Summer Rain and a Silver Tree Frog

Most of our summer rain comes from pop-up afternoon thunderstorms, which may be frequent but are always hit or miss.Today's view across the front lawn.A few days ago I watched as boiling clouds filled the horizon. A nice wind blew the clouds in our direction, and a green tint to the sky predicted a real gully-washer. Thunder shook the house, but the rain passed us by. People within a mile of us got a brief, heavy downpour, but not us. That is the way July has been.
Our biggest summer chore is watering our very large garden. Every year I lose a few plants to environmental stress because high temperatures, wilting humidity and droughty conditions can affect even native plants. So I am very grateful for the rain tropical storm Barry is sending our way today.I was able to take several photos during breaks in the rain today. Everything is wonderfully wet!My part of Alabama is at the far eastern edge of Barry's influence as it makes its way through Louisiana, so we should not experience dangerous winds or flooding, but only a much needed soaking over the next couple of days. An inch of rain has collected in my rain gauge so far today, and more is coming.
I recently discovered someone else who must appreciate the rain:
This little tree frog has been staying inside the large rain barrel we use to collect and store water for the woodland garden. At first I thought he was an albino, but research reveals that he probably is a type of Gray Tree Frog. These creatures are variable in color due to their ability to camouflage themselves by assuming tints from dark gray to green to white depending on where they are sitting. I found him on the metal grate inside the rain barrel, so he is doing a good job turning himself silver!
This is not the first tree frog to take summer refuge inside our woodland rain barrel. I took this photo of an American tree frog in 2016:
You can read about the American tree frog and our use of the woodland rain barrel in this previous post: My Tree Frog.
Reader Comments (14)
Oh good, I'm glad you're getting some much-needed rain! We've had plentiful rain until now, but as we move into an extended period of 90s, with no rain, the plants and the people are having to readjust. Your garden always looks so lush and healthy. The frogs are sweet.
Wow what a gorgeous view across that lawn you have, so lush green, yet with texture and variety. Stunning for eyes accustomed to a semi-arid climate. The tree frog is marvelous--the way it can change colors! I would say you have frogs while we have lizards, but I looked up there is a native Alabama lizard, "mimic glass lizard", although it resembles a snake because it is legless.
Learn new stuff all the time from garden blogs! :)
Thanks for sharing the wide shots of your beautiful garden, Deb. I'm glad that you'll miss the worst of Barry's blows and benefit from the much needed rain he brings with him. I thought that frog was ceramic when I saw the first photo! What a handsome fellow he is. He certainly chose the right place to take refuge.
So grateful for kind rain, without the extremes.
And such a beautiful frog - what do you think he finds to eat in the rain barrel?
Hi everyone, thank you for your comments! Each one is special to me. Diana, I think the tree frog has plenty to eat inside the rain barrel. All sorts of bugs wander into its opening, and unfortunately, we also have mosquitos. Best wishes, Deb
What a wonderful frog. And not shy at all. Maybe it thought it was invisible?
Your garden looks amazing. I hope you get some rain from Barry. I know the northwest area has been getting quite a bit. I check on the weather there several times a week. I have never seen a frog like that!
I've never seen a grey frog. What a cutie! I love a good soaking rain. We've had plenty this summer. I'm glad you're out of the path of destruction.
After getting buckets of rain in May and June things suddenly got quite dry, so I was happy to get some brief showers yesterday. We may get more over the weekend. I don't have a water system so I water by hand, prioritizing our pots, anything newly planted, and plants that need extra moisture. Other plants have to fend for themselves. I like your silver frog!
Whenever the local television meteorologists bemoan the fact that we're going to have a rainy day, I think, "Not a gardener." After a hot and steamy (for us) weekend, I'm grateful for the gentle soaking rain we're getting tonight and into the day tomorrow.
I love your silvery camouflage frog.
Is the tree frog (the green one} poisonous?
Hello Chang, all frogs have some level of poisonous skin secretions- fortunately most are so mild as to be unnoticeable, particularly if one is just handling them and not trying to eat them. In fact, the American tree frog is considered a good pet. Best wishes! Deb
Well Deb, I do like the look of your regular American tree frog and would welcome him here, the grey one, nah! I hope the tropical storm Barry gave you just the quantity of rain you wished for.
I could SO relate to your description of the summer weather. How many times have we watched storms churn, just to pass us by. We were very rainy in June, which isn’t our summer norm, but now we’re back to our usual dry summer.