Arborvitae Fern: An Evergreen Beauty

Selaginella braunii is known as arborvitae fern, but it's not a fern. It's also called spike moss, but it's not a moss, either.The only thing I knew about it when I bought it last year was that it was a deeply discounted, dried-up plant. However, the nursery owner assured me was still alive and would be beautiful. I had my doubts, but at a couple of dollars each, I was willing to try.
I bought six of them. I planted three under a large Japanese maple in the front garden, the other three closer to the house beneath some azaleas. The ones close to the house are watered often, as they are a few feet from the water faucet. The other three get watered when it rains. One under the maple died, but the other two survived, though they are growing slowly.
Now this plant has stolen my heart. Yesterday I was strolling around my garden, examining plants to see what winter has wrought and looking for signs of spring. The colors of the arborvitae fern caught my attention. While some fronds remain green, others have taken on silvery bronze colors. I love the effect.
Since last year I have learned a lot about my arborvitae fern. This plant is a lycopod, an ancient relative of plants seen in fossils. The free online dictionary defines a lycopod as a primitive evergreen moss-like plant with spores in club shaped strobiles. The small club shaped cones give the plant another name: club moss.
A native of China, Selaginella braunii will grow in zones 6-9, in shade to partial shade. It needs moist, humus-rich and well-drained soil. A lovely plant for a container, it likes humidity and also makes a good plant for a terrarium. It grows up to a foot high and will spread to about two feet. Eventually clumps will form, and it can serve as a ground cover, eliminating weeds. This is why I originally bought mine, though I will have to wait a few years for that to happen. Little roots form along the stems, and it is easy to propagate the plant by division. They grow relatively slowly, and I don't want to divide mine yet; so I am thinking about buying more. I plan to put several down in the woodland garden, where they will complement the hosta, azaleas, and ferns already growing there. I will fertilize my plants in early spring with an all purpose, slow-release fertilizer, and I promise to keep them - all of them - well watered.

Reader Comments (25)
I've never seen or heard of this plant. I can see why you love it. Anything evergreen gets extra points from me. It sounds like it will grow here and I'll be looking out for it at the nursery.
What a great discovery. It's such a delight when you bring something home and in growing it, discover its charms and unique qualities almost by accident!
This is a very pretty plant, with the finely cut leaves and silver color. Looks like money well spent.
This plant is new to me. A very nice variation of color. Makes for good interest in the winter garden. I too am scrounging around looking for signs of spring!
I bought one this spring and potted it. Then I realized I had one already in a spot that was taken over by other ground cover. I love them! I ended up planting the potted one in the spot where the pot was because it seemed happy there. I will move the other one or divide it as well. Great post for learning more about it! Thankd Deb! I'm working on growing more ferns and will see how many survived this winter come spring!
Deb, I have seen this plant in the wild and always been fascinated by it. I have never seen it for sale. Thank you for highlighting. Now I will look for it at nurseries and maybe I can offer it to my customers at my nursery.
That is such a lovely fern - just out of my hardiness zone, but maybe I could try just one. Sounds like it would be very useful in a lot of dry shade spots.
H'm.....I might just have to keep an eye out for this one. I've got shade, I've got moist soil, and a new bed to plant :-) Interesting foliage.
it's alive and thriving! Actually, it looks very much like the ferns that grow wild here. I enjoy your posts very much and have just added your site to my blog roll.
A great looking foliage plant. I can see it in a container with fronds gently drooping over the edges.
Yes, Selaginellas are fabulous, primitive plants and its really good to find someone growing them.
In my experience they need to find somewhere they are happy and then they seem to spread out beyond where you would think they would be happy!
Thanks for visiting us tonight. I do believe in the power of human thought, because I was wondering how you were last night and thinking I must check your blog out.
Have now added you to my feeds for regular update!
Best for 2011
Very nice plant! So great that you knew so much about it
Hi Deb,
I'm not familiar with that plant that's not a fern or moss. I agree with you, I love the winter colors of it, too.
Thanks for your comment on my foliage post. I hope your rosemary continues to perk up outside.
Hi Deb - thank you for featuring this absolutely fabulous fern/clubmoss. Have had to add to my wishlist even though this deviates from my gardening resolutions!
What a beautiful plant, I love the filagree lace-like fronds. I'll have to try to remember it for future reference.
Thanks for the post. I have one of these acquired on sale just like you did. I was wondering how much shade and water itr need. After reading your post, I'll plant it in a moist spot (not many of those in my garden). It is a beautiful and unusual plant.
I planted my first two about this time last year. Last summer was brutally hot and dry, but I did my best to keep these watered. Then comes this spring, and there are all these little stems shooting straight up with the little 'fronds' on top. I am in love!
For about 10 years, I have had one growing in good potting soil (N. Florida, 8b) in a very thich, glazed pot--about 22" wide by about 11 " deep. It has filled the pot and the fronds drape gracefully (like lace) over the sides. New growth is as blue as any plant I've seen. I've given away several divisions, filling in the holes with fresh dirt, which the plant quickly fills.. Usually I grow an accent plant in the center. No applied water or fertilizer. Fall color is a gorgeous purplish tint. I adore this primitive.
Surprise! When I put the name of this plant in the search engine after reading your post of 24th January 2016 your post here was the second on the list - you've become to 'go-to' place for information about this plant. I read that it needs humidity so it won't grow for me, but it does inspire me to search out some ferns that will tolerate my hot dry summer conditions. Thank you.
Greetings Deborah,
I was inspired by your arborvitae fern blog and would like to feature it in our monthly Master Gardener newsletter. May I have permission to use it? Your blog website will be included as well as you being the author.
Alice Marty
Mobile County Master Gardeners
I bought a dried up looking fern for a couple of dollars at the end of summer. After several years of asking I finally found out what it was........not a fern but a type of moss.....Braun’s arborvitae fern just like you are reporting. In October 2020 Fine Gardening magazine talks about the fern on pg.42
So happy to find another source mentioning it. Now where to find more plants as I have not seen it again? Very slow growing and I have cut off a small corner and it transplanted very easily. I hope to add some to my “Fern Hill” that I created in memory of my mother who adored ferns.
I just found one of these today at Lowe's, and while looking up exactly what it was I was led here. It was an excellent find, as I've never seen one before. Mine cost $16 for a 10 inch hanging pot, which I felt to be pretty expensive, but it seemed like a plant I just couldn't pass up. Finding what it is, I'm glad I did. It'll go great in the woodland garden with my bluebells, grape ferns, bloodroot and jack-in-the-pulpits. I enjoyed reading your blog and love finding out about fascinating new plants. Can't wait for this beautiful groundcover to spread, though I guess I'll have to!
Bought this in early spring. My new fronds are all turning brown! Nursery said not to over water, and I haven’t. It’s planted in light shade in rich soil. Can you help? I don’t want to lose this little beauty.
Thank you!
Hi Valorie, I am sorry you are having problems with your arborvitae fern. Are the brown fronds brittle? If so, I suspect you are not giving it enough water. While this fern ( which is actually a kind of moss) likes soil that is well-draining, it also does need lots of moisture and humidity. Best wishes! Deb