When I published my last post, About Trees, I thought that would be it for fall. Then later this week I walked outside just as late afternoon sun rays were shining through the trees. The golden light from heaven took my breath away, and I grabbed my camera, hoping I could capture the mood. The autumn radiance lasted only about thirty minutes, long enough for me to get the following photos. Enjoy!
An old oak tree behind my house:
These dogwood leaves remind me of stained glass:
I love the pattern of these tree branches:
Nandina in the woodlands:
A Japanese maple drapes over a woodland path:
Feelin' Blue weeping deodar cedar against a soft background of autumn colors:
Golden light washes over the blue bridge in the woodland garden:
Another woodland view:
The structure of a weeping cherry stands out against a background of fall colors:
More trees! Will I ever be tired of trees?? Probably not! Here's some tall ones:
I suspect that within a week all these gorgeous fall leaves will be brown and on the ground. Then I'll have to do a post on raking.
Happy Fall to all!