A Year in the Woodlands

One year ago today I began my blog, despite relative computer and blogosphere ignorance. Thanks to a Squarespace template and my engineer son's advice, I was able to get started. On this journey I have virtually explored many fabulous gardens and made a number of internet friends. I have been encouraged in my own efforts at gardening, and I am constantly inspired by what I see other gardeners do. I would like to say thanks to all of you who visit my blog. Your support means a lot to me, and I am still humbled when people leave comments on my simple blog.
To celebrate, I am looking back over the past year in my gardens. Today I will cover the woodland garden, and then over the next few posts I will cover other parts of Deb's Garden.
So lets begin!
Walking down our drive, one can see an overview of part of the woodland garden. These photos were taken from roughly the same spot at different times of the year, with the last shot being taken this week:
Here are seasonal views taken from the main entrance to the woodland garden:
These are photos taken looking back toward the woodland entrance:
Midway through the woodlands there is a little side path:
And finally we come to the upper end of the woodland garden. Notice the addition of the little blue bridge. I did that in April. I ordered it, thinking it would come partially assembled. Not so. It came in a hundred pieces. I put it together myself, using power tools for the first time. I'm very proud of it!
Thanks for reminiscing over the past year in the woodlands with me. I am fortunate that our property came with mature trees, and this area is a constant source of pleasure to me. Creating a garden here has been a true labor of love.
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Reader Comments (31)
congratulations Deb, on the year of blogging and the bridge, thanks for a lovely 4 season walk through your wood, I know what you mean about fortunate to have mature trees one thing that attracted me to my garden was a copse of pines, I've started reading about what might grow there but I sometimes love just standing amonge them, Frances
Happy blogoversary Deb! Has it really only been a year? The time goes by so quickly! I think what I enjoy most about writing our own blog is the notion that year after year we will be able to reflect on the changes to the gardens over time. I think sometimes we get so absorbed in gardening chores that we forget to pause, and reflect on our achievements. The blog naturally facilitates that though. I love my virtual visits to your woodland garden, the photographs are so inviting, and your gardens harmonize so well with the surrounding elements, with a little surprise here and there, like the bridge, that keep it so visually interesting. You've done a wonderful job, both in the garden, and with your blog! Congrats!
Happy one year! I love to look at your woodland garden. It just looks like a great place to live and very peaceful. You have done a beautiful job!
Ooh, I love that blue bridge! You did good! Now my mind is whirling trying to think of where such an animal might actually work and fit in my garden. Hmmmm..... By the way, I love that first group of photos where the little bunny statue helps orient the garden throughout the seasons. Oh, and Happy Blog Anniversary! I started my blog in January of this year. I had heard of blogging for many years, but really had no clue there was a whole world of gardens to explore in Blogland. So glad to have found your woodland paradise and its many wonderful ideas that I can copy. ; )
Let me add my congratulations as well and wish you a happy blogversary! It's a pleasure to be able to visit your garden ... even if it's only virtually. I think blogs are a great way of recognising that the garden we labour over with such care and attention, is quite fabulous ... and that is certainly true of your garden. Keep on blogging so we can all enjoy the fruits of your labour.
I love anniversaries... they provide opportunity to stop and look back... and reflect! Perfect anniversary post and I so enjoyed visiting you on this special day.
Happy Blog Birthday Deb! Your woodland garden through the year is enchanting and lovely. I like your kind of rabbit. Many Happy Returns! ;>)
Happy blogaversary!
I too started my blog as a way for me to mintor changes and be able to look back on when plants flwoered etc. I love the way you have posted the seasonal changes. Congratulations - you have created a wonderful garden, and I enjoy wandering around it with you!
wow a year goes by so fast! YOur woodland garden is gorgeous in every season and Ilove your bridge. nice addition. congratulations on a whole year of blogging. that is no small feat.
I really enjoy shots through the seasons, showing the progression of leaves and blooms. It was fun to look at each set to see the changes. You have a lovely woodland.
The mature trees around my house were one of the top things that attracted me to it.
