
I was outside today, and I needed a hard hat. Acorns were falling all around me. Overnight thousands have carpeted the front lawn. They crunch under my feet as I walk, and I have never seen so many. My yard man (husband) certainly has a lot of clean-up to do!
Leaf fall has barely begun, but I know that is coming, as autumn colors are beginning to show. I have enjoyed the golden glow in the afternoons. Often I don't try to identify specific plants, but rather I visualize the molten washes of color flowing together to created an impressionistic landscape.
We haven't reached the peak of fall colors yet, but here are some recent photos to show what we have.
Around the front garden:
In the woodland:
The deep green leaves of Southern Magnolia contrast nicely with the golden fall foliage of a redbud.
Those are mushrooms in the next to last row. The one on the left is a geastrum, also known as an earthstar.
A few scenes from the Lady Garden:
A lot of flowers are blooming madly, even as leaves are turning. Some are leftovers from summer and some are specific to fall; they all love the cool nights and warm days we are having. Toad Lily, Tricyrtis hirta, in the woodland garden
Butterfly rose, Rosa mutabilis, has been blooming off and on since spring.
Fall mums, zinnias, and a salmon colored carpet rose blend with fall foliage.
Finally, here is an old wrought iron table, recently refurbished. The top had rusted out, so I hunted for a new one. I found a piece of scrap Italian travertine at a local marble works. They cut it into a circle and polished it for me. I put it on the newly painted base, and voila! New table! The cobblestone birdhouse is a project I completed a few years ago.
Have a great week, and please watch out for acorns or other objects falling from above. Deborah

Reader Comments (26)
Beautiful, OUCH, blasted acorns.
Beautiful colors in those top photos! I particularly like the 4th one down, "in the woodland", with the beautiful glossy evergreen and the yellow leaved tree (redbud?) Nice combo.
And of course the Lady Garden with the pergola and swing is just delightful, a wonderful place to sit and rest, as long as the acorn attack is occurring somewhere else!
You capture the season so well. Beautiful post.
The wildlife must be very busy with all of the acorn windfall.
I really admire the way you have so many different heights, textures and colours in your trees and shrubs. The variety makes it very interesting and appealing. The swing in the lady garden looks idyllic. I hope you find time to relax in it and view the garden.
Your refurbished table looks terrific, and the birdhouse on top is so cute.
I had one that lasted for a couple of years. Fun plant that blooms when a lot of others are done for the season. I know what you mean about the acorns. Ours are mostly snatched up by the squirrels, and we mow the rest into the lawn. The birdhouse on the table is so sweet!
I love all the photos, but those acorns are making my heart sing.. I have been hunting for a oak tree around here for months...
Even thinking of putting a notice on the mailbox asking if anyone knows where to find one...I love acorns.
Great shots, you have such an amazing garden.
Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
looking at these photos makes my heart sing. I also try to create molten impressionist images - in a way individual plants aren't important. what does your yard man (who serves multiple functions in your life) do with the acorns he removes from the lawn?
Your garden never ceases to amaze me Debs! The scenes of Autumn looks great in your garden :) even if you sometimes need a hard hat from the falling acorns. Gorgeous!
I can't wait to see some photos when Autumn is in full flow.
Some of your first images look almost light spring with the pink foliage looking like blossom. I love the second photograph with the spheres of box? with the deciduous trees in all their autumn glory behind, just perfect. Make sure you keep wearing the hard hat, I don't want to hear there have been any acidents. Christina
Your photos are beautiful. The refurbished table is gorgeous. The base looks like it could have grown in your garden. We have passed our peak here in northern Maine. Winter is coming.
Fantastic autumn views of your lovely garden. What an amazing amount of acorns to fall all at once, do you have problems with the squirrels and birds burying them, we get seedlings popping up all over the place in the spring! Love the table and your bird house, just made for the garden!
Thank you all for your kind comments! I appreciate them very much. Laurrie, yes that is a redbud, and I have amended my post to identify it, as well as the nearby magnolia. Catmint, you asked what becomes of the acorns. Most of them are dumped into natural areas, where they are consumed by wildlife. And Pauline, some of them will sprout! Every year I have to pull up unwanted seedlings. Christine, the green spheres are native yaupon hollies, which grow naturally in a rounded form, though I do trim them once or twice a year to refine their shape and to maintain their size.
Thanks again to all my followers. Your support means a lot to me. Deborah
Your fall colors are glorious! Yes, it does look like watercolor paintings. Love the table! Very smart of you to refurbish it. I know how it feels to have acorns falling on your head. I have a tree close to the driveway and we have to duck and cover a lot in the fall. This year, though, it seems we have very few acorns from this tree. It's been going into decline for a while, and this makes me even more worried about it!
I adore that table..but your woods and Lady's garden look spectacular in fall...
Thank you for that picture of the Toad Lily! Also for reminding me of why I shouldn't get to sad about not having a big old oak in the yard.
What an absolutely terrific garden you have Deb. Give the yard man a break and leave the work to the Squirrels.
You are so clever refurbishing your table. Your garden looks like it will have wonderful autumn colour in the next couple of weeks.
My two-year old lab ate some of the many acorns in my yard and became violently ill. I didn't know what the cause was until it happened about 5 days later. Beware of acorns and dogs that will eat them (most don't)!
Your gardens are always a joy to view!!
Beautiful Fall display Deb. You have some wonderful garden vignettes.
That is such a cool table! I love the tree shape it has! The birdhouse is so cute, as well.
The woodlands look so pretty in fall. Don't slip on all those acorns!
The Lady Garden looks beautiful! And your redbud has wonderful golden color. The leaves are further ahead where you are than they are here.
For me, it is walnuts, those suckers can really hurt, and I swear the squirrels wait until I am under the tree before they pick them, or are they aiming at me.
Your gardens photograph beautifuly. Toad Lily is one of my favorite fall plants, not that popular here probably because it blooms so late. I'm always surprised how many gardeners have already left the garden for other interests this time of year.
I wouldn't mind crunching on acorns - it's usually snails that get crunched in my garden.
I love the table and birdhouse but my favourite piece remains the lady with the ivy wig.
You are very lucky to have a yardman-husband, Deb! He does a wonderful job. Your garden is one of the loveliest I have ever seen.