
The definition of "spring" is "to leap forward," and while this is not the definition of the season, it could be! In the past two weeks, my garden has vaulted firmly out of the slipping clutches of winter and firmly into the lively, new season. Almost all trees and shrubs are awakening, and colors are becoming vibrant.
Redbuds, dogwoods and Japanese maples create a tapestry of pink, red, white and purple.
The white flowering shrub on the lower right above is Pieris japonica 'Cavatine.' Below is a close-up of its blooms:
I have about twenty Japanese maples in my garden, and I love them all! Here is emerging foliage of four of them:Clockwise from top left: Butterfly; Vitifolium; Orangeola; Sango-Kaku
Hellebores are wonderful late-winter bloomers, but their blooms persist for months, gradually fading to shades of green. That double one on the left, by the way, is a chance seedling!
Looking toward summer, this scabiosa, or pincushion, bud will soon be ready to open:
The color of Deodar cedar 'Feelin' Blue' is especially vibrant this time of year:
A scene inside the woodland garden:
I am grateful for these flowers that grow wild in the woodland garden:
Cultivated flowers in the woodland garden include these sweet pinks:Top: Korean spice viburnum, in bud and bloom. 2nd row: Magnolia 'Jane.' 3rd row: Camellia 'Taylor's Perfection.'
Most of my daffodils finished blooming weeks ago; these in the woodland garden are among the last to flower:
Finally, I am newly smitten each year when I see the emerging fronds of autumn fern, Dryopteris erythrosora:
Happy spring!
Reader Comments (24)
Beautiful images especially the fern fronds. Exciting time isn't it? With all that fresh growth and colour to them :)
Wow, it is full blown spring for you! Ours is just beginning. Some of the daffodils are blooming, but some have yet to send their buds up. We had a little rain over the last couple of days, and things are really taking off.
Very nice, Deb!
So many lovely photos here, I don't know which are my favorites. But the photos of the Pieris, the Feelin' Blue cedar and the fern fronds are some of the best, I think.
Do you ever have problems with your camellias? I know you're just a bit South of me, but I wonder if it is enough that you can grow camellias worry-free? I have two here in very protected spots (right next to the front porch -- planted way too close by a previous owner/landscaper, IMHO) that do OK, but still get some winter burn. Others that I've tried have failed to make it due to the cold and harsh winter winds on our exposed hilltop.
Also, did your Jane magnolia get zapped by the cold weather last weekend? My neighbor has a Jane (or one of the similar saucer magnolia hybrids) and it was looking simply marvelous until temperatures nosedived into the 20s last weekend. I understand that Jane magnolias and their ilk have their flowers killed by freezes and frosts most years here in Middle TN, but again I was wondering whether you're far enough South to escape such indignities?
It is great to hear from my followers! I appreciate each one of you.
Aaron, To answer your questions: Most of my older camellias come through with no trouble at all. Some of my younger ones have been hit a little bit with black spot, or some similar fungus. I pick the leaves and treat with organic fungicide. I am hoping this will clear the problem. The earlier blooming ones, the sasanquas, seem to bloom just in time for frosts to get their blooms. The japonicas have done much better. It is important that all camellias be planted high, in good organic soil, similar to hydrangeas and azaleas.
I was afraid for my Jane magnolia, but fortunately our temps stopped just above the freezing mark, so this year she escaped. Not so lucky many other years, but she always seems to have enough buds in reserve to still put on a good show.
I am leaving today to visit the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. My next post should be a good one! Have a great week, everyone!
Your spring garden is glorious, Deb! The idea of watching 20 Japanese maples leaf out fills me with awe (and envy). Even your wildflowers are gorgeous!
Tapestry is a great choice of words for those beautiful trees! Isn't Spring glorious!
What beautiful spring photos !!
Happy Easter !!
I always love your woodland garden in spring Deb, its spectacular, all those layers of colour and texture. I really like that pieris, which is unusual for me, and ironic as I now have slightly alkaline soil!
Deb, your garden always delights my heart...it makes it beat quicker, and with a yearning. It's lovely, lush, and so colorful.
There are so many familiar plants, it brings back fond memories of spring in White Rock. Our daffs have yet to bloom, but they will be equally sweet when they do.
Thanks for the respite from my spring wait, I needed the moment of reflection, and joy.
Jen @ The Light Laughed
Gorgeous, looks like you have sprung ahead of us.
Beautiful photos and equally gorgeous garden Deb. I love the Pieris but they do not do well in our area. Wish they did though, great shrub.
Lovely images, feeling blue is so beautiful. I would love to wander around your garden, but I will just have to be satisfied with these images. Hope you had a great Easter.
every image is magical. Just the kind of garden I adore - dreamy.
So many blooms already!
Pieris blooms remind me of lily of the valley flowers!
Japanese maples are amazing. What gorgeous trees!
Oh what a glorious garden you have!
You motivate me to add focal points of topiary - how that makes the whole tapestry sing into life.
What a great interview! I so enjoyed the podcast, although I don't imagine you strolling with a parasol at all (as the interviewer suggests). You did so well to answer his questions.
It is so nice to see Spring, even if it is in someone else's garden! It is still quite cold here, but hopefully Spring will rediscover us here in Canada soon.
Very colourful collection of photos you have there! I must feel great to take care of such magnificent garden, I presume. I am sure there are things we can learn from you! Keep posting, please!
Debbie I love your woodland! My heart misses a beat with every new image in spring and autumn. You have created a truly special place. Enjoy every moment of this spring. Christina
It's thrilling to see all that growth and color in your garden. I can't wait until it gets to me!
Happy spring Deb....my garden is about a month behind you and a couple of weeks behind where we should be....I love seeing your trees leafing, flowering and all those wildflowers.
Aw I just love all the little green leaves coming out and the fern fronds unfurling! And what beautiful blooms! Spring is so lovely in a woodland garden.
Just found your blog while searching for images of dwarf Alberta spruce. I clicked on one of the images and I saw the words 'Joe Tucker Park' and I thought there'a another park somewhere in the world named after Joe Tucker. Continued reading and found out you are from Helena also. I, too, garden in Helena but on a much smaller scale. I am glad I found your blog and plan to spend much time With it. Thanks, TED
Spring really did live up to its name this year. It seemed to go from 0 to 50 in less than 2 weeks.
The Korean spice viburnum looks good enough to eat! The new fronds of the autumn fern are a really unique and beautiful color.