Entries in tropicana canna lily seed pod (1)


Early October Images

Today the sky is bright blue, and the air is cool. Summer is gone.I watched dark clouds yesterday, first faint on the horizon, then gathering power and rolling toward us, until at last they poured out much needed rain and forcefully pushed away the last high temperatures of the year. This morning I breathed in the fresh air and reveled in the low humidity and chill breezes. Autumn is only peeking at us and blushing a bit now, but the next few weeks should bring some wonderful color transformations as the season displays its full glory. Meanwhile, Lou is already busy raking leaves.a sampling of autumn leaves
This skinny squirrel is probably watching, not leaves, but all the acorns falling from the trees! Maybe they will fatten him up!

Here are a few early fall scenes around the garden:

Tropicana canna Lily is noted for its outstanding foliage and fiery blooms, but I am also impressed with its seed pods.

This seed pod is from a Southern Magnolia tree.

There are still some flowers blooming in early October. Most of these will bloom until frost:Counterclockwise from top left: Spider lily; Purple Sage; Autumn Sage; Red Cascade rose; Hardy Morning Glory; Wild ageratum; Plectranthus; Penelope rose.

October blessings to you all; have a great week!    Deborah