Entries in ferns (6)


Plant Evergreens for Winter Interest

We are in deep winter now. The zoysia grass has faded to tan; a sea of dead leaves covers the floor of the woodlands, while brown and gray trunks and branches create a tangled mosaic against gray skies. It would be altogether drab and somewhat depressing, except for the evergreens. 

My marvelous evergreens! Flowers draw admiration and attention to the garden through much of the year (and some evergreen shrubs are most noted for their flowers). Brightly colored leaves dominate fall. But as winter takes hold, the evergreens take center stage as they contribute structure and interest.

Imagine this scene in the woodland garden without the evergreens:

Or this view through the Jasmine arch looking across the front garden. The Confederate Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) has proved evergreen in my USDA hardiness zone 7b/8a, though it did get zapped the year we had temps in the single digits:

Here is a look at many of the evergreens in my garden. I have provided links when there are previous posts that provide more in-depth information. Most of these are in fact green, but notice the variety of leaf shapes, textures and shades of green. One can create a lot of interest by combining these.

Above, clockwise beginning top left: Gardenia - I have three different varieties. This one is Gardenia jasmoinedes; Dwarf Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica 'Tansu'), a delightful slow-growing dwarf in the woodland garden; Dystilium 'Vintage Jade'; Deodar Cedar - another plant of which I have several varieties. This one is Cedrus deodara 'Feelin' Blue.' Cold weather brings out its amazing blue color.

Below is another form of Cryptomeria japonica: Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis 'Radicans.' I get a lot of compliments on this tree. Wasn't it beautiful last month when it was frosted with snow?

Below, clockwise from top left, are Pittosporum tobira 'Variegata'; Florida Anise - I have two varieties. This one is Illicium parviflorum 'Florida Sunshine'; Loropetalum - I have three types of these. This one is the very dwarf Loropetalum chinensis 'Purple Pixie'; Camellia japonica 'Gunsmoke.' I have about a half dozen varieties of camellia. I wrote a post on 'Leslie Ann' that will also give you general information about all camellias.

Above is a shot of Variegated Japanese Pittosporum growing in front of Camellia 'Gunsmoke.'

Below is Burford Holly, Ilex cornuta 'Burfordii'. It produces abundant berries without a partner; it had lots more berries before I raided it for Christmas. This one is the dwarf and is about 15 feet tall!

Above, clockwise from top left: Yaupon holly, Ilex vomitoria - I have the tree form, the dwarf, which is a boxwood look-alike, and the weeping variety. They are all extremely durable and great for wildlife; Juniperus pfitzeriana 'Mon San'; Arizona cypress; Chamaecyparis obtusa 'Filicoides Aurea.'

Above, clockwise from top left: Rhododendron; Azalea - I have numerous evergreen azaleas (and quite a few native deciduous ones), and a few rhododendrons. The link will tell you the difference between Rhododendrons and azaleas and how to plant and care for them; Aucuba japonica 'Variagata'; Pieris japonica 'Cavatine'. Pieris also goes by the name Japanese andromeda and lily-of-the-valley shrub. I have two other types of Pieris in addition to 'Cavatine,' which is my favorite.

Above, clockwise from top left: Osmanthus heterophyllus 'Goshiki' (called Variegated False Holly); Tea Olive - also a type of osmanthus, but it looks completely different and, unlike the variegated one, it is fragrant. The link will tell you about both; Mahonia 'Soft caress'; Magnolia grandiflora, or Southern Magnolia, the great iconic tree of the South.

Above, clockwise from top left: Cast Iron Plant, Aspidistra elatior, lives up to its tough name; Canadian Hemlock will grow this far south but not much farther; Boxwood, Buxus sempervirens - it grows more slowly than it's unrelated look-alike Dwarf Yaupon Holly; Rosemary.

Above, clockwise from top left: Yew - I have both a spreading and an upright variety; Indian Holly Fern, Arachniodes simplicior 'Variegata'; Holly Fern, Cyrtomium falcatum. This perennial fern is evergreen in my area; Autumn fern, Dryopteris erythrosora, is another perennial fern that is evergreen here. For secrets to growing great ferns, see my post, Successfully Growing Ferns in My Garden.

