Entries in winter garden (18)


Frosty Winter Morning

Last night winter left a thin crust of snow and ice over my woodland paths, as well as crystalline patches on the road and lawn. The sun was bright this morning, and I walked outside to dutifully record evidence of frigid temperatures and the first bit of snow we have had this year. 

He's still here! This old rubber lizard has appeared on my blog before. He grows more fearsome with age.

Red twigs of Acer palmatum 'Sango-Kaku' stand out against the frosty background.Are you cold yet? After I took all these photos, I was happy to come inside for a cup of hot coffee! We need these cold temperatures, but soon I will be looking forward to spring.


Engines Thrumming 

After days of heavy rain, bitter winds, plummeting temperatures and even some snow flurries, I ventured outside this morning, briefly, like a snail poking its head from its shell to check out the surroundings. The buds of winter blooming Edgeworthia chrysantha are beginning to swell.

Hellebores, just beginning to bloom, are hunkering down against the weather.

Daphne odora 'Aureo-marginata' has fragrant blooms in late winter. Buds are expanding and soon should open.

As if to greet me, the sun came through the clouds, but the icy air soon drove me back into the warm house.

A couple of weeks ago the air was so warm I was outside working in the garden with my internal gardening engines thrumming to start on spring chores. It was premature and I knew it, just as I knew all those azaleas blooms that had started to open would soon get zapped. Encore azalea foliage provides hints of color.
Evergreens are the backbone of my garden, and they provide a lot of interest through the winter.

Arborvitae fern has grown to a lush ground cover beside my front walk.

Jasmine growing over an arch has a wintry background.Winter and spring always play a fitful tug-of-war here. By March, spring should win out.Nandina 'Firepower' has especially bright winter foliage.

Ornamental Kale provides a bouquet of color for months, from fall all the way through winter and into spring. I cut it back when it gets leggy, and it regrows.In the meantime, I am back inside, my engines thrumming, making plans as I sit by the fire with my garden books.