March Woodlands

We gardeners are inordinately tuned to the weather. At night we think, Will it rain tomorrow? Will it freeze tonight? In the morning we poke our heads out the door first thing. Wonder if those clouds will last? What's the temperture now? Will it warm up this afternoon? Will it storm? We consider all those things, then hurry back inside to turn on the weather channel for an official forecast. Not trusting that, we look it up on the internet, then ask our family members and friends for their own weather predictions.
This March has teased us with just about anything we could anticipate: thunderstorms and frosty nights and cool days and gray days and blue skies and warm days, staggering back and forth like a drunk, headed toward April, where finally there is no going back but only forward into the glory days of spring.
Every chance I get, I search the woodlands for new growth, and I am not disappointed:
A fern frond unfurls:
Tree buds are opening, and this is the most conclusive evidence of springs' entrenchment. Below is Japanese maple 'Orido Nishiki':
This Orido Nishiki is one of my favorite woodland garden trees. I not only love its foliage; I also love the color of its bark:
Trilliums are popping up in the woodlands. These natives inspired me to add a secondary path in the woodlands, just so I could more easily enjoy them:
Here are some larger views of the March woodland garden. Recent rains have made the moss path lush and velvety:
And how about this for evidence of spring: The Easter bunny! Those pretty little yellow flowers are Nacissus bulbocodium (Hoop Petticoat Daffodil - a perfect name!)
May you have the hope of rebirth and restoration, even as spring comes surely after the winter. Happy Easter! Deborah

Reader Comments (22)
Happy Easter Deb! We're still a little behind you up here in the cold tundra!!! Hahaha! Today might be the turning point! Rachel has been visiting but goes home today.
The garden is looking lovely as always Debs! And so envious of all the spring growth you have in your garden, we're still patiently awaiting for them here as we are still under a cold spell. I think gardening and keeping an eye in the weather goes hand in hand and is a natural complement :)
Deb, you have a right not to be disappointed; spring is springing along beautifully in your woodland garden, inspiring hope for those us still looking at frozen landscapes. Enjoy.
So glad Spring has arrived for you, your woodland is looking lovely, so nice to see all your new leaves and dainty daffodils, they must lift your spirits. We are still getting our weather from Russia, most of the country is under very deep snow, we are fortunate, no snow, just freezing still, the garden looks very cold and unhappy!!
Be still my heart... Spring is in your gardens! So tender and beautiful are those new leaves. We are so far behind you. Sunshine in our forecast... dreaming the buds will begin to swell.
So true!!! We check the local news for the weather, then the national news, then more than one weather website, then... well, you know. What's frustrating is they all have a different forecast! Love the bunny! I'm hoping with Easter's arrival, winter will finally depart.
Beautiful woodland scenes! You are ahead of us, but I do see some signs of spring - buds are swelling, the first leaves of Virginia Bluebell are poking through. tulip and narcissus leaves as well ... it definitely refreshes the soul.
I love your woodland garden. We have been working to landscape our woodland/creekside gardena dn koi pond for three years now. Your closeup photos of spring plants are wonderful! Thank you for the inspiration.
A beautiful posting - thankyou... absolutely love your Hoop Petticoat Daffodils - I must admit I've never seen these - they're fantastic! Lovely Trilliums too... some food for thought for our own woodland! Happy Easter - Miranda
Hi Deb...I just love your woodland garden. How wonderful it must be to walk through it and see all the new arrivals. I bet you were excited to see the Easter Bunny!! You should look close, he may have hidden some Easter eggs in the garden. I also love those Daffys. I've never seen any like that!
Happy Easter, Deb! So many hopeful, beautiful signs of spring! Thanks for sharing!
Happy Easter to you too Deb! Lovely to see your photos - at least somebody's garden is blooming. And you are right about the weather - gardeners are obsessed by it. We worry way too much about it but it does affect our favourite hobby, doesn't it? Speaking of weather, here in Ontario we are supposed to get a high of 10C (50F) on Saturday. I'm already sharpening my pruners - look out shrubs - here I come!
Spring is finally coming and I think it may actually stay. The pictures of your woodland are amazing...they beckon me to explore. I have become a weather person as I garden more. My husband will ask me now when i think those storm cloud s will be here...I am pretty accurate too.
I love the photos of your Trilliums. I look forward to their bloom and I am always saddened as they fade all too soon.
Wow, your woodland garden looks so beautiful. I am really thrilled about your Trilliums. I have tried them in my garden twice but they won't grow.
Happy Easter!
Beautiful garden as always....happy spring! Jeannine
I am glad I ran across your post. I have some trillium in my yard, but did not know what they were until I saw your photo. :)
The rain is a beautiful treat that we get so little of your Trilliums.
Happy Easter.
You echo my gardening life perfectly as it relates to weather. I am always wondering about and checking the weather--worrying about my plants. Your woodland garden is beautiful as it emerges in spring....and love that beautiful bridge.
You really have us pegged Deb. Every gardener is an amateur weather person! Hopefully April will hold a little more even weather for everyone.
We have had all those weather conditions in March except the warm bit. You just know how much I like your woodland, I must try the Hoop Petticoat daff.
Lovely read. Great photography. You captured the image of that new acer foliage just beautifully