Above, clockwise from top left: Blue Rug juniper, Juniperus horizontalis 'Wiltonii'; Moss - I can't imagine my woodland garden without my moss paths; Dwarf Mondo Grass - fantastic ground cover for slopes; Nandina Firepower, a sterile, non invasive form of Nandina domestica.

These are not all the evergreens in my garden (which I admit is larger than the average garden!), but I hope I have inspired you to look at these types of plants with greater appreciation. Do you grow evergreens? If not, perhaps you will find a place for some of them in your own space.

Happy gardening!  Deb




Successfully Growing Ferns in My Garden

There was a time I struggled to grow ferns, but no more!By adding lots of organic matter to the planting hole of each fern, by mulching, and by being diligent to keep the soil moist, I have boosted my success rate. Now I rarely lose a fern. I also fertilize in spring with fish emulsion, and in July I treat them to my "summer tonic," a mixture of 2 Tbs. of epsom salts and 2 Tbs. fish emulsion per gallon of water, used to soak the ground beneath each fern.

Fortunately we get plentiful rainfall in my area, but sometimes we have dry weather during summer or fall. I do have a homemade sprinkler system of sorts that I use in the woodland garden during excessively dry periods. The woodland garden is a large area, so hauling hoses or buckets of water around can be an enormous chore. I created this system by burying two long industrial hoses under mulch. The first hose begins directly across the drive from the house and runs through the woodland garden to a staked impulse sprinkler, which is connected in tandem via the second hose to another staked impulse sprinkler. The two sprinklers together can water a large portion of the woodland garden, including all my ferns and native azaleas. A third hose stays attached to the faucet on the side of the house. We use this hose for washing cars, etc, but when the woodland garden needs watering, I simply pull it across the drive, connect it to the woodland hose and turn on the water.I acquired my ferns from different sources. Some were gifts. Many I purchased, and others I transplanted from other parts of my property, including the wild valley behind our house, an area rich in native ferns, but an area that is difficult to access, so I doubt I will ever develop it. Many of the ferns down there are growing in thin, hard soil. Most of them look scraggly. When I transplant them and give them my usual care, they usually respond by becoming healthy and lush.

The following  is a sampling of the ferns in my garden. I have others, and there are more I would love to own! As you see, there are many types of ferns, which offer a variety of textures and colors:1. Bird's Nest Fern, Asplenium nidus. This fern is not hardy. It is in a pot and comes inside for the winter. 

2. Peacock Fern, Selaginella uncinata. Its foliage has a turquoise iridescent sheen.

3. Lady fern, Athyrium filix-femina. I love its feathery fronds.

4.Southern River Wood Fern, Thelypteris kunthii. Wood ferns can grow up to 3 feet high.

5. Arborvitae Fern, Selaginella braunii. This is one that likes plenty of water.

6. Japanese Painted Fern, Athyrium niponicum. It's silvery fronds brighten dark spots in the woodland garden.

7. Japanese Holly fern, Cyrtomium falcatum. Evergreen in frost free areas, it loses its fronds in colder climates.

8. Autumn fern, Dryopteris erythrosora. Emerging fronds are copper colored, then gradually turn rich green by mid-summer.

9. Resurrection Fern, Pleopeltis polypodioides. This native fern appears to die during dry weather but quickly revives when rain returns.

10. East Indian Holly Fern, Arachniodes s.'Variegata.' This evergreen fern has prominent yellow variegation and will grow in zones 7-10a.

11. Southern Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum capillus-veneris. A beautiful fern with many clustered fronds (large, divided leaves) on wiry black stems.

12. Virginia Blue Fern, also called Blue Rabbit's Foot Fern, Phlebodium pseudoaureum. My newest fern, I could not resist its chalky blue color or the oddly shaped fronds. It is hardy in zones 8-9. 

13. Lady in Red Fern, Athyrium angustum forma rubellum 'Lady in Red.' Lacy light green foliage radiates out from the red stems.

14. Christmas Fern, Polystichum acrostichoides. This evergreen native fern grows in abundance in the valley behind my house.

Finally, I can not leave out my Boston Fern, Nephrolepis exaltata. It is not hardy at all, but every year I put one in the large urn in the middle of my arbor garden.

You may also enjoy reading  Summer Proof the Garden, as well as Planting a Fern Glade.

Have a great week!   Deb