Rewilding and an Early September Walk

I have been thoroughly entertained by a flock of hummingbirds as they zoom with intricate combat maneuvers, fighting for supremacy over the the hummingbird feeder.One particular hummer, a young male, has been a steadfast defender of the feeder for several days, staying at his post with unwavering determination.
I wonder if I will have to take down the feeder to encourage him on his way, though I have read that hummingbirds will respond to an internal call for migration once the weather turns cooler and the days shorten.
I enjoy watching and listening to wildlife in my garden as much as I enjoy growing beautiful plants. I am very fortunate, and I am reminded of a TED video a friend recently shared with me. It takes about eight minutes to watch, but I think you will be glad you took the time. It is about fascinating experiments in rewilding and reminds us of the remarkable interconnections of the earth's ecosystems:
Meanwhile, leaving the hummers whizzing about the feeder, I walked around the early September garden. Some of these images are similar to ones I posted in August, but the garden has a softer quality. Late afternoon light transforms the garden into a glitter fest, as if fairies have come through, spreading magic with their sparkling wands. The temperature is mellowing, and the humidity is supposed to break this week, which will make me VERY happy. A few leaves are already beginning to turn.
I will start with the woodland garden, where molten light flows through the trees and over the moss paths:
Pots on the stone steps leading to the woodland garden.
Clockwise from top left: Variegated hosta, impatiens and variegated ivy make a common but effective combination in an urn near the patio; A wood fern in the woodland garden; Sedum in an old concrete planter on the patio; Hardy begonia growing by a woodland path.
Deodar cedar 'Feelin'Blue' grows on the sunny edge of the woodland garden. It is one of my favorites.
Finally, here are a few images taken around the front garden:
Colocasia escolenta 'Blue Hawaii'
Have a wonderful week! Deb
Reader Comments (22)
I always enjoy virtual visits to your garden. It has that "secret garden" type of ambiance. Your little hummingbird friend is cute! We have several hanging around here, too, fighting over the feeders. I'll miss them when they move on for the season. :(
I always enjoy a trip through your beautiful garden. I alos appreciated the link on rewilding. There's a move afoot here to build a "wildlife bridge" to allow wildlife, and more specifically mountain lions, to pass safely over the boundary created by one of our major freeways. Most of the cougars are currently stuck on one side, creating some of the sorry issues you'd expect with over-crowding and putting the species' future at risk. One locally famous cougar, known for his successful crossing of the freeway, was recently killed, sparking new interest in the bridge. Let the fundraising begin...
Oh Deb! These photos are just gorgeous! I feel as if I am walking in a lovely secret woodland garden....which I am virtually! The light through all the trees is is beautiful and is becoming just slightly autumnal. Loved the mossy paths, the fabulous deodar cedar and those adorable hummers. It's like taking a little vacation! Thank you so much for sharing. I am in England at the moment so I am enjoying some much cooler temperatures here and hoping that my garden won't shrivel up before I get back to it next week!
Kate R
Dear Deb, you captured the light so beautifully in the woodland garden, the photos are truly fascinating! It must be a real treat for you to walk around there and enjoy the green peacefulness of that part of your garden. My favorite plant in this post is the hardy begonia with the muted lavender blooms. Usually begonias come in very bold colors, which I don't like, but this one is wonderfully understated.
Wishing you enjoyable last days of summer!
Warm regards,
Love starting my morning with a walk through your gardens! I am enjoying now how the light and the air are changing. It's still hot, but there's no denying Fall is on the way!
How fun to watch all those hummers! I have just one (that I know of) hanging around the garden, and it has been so much fun just keeping an eye out for him. I love how all the light filters through the trees and plants in your garden. So tranquil looking!
What a wonderful walk through your September garden, your photos are always such a pleasure. I just got out our feeder for the hummingbirds and they have started to make regular visits; hummingbirds are such a treat to watch.
Humming birds are fascinating especially to a European who never sees them! You're right your woodland has taken on a different quality; always beautiful, always changing - perfect.
Fairies, hummingbirds and little houses everywhere... you have a magical garden Deb!
Your garden is a wonderland, Deb! Wildlife thinks so too!
The other day I was down low weeding when a hummingbird flew into the area. He hovered and looked at me with frank curiosity. Then a day later one flew in as I was watering. Again he hovered and we looked frankly at one another. It is wonderful that a garden can provide such moments of connection with our fellow creatures.
We have had it hot and humid here too. Our temperatures have been 30-34 degrees each day, but with the humidity, it feels hotter. I am a wimp in the heat. I melt over 28 degrees. I too am looking forward to cooler days.
Most envious of your deodar cedar. I like anything in the garden that suggests the color blue. Still admiring your moss pathways, too.
Really nice photos of the hummingbirds and your beautiful garden. Like you, I have seen quite a few hummers in the garden this year, some feeding right outside my kitchen window on the container plants. I don't have the feeders up because I have so many of their favorite blooms right now. Never before have I seen so many hummingbirds in my garden. It must have been a good breeding year last year.
It's a mellower gentler light now isn't it? I certainly hope that your humidity levels out and that you get some perfect temperature days! Everyone needs those after the hot summer.
All that soft light and lush foliage makes this look so cool and inviting. I hope your humidity has broken. Labor Day ushered in the hottest and most humid weather of the summer here, and we are still waiting for it to break. One local community had to close schools and send kids home in the middle of the day today when temperatures in the classrooms (which are not air-conditioned; it's not supposed to be this hot here in September!) got up to 100F.
magical photos of a magical garden.I listened to the TED talk. George Monbiot is a hero of mine. I've read his stuff but never heard him speak. Thanks for giving the link, Deb, it was fascinating and also inspiring.
How do you make everything look so green and lush in early September?!
It was so hot and dry the past few weeks in Tennessee that even established trees are turning brown and dropping their leaves. (Well, I don't have many established trees on my property, but I've seen some around town going deciduous way early.)
Do you water a lot or did you just pick the right plants, have the right soil or get lucky with the right amount of rain at the right time? :)
Hello, everyone! Thank you all for your comments. Aaron, I have been fortunate this year. We have had plentiful rain throughout the summer, but I well remember years when September arrived with shriveled leaves and hard, dusty earth. I hope autumn will treat your garden more kindly. Deb
How lovely to see your garden in the sunshine, and as I live in Britain I have serious hummingbird envy! Thanks for the link about the re-wilding talk, I enjoyed that, there is talk about re-introducing the wolf here in Britain too because of overpopulation of deer, not sure if they will get past the pros/con discussions.
Absolutely beautiful! I love how soft everything looks. :o)
Deb, I share in your pleasure of the birds etc which visit our gardens. I would especially like to see Humming birds. Your garden photos are a treat.
The hummers have gone with the cold that came last weekend....I know they are in good hands with you! Beautiful garden views!