Entries in Serviceberry (2)


The Signs of Spring

I walk outside and breathe it in. Spring! Composers  through the ages have written sonnets, poems, and ballads describing their feelings about the season. A friend recently sent me this image of someone's emotional expression.You may have seen a similar sign already, but if not, I think you might enjoy it; and I have to say that I feel the same!

Despite continuing cold nights, the days are warmer and spring is rolling in with new flowers appearing daily. Each morning I can't wait to get out there to see what is happening in the garden. I especially like to examine the little blooms, the ones that make you pause and take a closer look.

Amelanchier, also called serviceberry, juneberry, and a number of other names, is in full bloom.The berries that follow the flowers are delicious, but I may never get more than a handful. I planted this tree for the birds, especially the bluebirds, who love them.

From a distance, Chaenomeles, or flowering quince, packs a powerful punch, but clusters of the small blooms are equally amazing up close.

Masses of Phlox subulata is a common spring-time sight, but the individual little flowers are not common at all:

Hepatica nobilis, with the unfortunate common name of liverwort, is just emerging in the woodland garden.This plant is taking its time becoming well-established, but I love the little blooms.

Below left, Leucojum estivum, or summer snowflake, has dainty white bells that must be appreciated up close, and below right is the funky Corylopsis sinensis, a tall shrub known as winter hazel.

Some other blooms are larger and also deserve attention as I stroll through the garden.Clockwise, from above left: Edgewothia chrysantha; Camellia from a shrub that is over 30 years old; An unusual daffodil, planted about sixty years ago by the original owner of our house; Magnolia 'Jane'

Below left is a bird house that has been a favorite of bluebirds every year. A couple have been busy there recently, and I hoped to get a photo of one, but Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird would not cooperate! The yellow in the background is Forsythia, also called yellow bell. Below right, A stray forsythia branch is blooming in front of a purple pot. The pot contains Carex oshimensis 'Everillo', a brightly colored sedge that is my new favorite plant of the season.

Take a look at a woodland scene that I have featured through every season, because it may soon be changing! My beloved blue bridge has termites! Lou says there is little to be done for it. By next year I will have to replace it. When that happens, I will find a small metal bridge and I doubt it will look the same. But be sure, I will paint the railings turquoise blue!

Finally, as a perfect spring day in the garden comes to a close, I catch the sun setting behind the trees.

May the joy of discovery and the fresh hope of spring always be in your hearts.   Deb


Serviceberries For the Birds (And Me!)

One day last year I found myself driving down the road with leafy stems bouncing around my head, wondering what I would say if I were pulled over by a state trooper. Tree branches filled the front seat of my car, reaching out to explore the front windows and seeking to find escape through the roof. Two slender trunks occupied the center space between the seats. At the very back of the car their roots were contained within large plastic pots, lying on their sides and wedged against the rear lift gate. 

When I purchased the two Serviceberry trees, I asked the attendant if he thought he could fit them into my mini van. No problem, I can do it, he said.

And he did. Yes, he did.

Amelanchier, AKA Serviceberry or Juneberry or Shadbush and a few other names as well, is a small tree with many North American species and some European ones. The fruit attracts bluebirds, cardinals, robins and other songbirds. The sweet, juicy berries look a lot like blueberries, but, unlike blueberries, they contain soft, almond flavored seeds. Humans like the berries, too, and they can be used instead of blueberries to make muffins, cobblers, preserves and jam. The berries are not often offered commercially, and it's not so easy to find the trees, either. So I was happy when I found two locally at a reasonable price. 

I hope I will soon have berries like these, shown in this public domain photo.

I haven't personally tasted the fruit yet. My two young trees produced only a handful of berries last year, which quickly disappeared. This year my trees are filled with blooms, so I am hoping for a more abundant crop. I am thinking one tree for the birds and one for me, though I suspect the birds won't abide by my thinking.

Serviceberries add ornamental value to the garden year round. Species may grow as shrubs or as small trees up to 25' tall. The branch structure is beautiful and the tree bark is often distinctive, with vertical fissures developing with age. In early spring, the branches are filled with clusters of white, five-petaled flowers, each bloom about 3/4" across. The flowers are followed by shiny green, 2" long leaves. The tasty fruit usually ripens in June, thus the common name Juneberry. Fall color is excellent, with brilliant orange and gold color that persists for weeks.

With different species growing in zones 2-9, Amelanchier is usually easy to grow. Plant in moist but well draining soil in a site protected from strong winds. Full sun is best, but they will adapt to a partly shady location. Fertilize in November and maintain a 2"-3" layer of mulch around the base, making sure the mulch does not actually touch the bark. Water frequently during drought. Then enjoy your berries, if you can get to them before the birds. (Warning: deer also like them!)