A Year in the Front Garden

This is the second post in my garden series to celebrate one year in the blogosphere. Today I will take you on a journey of the front garden.
In front of my house is a strip of land. It wraps around three sides of the lawn, the fourth side being the road that leads to the house. I call it the front garden, because this what I see when I walk out the front door. This is the part of our property that was almost completely destroyed by a tornado in 1990, so most of what you see has been planted since then. Once upon a time these shrubs and trees were tiny dots!
Here are seasonal photos taken across the lawn, standing on a walkway which runs between the house and the front garden:
These shots were taken from the road, viewing the front garden on the opposite side of the lawn:
Next we come to the entrance to the main part of the front garden, which is directly across the lawn from the house. This wooded area has paths meandering through that connect to the lawn in several places. There is also a path which leads to a larger trail that ultimately takes one to the lady garden. My gardens are interconnected so I can wander from area to area. I do that a lot, often with a cup of coffee in hand and, of course, my camera around my neck. So here are some images I captured of this part of the front garden over the past year.
First is the entrance to the front garden:
These photos look at the front garden from an upper corner near to the road:
From the opposite direction, here are views taken from the back side, looking towards the road:
And finally, here is the path which can take one to the lady garden:
I thank you all for your support, and I hope you have enjoyed the tour. Check back soon. There is more to come! Deborah
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Reader Comments (24)
This tour is absolutely fascinating. I love it so much more than a close up of a bloom.. the repeated long frames show time and design and a sense of place. How wonderful to have a full woodland and so much privacy in your front yard. Thanks for taking this approach to showing us your garden, I hope there's more!
Beautiful pictures of your front garden. You have the scale to have some really nice combinations of trees and shrubs, with lots of variety in texture, colour and form. It really is a pretty garden, and it's great to see the sequence in the photos over the seasons as leaves and colours change. It looks like a lovely garden to wander through with your cup in hand, but of course with a garden of that size, you must also spend a lot of time hands on :)
Now, that's what I call a front garden. It's amazing that it's only been in since 1990; it looks so well established.
Oh, I really must control that green-eyed monster when looking at your photos. What a wonderful place to live! I read somewhere the other day that you can see the character of a person in what they will make of a piece of land.
Wonderful record of your garden through the seasons!
Hi Deb, wonderful idea to include so many seasonal varieties in each section. It looks amazing in ALL seasons. I'm sure you enjoy it! So glad I got to see it today, as well. I like the overview as it gives a great 'feel' for what you see on a daily basis.
Dear Deborah, First impressions are always so important for any garden and your front garden certainly does herald the drama and the stunning plantings that are yet to come. It looks so incredibly well established for such a relatively short time and is certainly full of intrigue which just begs to be explored further. As always, I feel the quirky blue touches add a light touch of humour to the scene.
You can really see the changes in seasons, and it was great to compare side by side. What peaceful scenes your photos portray!
Deborah, honestly, your garden looks more like a park or botanical garden every time I see it. You have so much variety and visual interest from season to season, not just in color, but in texture too. Here, we're mostly green, most of the time, the same shade, and textures throughout, although I am, albeit slowly, trying to remedy that. A very inspiring post!
Very pretty with the changing seasons! Your blue bench looks really pretty and adds a lot to your garden. LoVe It!
a lovely post Deborah, beautiful front garden I imagine it is alive with birds and other wild life, Frances
Your gardens are gorgeous and so beautifully composed.
My reaction was the same as Curbstone Valley Farm's...your garden looks like a botanical garden or park!! Gorgeous. Grateful for our half-acre, but oh, what I could do with all that land. Thanks for the tour! How fun to visit a garden in Alabama without leaving my house :-)
Thanks for commenting on my "Fall is the Time to be Wild About Spring" post on my blog. I wonder if acidic soil has any effect on wildflowers?? I am assuming your soil is acidic because I see azaleas in your photos. I wish I could get you some of the poppy seeds. I have GOBS!!!
Deborah this is a stunning front garden - my whole garden front and back would fit into a small bit of your front garden. I think autumn and early spring must be the most vibrant time of the year in yours as you have so many great trees surrounding your home and it must be so lovely to look out on it from your front window views.
You have such a beautiful garden no wonder you blog about it! What a great record it is of all the changes-for the better for sure. I just read your profile and think it so great you can live in one spot for 25 years! Congrats on your one year!! Here's to many more-virtual cup of coffee I'm lifting to you:)
Jeez... Where to begin? Your garden looks like a park!! I wish I had that much space!! Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!! Love the four season pictures. :0) Fabulous blog!!!
Congratulations on one year. How neat to take a tour of your garden through the seasons. I love the way the garden fits seamlessly into the surrounding landscape.
The front garden is beautiful, the collection of perspectives is stunning and the photographer is very talented. Even just one picture alone would have been a treat.
Awesome! I really enjoyed the seasonal changes and of course I have my favorites like the tourquise bench and the daffodils. Your garden is amazing!
I so enjoy seeing your garden in all the seasons!!! It is just so amazing just how much the colors in the landscape change from season to season. You've documented it well.
You are truly blessed to be surrounded by such beauty. Your gardens, throughout all the seasons, are delightful.
Exquisite, Deborah, just exquisite. Thanks for sharing!
Deb - I feel like I am taking a tour of the Morton Arboretum. What great photos! I'm also really impressed that your photos are taken from the same perspective for each season - it's so easy to take a virtual tour of your gardens from spring through winter.
I'm sure this is getting redundant but gorgeous photo's!
What a fabulous idea of taking a picture in the exact same spot, during every season. I must do that at KG, it is fascinating to see not only the seasonal changes, but growth as well.