A Ghoulish Lizard and Autumn

What becomes of an old rubber lizard, when its days of play are done?
This ghoulish creature is an appropriate Halloween character, but in its youth it was a brightly colored companion to three boys. It has a hollow gullet and was known to swallow small plastic toys. Later on it endured tougher times, when Jasmine the black lab became its enemy. She would stalk and attack it, growling and shaking it and chewing on its legs. But now the boys are grown and Jasmine is buried under a weeping Japanese maple, while the lizard still prevails, serving faithfully as guardian of the garden.
The ancient lizard has watched many seasons come and go. The garden has matured, and now it is perhaps the prettiest ever. As autumn passes, I want to hold on to every mellow moment as long as I can. I am enjoying days on the patio and walks about the garden, even as leaves are falling and breezes are bringing cooler air.
Here is my view from the patio lounge chair, looking across my recently refurbished table and a cobblestone birdhouse, toward the front garden:Fall is a beautiful time of year in the front garden. Japanese maples and dogwoods are especially lovely.
I love bird houses! Walking around to the opposite side of the house, another birdhouse is next to the drive:This old bird house's rusty roof ls attractive with fall foliage in the background.
another view of the birdhouse by the drive
I haven't posted a photo of my little blue bridge in the woodland garden in a while. I took this shot last week:Light streams across the blue bridge in the woodlands.
This woodland path is near the Lady Garden:
Some more views around the garden:A few close-ups:
Finally, commenters from my previous post had great suggestions on what to name our new kitty. I truly appreciate all of you who took time to comment. Top choices included Sage, Rosemary, Maggie (short for Magnolia) and Berri, but in the end she rejected all of them. The name she responded to and which seemed to fit perfectly (once we had thought of it) is:
You may also enjoy A Snowy Monster and Other Things in My Garden

Reader Comments (21)
You still have nice mix of green and autumn colours through your trees and shrubs. Mine are quickly turning gray and white, though there are some evergreen perennials that make things more colourful. The area around your bridge still looks more like summer, even the moss is a bright green. Your woodland path is very inviting, and beckons for a stroll.
Little Autumn, the cat, looks like she's settling in and getting comfortable.
Such a beautiful post. The photo's of your garden are lovely, Autumn really suits her, I'm glad you've found a name, I guess you are keeping her and no-one has claimed her.
Your woodland is so, so, sooooooooooooooo beautiful. I'm glad you're finding time to enjoy it. I'm planning a trip to the US next year to see the autumn colour - leaf peepers I think you call us. I'll need advice as to the best time to visit. Thanks for sharing all the beauty in your garden this weekend. Christina
Why! I've met that ghoulish lizard in person!!! Just think, something so battered holds such strong memories!
Autumn is perfect! She is so beautiful!
Yes, a spring visit is calling my name!!!! Hahaha! Anyone who visits you and your garden will be called back again!
It's always so peaceful in your garden (despite ferocious lizards!!). I wonder if Autumn will have any reaction to the lizard but I doubt it. Kitty cats are so cool and aloof.
Deb, your garden is still so lovely. Enjoy enjoy and hope Hurricane Sandy doesn't knock most of your pretty leaves off….
Lovely pictures, and I really like your birdhouses.
Autumn is gorgeous Debs, and a great name too :) Always enjoy looking at photos of your garden, and with the autumn colours and filtered light, looks so ethereal. Lovely!
What a great homage to the 'ghoulish lizard', who stood the test of time! Of course your gardens have their welcoming seasonal charm. Closing my eyes, I envision sitting on your patio - enjoying a decadent cinnamon dolce latte - and breathing in the crisp Autumn air. How befitting that your newest family member should adopt the moniker. :)
Perfect name for the kitty--both because of her coloring and for the time she came into your life! You have some incredibly beautiful views in your garden. Autumn is strikingly beautiful there! Funny how those toys and childhood keepsakes have such staying power. Beautiful post!
Autumn is a perfect name for her...your woods are beckoning me and I am loving them. Thanks for sharing their beauty.
What a perfect name for a gorgeous kitty...
Your garden is a absolute delight....it's a photographers dream.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
hi deb, love the story of the ghoulish lizard with no name. Your woodland garden is divinely romantic. best regards to autumn.
Your garden still has such beautiful color! Here in north Alabama, we are losing color as the leaves have been whipped off the trees! More high winds expected today...and cold! Brrrrrr. Hurrying to finish the mulching, planting the last of the cool season goodies...onions, garlic, etc...during the day. Fires and mugs of hot tea at night.
You have such an idyllic garden. The fall scenes are gorgeous. Lucky lizard too. Garden critters were not so fortunate with my two dogs.
Well, talk about beauty and the beast, perhaps Autumn will take a liking to the ghoulish lizard which has a place in your heart.. Ah, what I wouldn't give to have a house with a sweeping drive up to it such as yours. Also, keep your eye on your woodland path, I need that also.
Oh, I like Autumn! And autumn in your garden is gorgeous. I also enjoyed the story of the rubber lizard. Perhaps Autumn will like to play with him!
I see that the banana plant is saying hello. I might have said that spring is my favourite season in your garden, but know I'm thinking that it's definitely autumn. Very appropriate name for your pet.
I think Autumn is a perfect name, perhaps because it's also my favorite season, but I think it suits her very well! I love your bird house with the pointed roof, and the perfect little garden tools hanging on its wall. I'm also really liking those lichens. I really enjoy this time of year, with the first rains, as the mosses, and lichens spring back to life, and thousands of tiny fungi start to poke their heads through the soils. There's actually a lot of life left still in the autumn garden.
Autumn is a beautiful cat. Our Prissy is also a dilute tortoiseshell, with a tabby and white bib overlay.
Your autumn garden also looks beautiful!
Autumn is a perfect name for this cat with her brindle coloring. She looks very sweet.
What pretty green eyes she has. A very beautiful Autumn.