Beautiful Fall, Despite It All

There is moisture out there. This morning the sky was filled with low clouds and the air hung damp over the earth. But as the day progressed, the clouds lifted and blue sky appeared. We had about ten minutes of rain one day last week, but the drought continues. 46 out of 67 counties in Alabama are suffering emergency level drought conditions, including where I live. We have a chance of rain several days next week, with 80% chance on Wednesday. I am hopeful!
Despite the drought, fall colors this week have been beautiful, and one day I took a walk to see the foliage in neighboring yards. This gorgeous tree is located on a neighbor's property.I am surprised that not all leaves have simply shriveled and turned brown before falling. Plenty of them have, and autumn colors are more antique than vibrant. But Japanese maples and other acers, dogwoods, hickory trees, and crape myrtles (Lagerstroemias), as well as various shrubs are putting on a show.
Molten leaves fall to the ground next to the road leading to my house.
In my own garden, colors have peaked. Here are images taken this week:
The first good rain will surely strip the trees and leave a deep sea of leaves covering the ground. When that happens, I will be outside rejoicing.

Reader Comments (13)
We, of course, are experiencing the same drought conditions here in Georgia. The last week the colors have been at their best, and I believe this has been the best year yet for my Japanese maples!
We have 90% chance of rain forecasted for Tuesday and Wednesday. We will be outside dancing in the rain!
The fall color is beautiful, Deb. I loved the vignette composed of the multi-colored leaves. We've had near zero fall color this year but the nighttime temperatures have dropped dramatically in the last week so maybe the ornamental pear will at least gain some color. I can appreciate the the combination of excitement and anxiety associated with monitoring the forecasts. It's always frustrating to see forecasts of rain just disappear. Rain is in the forecast for the weekend here but I've watched the numbers go up and down during the course of the week - the current forecast is 100% chance this afternoon but you can't tell it by looking at the sky this morning. I hope your rain comes through too!
I agree, Beth, it's been a surprisingly beautiful autumn here in Nashville too that hides the extent of our drought. (Although I think the drought is a bit more severe where you are.)
I've been trying to enjoy the lovely weather - warm, dry, often sunny - even while I worry a lot over the lack of rain and unseasonable temperatures. The crape myrtles and maples in particular have been spectacular! (And even a Hibiscus moscheutos in full sun had beautiful orange and yellow foliage for weeks.)
As you say, hopefully we'll finally get some much needed rain in the coming days and weeks ahead.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving and are enjoying a pleasant weekend!
Your autumn images are so beautiful Deb and made me smile. The colors at this time of year are nature's artwork and you have captured them so well. I especially enjoyed the last oval picture and the collage of colored leaves. On another note, thank you for leaving a comment on my post. I am glad my images brought back such fond memories for you. Have a great week!
Praying you get rain. We aren't getting enough, either. About 16 drops one a month.
I've just come from Philip's blog Dirt Therapy, and he was talking about the drought in Alabama. Are you familiar with him? He blogged from Alabama before, but now lives in the Pacific NW. I hope you guys get the rain you need! Your autumn photos of lovely in spite of it.
It is very beautiful, considering you've had a drought -- actually stunningly beautiful. Wow! I will do a rain dance for you and send some of our excess rain your way. ;-)
Hello everyone! Thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. I appreciate all your comments. Robin, you asked if am familiar with Philip's blog Dirt Therapy. Yes, I had the pleasure of visiting his garden and meeting him. I am sure his new garden will soon be just as lovely as the one he had in Alabama.
You have such beautiful colours in your leaves, this makes this time of year very special. Hope you get some serious rain soon!
Wonderful color despite the drought. I also like your colorful birdhouses, and the little wooden bridge.
Singing and dancing in the rain - I do hope so!
The changing leaves are a delight.
I hope your rain arrives, as promised. The beautiful foliage colours refute the drought they have suffered; your garden and especially the woodland always looks wonderful to my eyes.
It is almost wednesday! I wish you a happy rainy day tomorrow.