ... I enjoyed this informative read.
Thanks for these bright bracts and your holiday post, Deb,
I've not purchased any poinsettias this year and realize I'm missing them, especially the white form. And thanks for visiting the Santas on Bay Area Tendrils... Happy Christmas!
Thanks Deb! Beautifully written. God bless you and yours this Christmas season.
I had not heard the story of Pepita before. That is lovely!
They grow wild in rainy tropical areas? I thought they are not easy to handle. They are lovely and I would like to have them grow wild in my garden. But the weather is too hot for them here. Merry Christmas!
A lovely Christmas post.
Dear Deborah,
Merry Christmas to you and have a blossoming new year.
Thanks for the beautiful expression of the meaning of Christmas! Have a blessed celebration of the Savior's birth.
Dear Deb - thank you for this festive Poinsettia story and the reminder of the reason for the season!
Bless you
Laura x
I hope that you enjoy Christmas Deb and all best wishes for the New Year. May it treat you and your garden kindly xxx
I never knew the story behind pointsettas, so thanks. Peace and love to everyone!!