Sweet Rain!

The storms arrived with thunder and wind and brief power outages, but I was not complaining. This past week we had over 2.5 inches of rain, and more is predicted. The drought is not officially over, and we have a lot of making-up to do; but our weather is moving toward its normal wet winter pattern. After a couple of days of soaking rain, I ventured outside.
The weather was still very breezy, and Lou was standing with his rake as leaves swirled around him. He had been clearing paths and was attempting to rake the lawn. I laughed.
"Isn't that like trying to hold back the ocean waves?"
"No, it's easy. See, all I have to do is put out the sack, and the leaves fall into it!"
I left Lou raking, and I wandered through the gardens with my camera.These are views of the woods next to the lower front lawn, near the entry to our property.The vibrant colors of the foliage remaining on the trees stunned me.
I thought the drought would rob autumn of its glory this year, but the arrival of rain and cooler air intensified the red and golden hues.
Looking into arbor garden through the iron arch
Looking toward the woods from inside the arbor garden
'Feelin' Blue' Deodar Cedar grows at the edge of the woodland garden. Its gorgeous blue foliage complements the fall colors of deciduous plants.
This Japanese maple in the woodland garden is 'Orangeola.'
I will bring the folding iron chairs in the woodland sitting area inside for the winter. I used the matching magazine holder for potted plants. It is coming inside, too.
Since I shot these images, the colors have faded and multitudes of leaves have come to earth. More work for Lou! Freezing temperatures are on the way, and I am listening to rain as I write this. (It would be hilarious if our drought officially ended with snow!) Yesterday I was outside putting up Christmas lights. I am content.
Reader Comments (16)
I live a state over from you. We have had 2 1/4" this past week and more is in the rain gauge. I haven't been out to check it yet. We were almost totally state wide under a burn ban but most counties (not mine) were lifted yesterday. We could really do with at the very least 3 more inches. As for raking your leaves, I wish I lived closer because I would love to have those leaves. We have pines around here and don't ever be fooled that pine needles add nutrients to the soil. I have nothing but red clay. Oh, well. All is beautiful at your place.
We've gotten some rain up here in TN too. Not quite as much as you've had, but it was still very welcome.
And it's lightly raining out there right now after more showers last night, with more significant rain predicted for late tomorrow :D
I went out and scattered wildflower seeds yesterday hoping to take advantage of all this precipitation. Hoping to have lots of flowers next year.
Like you, I was very pleasantly surprised by bright autumn colors this year despite the drought...
Here's hoping for a nicely wet and not-too-cold winter to set the stage for a beautiful gardening year in 2017!
Dear Deb, wow, the colors of the leaves are totally amazing! So vibrant, glowing, radiant, what a gorgeous autumn you are having.
I am so happy for you that it started to rain. Since we are constantly dealing with drought here in Southern California, I know how great and reliefing that must feel.
Wonderful that you ended your post by saying that you are content. That is so rare that people honestly feel that way these days!
Warm regards,
Lovely Deb....but please don't say the word "snow". That is not allowed!!!
Your Autumn garden colors are most beautiful! I am happy for you getting some rain, I have to haul the garden hose around this time of year :-/
those colours are so vibrant and electric, almost too good to be true
I'm so happy to hear you got rain, Deb! Two and a half inches is more than we've received thus far for the season to date so I'm envious. While the northern portion of California is considered no longer in drought, the same sadly can't be said for the central and southern areas. Your fall color may be late but it's spectacular.
Beautiful, just beautiful! I think your color is brighter than ours was this year! We had such a mild autumn in the Upper Midwest. I'm so glad you got some much-needed rain. :)
That's a lot of rain in a very short time; I hope the ground was able to absorb it rather than it all running off. The colours in the woodland are every bit as fantastic as in other years Deb; when you hadn't shown many images this year I thought you really didn't have much colour but it is wonderful.
Such wonderful colours - & fab photos capturing them. I'm pleased that you have had some rain. Tell Lou to keep up the good work - raking leaves will be marvellous for his abs!
Hurrah for rain! Lovely photos. I may have to give Lou's leaf raking approach a try.
We got our first serious rain last night. I was so grateful and sending up my praises. I thought about you, too, when I looked on the National Weather Service map and saw that your state got some, too. Now I read in your post that you got several DAYS of rain. I'm so happy for you!
The colors are glorious, Deb. I laughed at putting a bag out for the leaves to fill up. Yes, an ocean of them.
Hallelujah for the rain! I was beginning to worry about your gardens in Alabama. The color is stunning!
Yay! Rain at last! The color of your garden are amazingly beautiful Deb.
What a delight that you had rain Deb and seeing your stunning landscape....snow covered here with almost 5 ft of it so far. I have been away for far too long as I heal. Stopping in to wish you a Merry Christmas!