The Garden Speaks in Colors

The garden speaks to us in colors — green, white, blue, yellow, and pink — and draws our emotions into itself. Traditionally, colors say something to us, and maybe that is why we respond so strongly to the arrival of spring. The garden is hushed in winter, but its voice sings out with the new season.
Many shades of green push through gray branches and brown soil to announce rebirth and renewal. One can stand in the garden and feel the optimism of spring, the soothing reassurance that life endures.
This April view from the patio features the fresh green foliage of roses, weeping Japanese maple, and daylily.
Clockwise from top left: leaves of dogwood, cornus florida; variegated hydrangea, macrophylla Variegata; Japanese painted fern, Athyrium niponicum var. pictum; hosta 'Francis Williams'
The purity of spring impresses us, its newness untouched by disease or wear or damages of time. White shines in the garden, fresh and clean. In the garden I am young and my soul eternal.
The blossoms of Philadelphus coronarius, sweet mock orange or English dogwood, light up this area adjacent to the lady garden.
Clockwise from top: Rosa rugosa var. alba; Viburnum macrocephalum; closer view of Philadelphus coronarius; Azalea, snow white
The garden speaks of peace, too, with images of blue. Cares are light in this place, and for a time they fly away and leave our hearts at rest.
The daffodils ars spent, but blue phlox divaricata still blooms in the front garden.
Clockwise from top left: Mr. Bluebird stands guard at his home near the lady garden; Oregon grape, mahonia aquifolium; Hosta sieboldiana elegans; a lizard with a touch of blue lives in this planter on my patio.
All the golden hues of the garden, the yellows and oranges, represent energy, comfort and pure joy. Smile, for there is much to smile about in the garden.
For many years this lone tulip has returned each spring to the front garden. I am always happy to see it, for most tulips don't survive in my climate.
Clockwise from top left: Pansies are still blooming; golden oak pollen covers this yellow sedum; variegated leaves of Cherokee Red dogwood; foliage of caryopteris 'Jason'
And then there is pink, a color that speaks of friendship. Is a garden complete, if there is no one with which to share it? Come with me, my friend. Let us walk together and listen to what the garden has to say.This very old urn belonged to my parents. Behind it is dianthus 'Bath's Pink'.
Clockwise from top left: pink fringe-like flowers of lorapetalum; Azalea 'George Lindley Tabor'; unknown flower growing in the lady garden; Rosa mutabilis
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Reader Comments (18)
I love the renewal of spring. Especially with my rosebush. May is always my favourite month, my roses look awesome and the bush still has all of its leaves. By the middle of June, blackspot will have ravaged it. :(
Lovely collages of photos Deb. I used to stress a little about color in the garden. My first garden was lots of green, with a little white, and a splash of very pale pink. As I've become more 'adventurous' in my gardening, I've realized I can use all the colors in the garden, without them clashing. I love the calming blues, the warm and cozy oranges. Every color brings a unique personality to the garden beds.
What a great post this was! I enjoyed it thoroughly. I love all the colors of spring they defiantly bring such like to the new season, and really bring new life to me as well. I almost feel a whole inside me for winter without any color, but with spring I feel whole again :). Your Japanese maple looks really nice, and its a great shade of green. That's really cool that you have your parents urn in your garden! I really like the antique styles in pots and urns they add something special to the garden.
What a great post, Deb!
This was really interesting seeing flowers and foliage together in their color families... it makes you focus on unique characteristics, not just what color it is. A neat way to look at the garden!
Deb, these photos of your garden are very peaceful and beautiful indeed! I really enjoyed reading these poetic, introspective thoughts.
I can see why spring is such an inspiring and refreshing time in your garden. The flowers and plants are just lovely. I especially love your photo of the Hosta leaves.
Beautiful pictures with a beautiful and poetic post.
Debs such beautiful colours and a great prose to go along with it too.
Beautiful photos, so much colour to look at.
I adore the vibrant greens of spring, everything has a wonderful lime, acidic green so it. Full of so much promise and expectation!
Gorgeous compilation of photos. Love the way you broke down the colours to show the differences in their hues.
What a beautiful post!
Deb - just incredible! Whenever I stop by, I feel like I've just visited "Waldon's Pond"....
Great presentation. I've begun to think of the beds in my garden by their colors: blue with orange; purple with yellow; all shades of pink; reds from pale crimson to darkest maroon. Color is such fun.
You showed some of my fav whites.
The garden is shouting. jim
Beautiful pictures, Deb, and beautiful descriptions.
You have a wonderful setting for your garden, and there are lots of flowers and gorgeous leaves out. I love the look and scent of a mockorange. There's one next to my patio that perfumes the air when in bloom. The phlox divaricata looks great in a woodland. Mine don't have blooms yet, but I look forward to the pretty lavender flowers. I enjoyed your colour coordinated montages.
Of course, looking at this lovely array of colors, I couldn't help but think of rainbows. My artist eyes just love rainbows of color. I do believe that you and I are attracted to the same colors exactly. And I am especially fond of the colors of the hosta, that blue gray green.