Magic Light in the Garden

I must be kin to a lizard. I suffer terribly on gray, cold days, coiled under cover and biding my time with a sluggish spirit. But let the warm sun shine, and I am out! Basking in the regenerative rays, all energy renewed, taking it in, joy, joy!This Talavera lizard doesn't like freezing weather, either, but he enjoys warmer months outside on the patio.
Winter, mild though it is compared to most of the country, has persisted far too long for my comfort. So when temperatures recently climbed into the 70s and the gentle light of spring washed over the earth, I was ready to officially declare winter gone for the year. Out came the cushions for the patio furniture. Into the garden went the tropical plants that had spent the last few months in Lou's office. ( And Lou was happy that his work space no longer smelled or looked like a greenhouse.)
Cruel joke! The last two days have been cold again with rain, and more predicted today. But I'm OK. I know it is only winter dragging its last nasty tentacles behind. On the good days I was able to get out to take photos, and I have enjoyed reviewing them as I prepared this post.
The garden is pretty enough, but there are moments when light transforms it into something magical, and those moments are maybe what I do all the work for.
Here are a few shots of the magic light in the garden. Enjoy!
In the woodland garden:
The new birdhouse at the entrance to the woodland garden will soon get a flowering vine, probably a clematis. Meanwhile, plants around its base are beginning to grow:
Here's another birdhouse in the woodland garden. It's an old birdhouse in a new location and an equally old, rusty bird has laid claim to it:
The columbine I planted earlier this year continues to bloom well:
A few more shots inside the woodland garden:Clockwise from upper left: This Pieris japonica (Japanese Andromeda) was a rescue plant. I think it has finally made the turn toward health. Acer japonica 'Vitifolium' has put out its first leaves. I planted this little tree last September. A recent late freeze frosted a Saucer magnolia, but I am happy that some undamaged flowers are now opening. Fern fronds are coming up all over the woodland garden. Surely a sign that winter is past!
I love the woodlands this time of year, but other parts of the garden will not be overlooked.
Dogwoods and azaleas are just beginning to bloom, and soon they will be putting on a show!

Reader Comments (24)
Moments, those magic moments when the lighting is just right and its cast a beautiful glow over everything and the garden looks extra wonderful...
So glad you had your camera at hand to be able to capture these moments as they can be fleeting. Gorgeous images as always!
Spring is still evading us, still cold here but there are signs of hope for next week. Looking forward to sultry and bright days :)
So much going on in your garden. These shots show a real sense of waking up. Everything looks expectant and ready, and those paths lure you in. The light is beautiful.
Yes, these are truely magical images; your woodland takes my breath away - it always does! I can't quite believe the sun umbrella, here it would have been blown into the woodland! Enjoy your spring, here it hasn't quite arrived, it is trying but the cold wind from Siberia is making it feel like winter most days. Christina
Very lovely photographs! There is something about that fresh, vibrant green of early spring!
Judging from the way those azaleas and dogwoods are preparing, they promise to put on a terrific show. Enjoy!
I just love your gardens....I'm like you, I don't like the gloom and cold. Give me a bright sunny day and I'm happy. I almost put out my decorations and cushions, but decided to wait until this weekend when we'll have 70 degree weather! Those columbines are beautiful!!
Your garden is magical. And those columbines are so beautiful! I'm hoping winter has made its last appearance, too. But, the cold weather makes me feel not as far behind as I usually do in spring!
Hi Deb
April can be a real mix - cold, cool, warm, hot - as long as it doesn't hit freezing again! Your woodland garden is as lovely as ever. Don't you love the shape of ferns as they emerge? So pretty.
Fingers crossed that the warm weather is here to stay.
Just beautiful! I can't wait to see everything bursting into bloom. I have some hosta that is already up to about four inches. That's a start. My poor little Pieris has not grown in size but is blooming just now and still looks healthy.
Spring looks lovely there!!
Oh the weather was not nice here yesterday -- a hard chilly rain, not fun for taking care of the horses. It's supposed to be wam and sunny for the next several days, looking forward to it!
It looks like your garden is the perfect place to be right now! It's all very beautiful. And you're right--the spring light shows it all in a magical glow.
Your winter may be dragging it's heels...but you are still further along then us. What a gorgeous garden.
I do so love walking through your garden, I love seeing the progress as it starts to spring to life. Thank you for sharing.
I am in love with your garden...the weather has not been helpful for my allowing me to get into my garden yet....
What a difference a bit of spring sunshine makes, your woodland looks so inviting, I would love to have a wander through! Our temperatures are rising at last but very, very slowly, hopefully we will soon be able to say goodbye to winter too.
I am jealous, wondering if we are ever going to get there. I would give a pinky toe for back to back 60 degree days.
I can certainly feel your pain. I woke up this morning to do some outside work and there was a wind chill! I had to work inside until the sun warmed things up a bit. Yes, I am ready for spring. Your spring seems further along -- love the photos and colors.
It’s the same here Deb. Winter seems to go on and on. Today was our first spring-like day in a long time. I love your garden, I am sure the birds will be fighting to be able to get a little house in your magical woodland.
Deb - Your love of columbines is infectious.
Many of us have been feeling winter's reluctance to leave this year. One morning earlier this week, I looked at my thermometer, discovered it was 19 degrees F (in April?!?), and had to dig out my winter coat, hat and mittens for my walk to work. Today, though, that warm southern air mass made it up to the Mason-Dixon line, and we're supposed to have temperatures in the 70s for the next 3-4 days. I'm looking forward to seeing things happen in the garden and to opening the windows in the house to let some fresh air in. :-)
I find the sunset light in my garden to be so golden and pleasing. I'm often out there at sunset, snapping photos of everything in sight!
Oh, I hate it when warm weather tricks us into believing it's here for a while, and then rains all over your chair cushions! I just had to run mine through the washer, and dryer, after getting caught out in an unexpected storm. I shouldn't really complain though, we really needed the rain.
I love the idea of Clematis twirling around the post of your birdhouse. It would would look so pretty, and when in bloom I bet the birdhouse would like it's floating on a column of blossoms. Sadly though, I've given up on Columbine, even our native species. We seem to have too many critters that find it to be entirely too scrumptious to allow it to bloom :( Such critics!
"I love the idea of Clematis twirling around the post of your birdhouse. It would would look so pretty, and when in bloom I bet the birdhouse would like it's floating on a column of blossoms. "
So do I, I really think it would be great and lovely to see it in full bloom.
it is magical, it's the kind of gardening i love and aspire to too, that's a form of art. Love the Rustybird, it's a new species for me.