My Deep Green Summer Garden
Sunday, July 25, 2010 at 4:30PM
Deborah Elliott in arbor garden, front garden, front garden, herb garden, summer, summer garden, woodland garden, woodland garden

It's late afternoon, just after a thundershower. The sun has returned and shines more gently than earlier in the day. The air is as cool as it will get, on a day in my deep green summer garden. I grab my camera and take a tour, breathing in the moist air.

First I step onto the patio. To my left is a view over the front garden. Across the lawn, lavender crepe myrtles are blooming. They were sold to me as dwarfs, to reach about three feet high. They are triple that and still growing. To my right is the herb bed, centered on a birdhouse and bordered with knockout roses, reliable bloomers even in the summer heat.

I walk down into the arbor garden. This is my favorite spot to sit and listen to the birds.

A  couple of striking plants catch my attention. The first is a magnolia seed pod and the next is caladium with the sun glowing through the leaves.

I stroll across the drive and down into the woodland garden. It is verdant and dripping wet, the sun glinting off raindrops.

Colorful foliage with multiple textures and shades of green provide interest in the summer garden.

I hope you enjoyed this walk through my garden. May the work of your own hands, whatever that may be, bring blessings to those around you.  Deborah


Article originally appeared on Deb's Garden Blog (
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