Penguins Marching

I took this sequence of photos last year when I visited the Taipei Zoo in Taiwan. I thought the wintry scene and the penguins' message is appropriate as the year comes to a close.
Penguins in their frosty setting:
On the march, one penguin:
Two penguins:Three penguins:
What did you say?
Hey, stop! He says we are going the wrong way!
Four penguins, finally headed the right direction:
May joy and peace fill your heart in this special season, and may you be accompanied by loved ones as you head into 2013. May you always have a spirit of adventure, but if you are going the wrong direction, I hope someone will tell you!
Christmas blessings and best wishes for the New Year, Deborah
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Christmas blessing,
Penguins marching,
Taipei zoo in