Almost a Miracle

A White Christmas? Here in Helena, Alabama? It hasn't happened in my lifetime, and I always said it would take a miracle. This year the miracle didn't officially happen, but it came close enough to be exciting. On Christmas Day we had snow flurries most of the morning. Nothing to stick, but wondrous, nevertheless. I went to bed, contented that I had seen at least a glimpse of the wintery stuff. Then, when I woke up yeasterday morning, I looked out the window and the woods were white!
I think we had about an inch. Nothing mind boggling, but still rare for us. Most of the snow was gone by the afternoon, though a few flurries continued through the day. I was out early, a coat over my pajamas and robe, taking the following photos as the snow swirled around me.
Here's a view through the rose arch. One can see the outdoor Christmas tree, its white lights visible in the gray winter light:
There was just enough snow to frost leaves, branches, and garden ornaments:
Here's another look at the outdoor Christmas tree, from the front lawn:
The woodland rabbit watches the snow come down:
This weeping blue cedar is beautiful year round, but I especially like how it looks with a dusting of snow:
Here's a view of the light snow in the upper woodland garden:
Now, those of you who live in northern regions, please don't snicker at my little snowfall. It is for us, after all, almost a miracle!
Blessings to you. Stay safe and warm! Deborah