Eye Candy From Atlanta

The tulips were blooming, there was an orchid show, and the weather was perfect during my recent visit to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. My eyes were popping from all the eye candy! Here is a brief overview. Enjoy!
This adorable oversized mosaiculture doggie was a popular feature from Atlanta's Imaginary Worlds show in 2013, and now he has become a permanent fixture. Created from living plants, he is dressed for the season:
For information about mosaiculture and to see examples from the 2013 Imaginary Worlds exhibit see my post Imaginary Worlds in Atlanta.
The tulips were wonderful during my visit, but I also enjoyed the colorful orchids:
Need a container for your elegant orchids? Consider a trash can!
Finally, here are some lush tropical plants:
I got happy all over again just looking at these photos. I wish you could have been there!
Reader Comments (19)
What a wonderful feast of colour, the tulips are so brightly coloured, they are amazing!
The orchids are beautiful, I usually have one in flowers at home, but to see so many all together is mind blowing, thanks for taking us along!
That garden is on my "must visit" list if/when I get to the southeast. I love the mosaiculture dog! Do the tulips return year-after-year or are bulbs planted anew each year? Tulips are very difficult to grow here (even if treated as an annual with the bulbs chilled prior to planting) - our Santa Ana winds inevitably kick up at the wrong time, withering the buds.
Hi Kris, those tulips have to be planted every year, and each year the Atlanta Botanical Gardens' tulip displays are different. Always something new to see! Deb
A trash can immediately becomes a treasure with orchids in it :) beautiful tulip display too!
Ha, i really thought the dog was real. What a great job they do. Those tulips are amazing, I love the massing, it says spring so well. Beautiful images, Deb. I wish I was visiting!
Oh I love the dog, that's beyond adorable, and so very creative. And your colorful photos are indeed eye candy, and very welcome. There is a definite lack of colors up here right now...sure it will come,but to see it on a blog post is the next best thing to being there.
I enjoyed the spring beauty at the Atlanta Botanical Garden last year. After Mom passed, Poppie and I would share the drive to Atlanta to see my sister and she'd always take us to the ABG regardless of the time of year because there is always something to see.
Eye candy, indeed! The tulips and orchids--wow. And I recognize some of those tropical plants as ones I've seen in Hawaii and Florida. Very nice.
Wow it really looks like an amazing place. I was reminded of the time I visited Butchart Gardens in Canada. It's great to have such beautiful gardens you can visit.
Mosaiculture dog with flower garland?
That's an adorable-overload moment.
Did you stop by the edible garden... I thought that was such a cool idea when I visited the Atlanta Botanical Garden.
What a feast for the eyes! Even the trash cans are beautiful.
Hello, everyone! Thank your all for your comments! Aaron, I did see the edible garden, which is an amazing space. However, you may be referring to the large mosaiculture sculptures in that area that were part of the 2013 Imaginary Worlds display. That show is gone, and I saw only the doggie and the giant garden goddess remaining from those incredible displays. Perhaps there are others I missed? The garden goddess was waiting the last frost date to have all the myriads of plants installed over her form. I hope to go back next month to see that as well as the new woodland walk, which should be open by then. Deb
Oh so gorgeous! I just love all those tulips. Mine are just starting to come up, which means the deer are just starting to nibble on them :) The orchids are so lovely too. I don't often see orchids planted in a trash can!
I wish I could have been with you too Debbie; the exotics are wonderful but it is the tulips that I really love. Thank you for sharing these.
I went back for a second look. I love that pink tulips with the edge of yellow, sounds horrible but looks fabulous!.
All those tulips about made me drool! Luckily, I'm going to the tulip festival in Holland Michigan next month. So I plan to see all the lovely tulips that I can!
The tulips and the orchids are beautiful! I went to the sisters' garden in Chapel Hill last weekend and saw all of their tulips in full bloom. I was so envious! They must use permatill.
The dog is adorable. The nose reminds me of my family's Cairn Terrier. She had this black putty nose that wasn't that good for smelling (unlike our Jack Russell terrier's Beagle nose) that she used to push things with. lol The hair on the dog looks just like the wiry coat on some breeds.
Eye candy indeed! I would have loved to be there. Is there anything prettier than a mass of spring flowers?
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