I loved seeing the photos of your woodland garden in all the seasons - they remind me of how each season has it's own beauty and of how much I love having that change of seasons. Congratulations on your first blog anniversary! Your blog is a delight!
Congratulations on your anniversary. We don't have the change of seasons here, so it is wonderful to see it through your eyes.
Happy blogoversery. I love your garden. Great pics and post. jim
Happy first blog birthday. Just wondering, I really like your woodland garden - how long have you been working on it?
Lovely tour of the garden through time. Your garden is very well designed, evidenced by how it appears in the off seasons. It really does not have 'off' time. You have beautiful winter interest and your photos through the seasons from the same location tell the story really well.
Deb, Congrats on your blogiversary! I reading about your gardening adventures. Love the photos of the progression of your woodland.
Well done on the year thing! However, I feel that you are just taunting me with that woodland garden. I am rarely envious, but for this I will make an exception!
It's still early morning here, but in the first few images I did find it amazing that you got two shots with a rabbit in the same place. Then I had one of those "you bloody idiot" moments!
Dear Deb - taking the annual tour round your woodland garden has been fabulous - especially being able to see and compare the seasonal changes. You have created a garden that complements and uses all the natural beauty and charm of the woodland backdrop. Happy Blogoversary and thanks for sharing.
p.s. just added you to my blogroll :)
Many congratulations and happy anniversary! It's wonderful to see the seasonal progressions in your garden!
Deb, these photos are amazing, and you SHOULD be proud of this garden! I LOVE it! The little rabbit makes me smile...he watches the seasons pass. The moss paths are fantastic, and that blooming tree is to die for! Spectacular!
Happy Blogaversary, Deb! I loved these images of your garden in different seasons; what a wonderful way to celebrate the past year of garden blogging.
Congratulations Deb! One year is a proud accomplishment.
One of my favorite things is to view photos of the same spot in the garden to see the differences that the seasons bring. Your garden is lovely all 12 months of the year :-)
Dear Deborah, Congratulations on reaching this milestone of weblogging journalism. I know exactly what you mean when you say that you had so little technological expertise at the start. But, it is wonderful to learn all these new skills and we, your readers, have been enriched by seeing and following your progress with the garden over the past year.
As you may imagine, I have been particularly entranced by these views of your Woodland Garden, since, for me, this is my favourite part of the whole garden. I loved the just controlled feel of it all with the secretiveness of an area not quite tamed and filled with such beautiful trees and shrubs. In all seasons and lights, at all times of the day, it is a masterpiece.
Happy Anniversary!!
Dear Deb, congratulations!!! I am so glad you joined Blotanical, where I found your blog. I enjoy reading your posts, there is much for mr to learn from them. Your pictures are great too! Your woodland garden looks very inviting ay time of the year. Love that little bridge. Now, I knoe whom to call when I need to assemble something!
What a wonderful way to document the dynamics of a garden --- how it changes and how it alters itself over time. Love the photo journey, and I'm looking forward to more. Congrats on a year in the blogworld!
I am in the process of designing a garden for a friend, and she has a section that is perfect for a "woodland garden." Your pictures are beautiful and inspiring :-)
Hi Deb - Congratulations! I too started last September. I remember when we met on Blotanical. I was so impressed by your blog, I thought you had been blogging for a long time. :)
Happy anniversary. I am so glad that you joined the blogging world and shared your garden with us. It truly looks such a magical place!
I just adore that top set with the little bunny statue--- your garden is so appealing!
Hi, Deb,
Met you this morning (Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010)when you spoke
to the Biirmingham Quill Club about your gardening blog. You are
gifted in your writing and speaking...or "talking" to a group. You have
a natural animated cheerfulness that tells listeners your gardening and
writing about it bring you much joy. I left the meeting lifted up that it was
the start of a great day! Remember to tooteth your horn...John Wright, Jr.
Deborah, I am sorry that I am so far behind on reading and just found out that it was your one year anniversary. It has been truly a wonderful year, getting to know you and your amazing garden. I love every little bit of it, and it is beautiful in every season.