A Year in the Lady Garden

This is the third installment in my series of seasonal tours through different parts of Deb's Garden. Today we will look at the past year in the Lady Garden. The Lady Garden is tucked into a clearing in the woods down from the patio next to the house. This garden will always be true to its sylvan roots, a wood nymph rather than a lady of society. It is a new garden, still gawky, untamed and needing refinement. But there are some changes that have happened over the months.
First, lets walk toward the Lady Garden on the wide path which leads from the lower front lawn. Here are some views as you come to the main entrance of the garden:
If you turn around from inside the garden and look back toward the lower lawn, you see one of my favorite views. The large building is my neighbor's workshop. I planted the evergreen trees on our property line to screen it, and they have done a good job:
Here are views of the arbor that marks one end of the Lady Garden. It is a great spot for watching wildlife. Many birds, including a pair of owls, live in the nearby trees:
Next to the Lady Garden is a small footpath that leads up a slope, where it joins the front garden near the house:
Finally, opposite the arbor is the end where the Lady of the Garden lives. I recently added the rock border to make a planting area. Spring bulbs are arriving soon and will be planted here:
No doubt, many changes to the Lady Garden will occur with the coming seasons. It will be fun to one day look back and see it in its youth. Thanks for touring with me. By the way, this is my 100th post, since I began my blog last year on October 5, 2009. That is something to celebrate, and more seasonal installments are coming!
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Reader Comments (20)
Wow! Tour garden continues to amaze me. Such a serene place. The "Lady" and the large urn make a stunning visual impact.
Once again I lingered over the many photos in this tour and enjoyed walking your garden in all its seasons. A garden isn't just a set space, it's the passage of time too. Lovely.
Shit, I'd forgotten all about your lady garden. When I read the post title I spat coffee all over my new laptop.
Bloody hell, a year in the lady garden? That we all could be so lucky!
Photos of your "Lady Garden" have inspired me this past year. I do think if I ever encounter such a planter, it will be coming home with me. I do look forward to watching the space evolve over coming years.
Your lady is so wonderful! Jealous! :) And your garden is beautiful in every season!
Dear Deborah, Your ' Lady Garden' is such an inspirational idea - a clearing in the wood approached by an uncertain path and revealing a beautiful and peaceful setting for quiet contemplation and appreciation of Nature in all its seasonal glories. The addition of the urn and bench draw the eye and encourage taking time in this wonderfully tranquil spot.
What a wonderful portfolio of changing views and garden efforts!
I love the essence of gardening, how we bring our ideas and love of plants to designing.
The very creation of special spaces that mark passages in our lives.
Hi, Deb;
A terrific tour and I am inspired, once again, to follow your lead and invest in one jaw-dropping planter for my Big Rock Garden. Luv that lady!
Another beautiful seasonal post Deb. Happy Blog Birthday!! I too look forward to seeing your lady garden mature with time. ;>)
I love seeing the same view through the seasons it is so interesting. Looking forward to the next tour
The lady garden looks really great through the year. It is such a good idea to photograph the garden this way. I hope to remember to do this next year.
It seems everyone loves your Lady planter, which is good. When I drive down and steal it, there will be a lot of suspects, lol.
I've so enjoyed your series of garden areas over the seasons. It highlights what we love about gardening, watching the rhythm of nature unfold, and anticipating the next change. Even though you mention this area being a work in progress, it is still very beautiful, and the large trees surrounding the lady garden give it a mature appearance.
As a past sufferer of migraine headaches, I have never been comfortable looking at the lady urn in the Lady Garden. Seeing something growing out of her head brings back pain-filled memories. However, all of that is easily forgotten as I gaze through the rest of the garden. It is beautiful. I am also a big fan of the traditional urn. It is perfectly placed for maximum effect.
Deb I think your gardens are too lovely for words!
Deb - I am in awe. You have designed such a harmonious environment -- evident in your succession of 'tours'. What great vision (AND patience)! (Now I wish my "blank canvas" yard was SO much bigger!!)
Big sigh.... You have so much amazing space at your disposal! So much more peaceful than a cramped suburb! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!!! I love the lady statue!! :0)
Dear Deb - there is so much I could write in praise of your garden tour(s) but suffice it to say that you have kept the garden in perfect keeping with it's setting. Lots of well placed, well spaced trees but not a twee in sight! The seasonal views are lovely snapshots in time
p.s. how do you cope with the dry shade that woodland garden is subject to?
LOVE LOVE LOVE your lady!!! Perfect and fabulous!!!!! I enjoy your progression photos, too. Such pretty changes throughout the seasons.
My goodness, but your Lady Garden is fabulous! So many colors and textures, you should be so proud of it's beauty.