Evidence for Fairies: A Fairy Foot!

Do fairies exist? You tell me! I found this fairy foot in one of the paths in the woodland garden:
The foot was a few feet from this fairy stone, so my fairy obviously felt welcome:
(OK, I confess: I added the toes. Also, after a storm, I discovered that the foot had danced away! I found it about twenty feet farther down the path. I returned it to its original location and have plans to mortar it in place. I also am looking for a matching stone so my fairy will have 2 feet. It is amazingly difficult to find a stone just the right size and shape.)
Have a great week, and never miss an opportunity to smile! Deb
Reader Comments (14)
Pretty cute! The only footprints I've found lately clearly belong to raccoons.
Deb, this sure made me smile. The fairies are probably on the look out to help you find such a match.
aww, this is super cute! I love it :-)
Ha! Until you confessed, I thought your husband was messing with you.
Thank you, you did make me smile! The world needs more smiles.
That's fun. Thanks for the smiles and the lighthearted story. :)
How sweet! Thanks for sharing.
Haha. If fairies did exist, they would certainly choose your enchanting garden to dance in Deb.
a haaa..
Might it be a one-footed fairy? Maybe a fairy pirate like the one from Peter Pan?
First thing comes to mind (Make me smile) - Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel 1975.
What a delightful idea! I think I may just need a fairy foot of my own.
Now that you are looking ... the second foot will walk into your garden.