Entries in weather (30)


Laughing in the Rain

Rain! Finally, rain has come, deep, soaking, restorative rains. The earth has gulped it in, plants have lifted their wilted leaves to receive it, birds and other animals are rejoicing in it.

I am reminded of when my youngest son was an infant. This child was a water baby, dipped in a warm bath immediately after birth, according to the LaBoya method, which elicited his first smile. From then onwards he always loved to play in the tub. I wasn't surprised when he later became a competitive swimmer, and to this day he likes being around water. 

There was a drought soon after he was born, and he was nearly four months old before he ever saw water coming from the sky. It was a Sunday afternoon when the drought broke, and I carried him outside to see the rain. I wondered what his reaction would be.

"Look at the rain," I said as we stood with the water falling on us.

My baby gazed upward. The water drops collected on his eyelashes and ran over his face. He reached out his hand to feel the precipitation, evaluating the situation. Then he laughed out loud. I laughed too, at his response and at the pleasure of the moment we had together. It is a good memory I have, the two of us, laughing in the rain.

Following overnight rains this week, we have had beautiful afternoons with sweet smelling, cool breezes. I want to believe 90 degree temperatures are gone until next summer. Autumn is here!

I wandered the gardens yesterday, enjoying the changes. Follow me on a quick tour.

The Japanese maple near the patio is taking on more golden tones:

The Japanese maple I call our marriage tree has also begun to change colors, just in the past few days. You can see a few red leaves:

Here is the view through the rose arch, one of my favorite spots through all the seasons:

Way down in the front yard I took this photo of Chinese Pistache leaves, Oakleaf hydrangeas and the Crytomeria tree:

There are a few blossoms. The spider lilies started blooming a few days ago. The Penelope rose is putting out new buds after a summer rest, while the cosmos, Limelight hydrangea, and autumn sage have been blooming since mid summer:

Some berries and colorful foliage caught my attention. The dried seed pods in the first photo are from a redbud tree. Also shown are dogwood berries, Japanese maple 'Waterfall' foliage, and heuchera.:

Foliage of nearby plants suffered from September's high temps and drought, but weeping cedar "Feelin' Blue' looks great:

Here's an early fall view of the woodland garden:

And finally, a view of the blue bridge at other end of the woodland garden:

 Wherever you are, I hope you are enjoying some nice weather, too! Deborah


Always Waiting

We gardeners are patient people. We are always waiting. Waiting for seasons to turn, for plants to grow, for fulfillment of our visions. I have spent all of September waiting.

Waiting for temperatures to cool down. We remain in the 90s during the day, but next week that will change, according to weather predictions, with highs in the 80s. At last I may get to do some heavier garden chores without risk of heat stroke. I need to transplant several shrubs; I need to renovate my forsythia bushes. And the area by my new woodland path — lots to do there!

Waiting for fall. I want to revel in the colors of autumn foliage. I want to wear long sleeves. I want to open all my windows and let in cool, fresh air. Football stadiums are filled to capacity every weekend, and pumpkins are for sale in grocery stores and garden centers. Yesterday, September 23, was the first official day of fall. Although our weather is still stuck in summer, leaves are starting to change along the edges. It won't be long.Japanese maple leaves are beginning to turn red along the edges.A hint of color shows also in dogwood foliage.The Chinese Pistache leaves are already golden.

Waiting for rain. I think we have had two light rain showers this whole month. Green grass has faded to tan. Leaves are wilted, crinkly, or downright dead. Flowers have disappeared. This, too, is changing. The high pressure system that prevented clouds from coming our way has moved on, and today at last there are fat cumulous clouds overhead. No rain yet, but surely it must come.Here is my 'yardman'. He works valiantly to keep things watered. He is very cheap, but he expects a lot of fringe benefits!

Waiting for bulbs to arrive. I have ordered an assortment of daffodils and alliums. The daffodils will go to the area by my new woodland path, the alliums to the new border in the Lady Garden. I have never planted alliums before, but onions and chives do well, so I hope the more decorative cousins will also flourish. My bulbs should arrive in October. 

We can get caught up in waiting. I remind myself that tomorrow is guaranteed to no one. What I have is today. Today is a golden day in September, warm and rich as buttered pound cake, ready to be tasted and enjoyed. (I've been trying to lose a few pounds, forgive the simile!)