Entries in Jane magnolia (2)


The Signs of Spring

I walk outside and breathe it in. Spring! Composers  through the ages have written sonnets, poems, and ballads describing their feelings about the season. A friend recently sent me this image of someone's emotional expression.You may have seen a similar sign already, but if not, I think you might enjoy it; and I have to say that I feel the same!

Despite continuing cold nights, the days are warmer and spring is rolling in with new flowers appearing daily. Each morning I can't wait to get out there to see what is happening in the garden. I especially like to examine the little blooms, the ones that make you pause and take a closer look.

Amelanchier, also called serviceberry, juneberry, and a number of other names, is in full bloom.The berries that follow the flowers are delicious, but I may never get more than a handful. I planted this tree for the birds, especially the bluebirds, who love them.

From a distance, Chaenomeles, or flowering quince, packs a powerful punch, but clusters of the small blooms are equally amazing up close.

Masses of Phlox subulata is a common spring-time sight, but the individual little flowers are not common at all:

Hepatica nobilis, with the unfortunate common name of liverwort, is just emerging in the woodland garden.This plant is taking its time becoming well-established, but I love the little blooms.

Below left, Leucojum estivum, or summer snowflake, has dainty white bells that must be appreciated up close, and below right is the funky Corylopsis sinensis, a tall shrub known as winter hazel.

Some other blooms are larger and also deserve attention as I stroll through the garden.Clockwise, from above left: Edgewothia chrysantha; Camellia from a shrub that is over 30 years old; An unusual daffodil, planted about sixty years ago by the original owner of our house; Magnolia 'Jane'

Below left is a bird house that has been a favorite of bluebirds every year. A couple have been busy there recently, and I hoped to get a photo of one, but Mr. and Mrs. Bluebird would not cooperate! The yellow in the background is Forsythia, also called yellow bell. Below right, A stray forsythia branch is blooming in front of a purple pot. The pot contains Carex oshimensis 'Everillo', a brightly colored sedge that is my new favorite plant of the season.

Take a look at a woodland scene that I have featured through every season, because it may soon be changing! My beloved blue bridge has termites! Lou says there is little to be done for it. By next year I will have to replace it. When that happens, I will find a small metal bridge and I doubt it will look the same. But be sure, I will paint the railings turquoise blue!

Finally, as a perfect spring day in the garden comes to a close, I catch the sun setting behind the trees.

May the joy of discovery and the fresh hope of spring always be in your hearts.   Deb


A Crime Scene on a Beautiful Day

Recently, Garden, the cat who does not belong to me, and I were walking near the lady garden when we came across a crime scene. 

That's gross! 

Garden couldn't stand it and covered her eyes.

Warning: the following image is graphic, so if you have a weak stomach, you better not look, either.The bloody guts, upon investigation, was actually red and white sap coming from a stump. Lou had cut down a tree. I have never seen a bleeding tree before, but I think this one qualifies!

Garden and I went looking for more pleasant things, and we saw this vignette in the lady garden:

We saw summer snowflakes, leucojum aestivan:

And many other lovely flowers:

Here's my watering can:

In the front garden we admired the weeping cherry tree:

We saw the Jane magnolia overlooking the woodland garden:

Then we entered the woodlands and got another perspective on the Jane magnolia:

Morning light shown across some spirea shrubs:

Gauzy spiderwebs hung like hammocks among the branches:

We stopped to look at some variegated ivy:

A treat for the eyes, blooming redbud trees were sweet as puffs of cotton candy:

Finally, on our way out of the woodlands, Garden stopped to speak to the rabbit:

We enjoyed our walk. The air was refreshing and the sights were beautiful, except for the crime scene. It was a day too fine for murder, and I told Lou he shouldn't have cut down that tree. A tree that bleeds will probably come back to haunt you.

Happy Spring!