Entries in weather (30)


The Skies of March

March has been an unsettled month with many stormy days, some cold temperatures, some bright skies and warm breezy days, all jumbled together in no particular order. 

Spring washed in with the rains of this turbulent month, and trees budded against the changing sky.

Above, the lower photo on the right is my weeping higan cherry tree. I took the following pictures of that same tree on a damp, dreary day. You can read the history of this tree (and a little of my history, too) in my post We are survivors.

I captured this budding magnolia tree on a crisp, sunny morning.

The other day had it all. Dawn arrived with cold temperatures and gloomy skies. A stormy morning was followed by a pleasant, sunny afternoon, then the clouds and rain returned toward dusk. Amazed at what I saw, I shot these photos in the rain as the day closed with a fiery sunset.

March! Moving on, that's the way it is.



For several hours last night we had what we call a "gully washer." Around eighty thousand gallons of rain has fallen on our property during the past twenty-four hours. That's about three inches over our three and a half acres. This afternoon I was able to get out in the mist to take a few photos. 

Here is an interesting sight in the Lady Garden: 

It is tree branches reflected in the bird bath!

Wet brown leaves still cling to some oak trees. Winter does not want to go peacefully. The air is very cold.
And the sky is dreariest gray, but if you look carefully fresh buds are swelling along the branches of these trees. The rain helps these little buds grow.

The earth is sodden and foliage dripping everywhere I look.top: foliage of climbing rose Zephirine Drouhin; clockwise from above: loropetalum; columbine; nandina 'firepower'; autumn fern

Some parts of our state to the north of us had snow today. I am glad ours was only rain. It's time to go back inside the house, where Lou has built a nice fire in the fireplace. 

Eighteen days till spring!


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