A Stylish Award For Someone Who Wears Baggy Pants

Recently I was awarded the Stylish Blogger Award by both Casa Mariposa and Gardens Eye View. A hearty thanks to both, though I think if they had seen me in my gardening duds they would have thought twice about awarding me anything with the word stylish in it! (What do you wear when you garden? I tend to wear stuff that is well worn. Loose-fitting cotton pants, baggy shirt, and a sun visor is standard wear.)
The award comes with strings attached: I must link back to the person giving the award; share seven random things about myself; pass the award on to fifteen additional bloggers and drop them a note about it.
So here goes! First are seven random facts about myself:
1. I am a neonatal intensive care nurse. That means I have the cutest patients in the hospital and I can pick most of them up with one hand.
2. I love all kinds of music. I write to music. I clean house to music. I drive my car to music. I do not garden to music, however, as I like to listen to the bird song. (But that's music, too!)
3. I can not sing or play any musical instrument. I am hoping that will be remedied in Heaven. I can definitely see myself playing a harp, though drums would be OK, too.
4. I have double-jointed thumbs.
5. I enjoy white water rafting.
6. I met my husband in July, 1973, at 7AM in a hospital cafeteria. I had a glass of grapefruit juice in my hand. I went home and told my roommate I had met my future husband.
7. I bought a fig tree yesterday. The variety is White Marseilles, which was Thomas Jefferson's favorite.
Choosing fifteen blogs was hard! So many garden bloggers are a source of information and inspiration to me. I started my blog about sixteen months ago, and I can truthfully say it has made a difference in my garden practices and in what I plant. This award is passing around like weeds in the wind, so a lot of bloggers already have it. Nevertheless, here is my list of fifteen great garden blogs, among the many that deserve recognition:
You may also enjoy my previous post, An Award No Lizard Can Give, especially if you are relatively new to blogging.