My Deep Green Summer Garden

It's late afternoon, just after a thundershower. The sun has returned and shines more gently than earlier in the day. The air is as cool as it will get, on a day in my deep green summer garden. I grab my camera and take a tour, breathing in the moist air.
First I step onto the patio. To my left is a view over the front garden. Across the lawn, lavender crepe myrtles are blooming. They were sold to me as dwarfs, to reach about three feet high. They are triple that and still growing. To my right is the herb bed, centered on a birdhouse and bordered with knockout roses, reliable bloomers even in the summer heat.
I walk down into the arbor garden. This is my favorite spot to sit and listen to the birds.
A couple of striking plants catch my attention. The first is a magnolia seed pod and the next is caladium with the sun glowing through the leaves.
I stroll across the drive and down into the woodland garden. It is verdant and dripping wet, the sun glinting off raindrops.
Colorful foliage with multiple textures and shades of green provide interest in the summer garden.
I hope you enjoyed this walk through my garden. May the work of your own hands, whatever that may be, bring blessings to those around you. Deborah
Reader Comments (26)
Amazing! I live the different shades of green, and to see such richness of color and texture, I have to go for a hike -- or visit Country Mouse.
Beautiful!! And how I would love to sit under that arbor..just magical! as always..a feast for the eyes..such a space of peacefulness..serene beauty and joy! LOVELY!!
Have a happy ay..thanks for sharing such a gorgeous post!
I'd sure like to sit on that swing and admire your garden up close!
What a beautiful place you live in! It looks so nice and spacious there. So much green of different shades and textures. I can imagine sitting on the arbor swing is very relaxing.
A garden always seems it's best after a summer shower. Can't beat the smell of rain on a garden. Love the swing!
Dear Deborah, I have so enjoyed this walk around your garden which, even at the height of summer with days which are far too hot, is looking pretty, fresh and full of interest. Not only do you grow, and grow well, a range of very attractive trees, shrubs and perennials, but you are also adept at the positioning of unusual garden ornaments which blend so well into the landscape. My favourite part of the garden remains the woodland - an absolute triumph of what a woodland garden should be. I should love it to be mine!
This looks so inviting.
I would love to just sit
and spend the day enjoying it.
It's always a joy to visit your garden ... beautiful views in every photo. Of course, I'm still in love with the woodland garden ... spent a bit of time poring over those photos! Just love the planting choices, the layout and the character of this area. I also loved your crepe myrtles, that beautiful fern in the urn and that gorgeous caladium!!
You've done a great job combining textures in your garden. You are fortunate to get rain. It rained all around us yesterday but just a few drops at the house. I'm hoping we'll get some today.
Truly peaceful to gaze upon that verdure. You are lucky to have such a garden to stroll through. I must say I'm amazed to see hostas and caladiums growing in the same bed!
Dear Deborah
I loved this visit to your garden, thank you so much for inviting us in. It is really special to see where you are writing from - I want to bookmark the post for another day! Your woodland garden is lovely.
You have some beautiful gardens to tend, Deborah. They have such a sense of peace about them. I very much enjoyed my walk in your gardens today.
As always, Deborah, beautiful!
Your gardens look like a stunning botanical garden, not just because of the lovely plants, but because of the composition and groupings and the way it all works together. I love your shady areas, with the limbed up trees and shrubs and the gentle paths. I'd like to sit under that arbor in that swing!
What a beautiful tour, Deb! Everything is so lush and verdant. I was particularly taken with your arbor garden. I could imagine myself sitting there in the cool of early morning listening to the morning bird chorus.
A beautiful walk through your garden Deb. I just love the first photograph, it looks so serene and inviting. I used to think a garden had to have flowers blooming to be beautiful, until my own first garden, where shade predominated, and almost nothing bloomed. I learned there to appreciate the simplicity of green. I love gardens that are varying shades of green, and your photograph embodies that beautifully. Restful both to the eye, and to the soul.
I enjoyed the walk through your garden.
Lovely garden, Debs, but think how many potatoes you could fit in to it.
You have a good sized garden for strolling through. With so many mature trees and shrubs, there's a lovely lush green backdrop to every section. The section next to the path, by your bench is very attractive, with the ferns, Hosta, caladium, etc.
Hi Debs,
Very nice, it looks so very calm and peaceful... I don't imagine I would ever be in the house!
Lovely -- as usual. And for some reason, it looks very cool there...
I so enjoyed your garden. I could sit there and listen to the birds into the evening. I'll get some wine ... you have so many beautiful garden rooms and moods. Very well designed. Sign me up for the next tour!
Holy pa-tolly! Gorgeous spread you have. I'd say it was looking cherry, but it's more minty colored than cherry. I like the structure I see, and I imagine winter is a fine time of year for you too, as a result.
Lovely ... very peaceful. A place I'd like to see and enjoy.
Doesn't the garden sing after rain Deb and smell so fresh too. I enjoyed your post :)
Sounds like someone else has spring gardening fever! Good luck with your garden.
I am ahead of you in the forking stakes; I do it very rarely indeed, and probably much less efficiently than you!
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