Garden in the Sun

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of visiting my friend Jean Plecker's garden. Unlike my own garden, hers has abundant sunshine.I was a little jealous of all the sun-lovers she can grow on the hillside behind her house. Many people may look at a hill and, judging it too much work, will give it over to a few trees and mulch (or weeds!). But Jean has planted a wonderful assortment of colorful plants, with a succession of blooms through the seasons.
When I visited, her day lilies were in full bloom. 'Watchyl Dreaming Purple' may have been my favorite:
However, Jean had a number of other gorgeous day lilies, so it is hard to say:Clockwise from top left: 'Christmas Wishes'; 'Silk Mystique'; 'Forever redeemed'; 'Choo Choo Magic'; 'Barbara Mitchell'; 'Beside Still Water'; 'Primal Scream'; Unidentified - Anyone have an ID for this one?
Other colorful plants in Jean's garden included Russian Sage, Perovskia atriplicifolia:
Homestead Purple Verbena and Texas Square Bud Primrose:
Klanchoe lucia 'Flapjack':Klanchoe lucia 'Flapjack' grows in this pot with Sedum mexicanum 'Lemon Ball.' and Senecio 'Blue Chalk Fingers.'
Cyperus alternifolius, commonly called Umbrella Papyrus, Umbrella Sedge, or Umbrella palm. Cyperus is a member of the sedge family:
More lovely plants:'Christmas Cheer' daylily growing in front of Asclepias, also called Butterfly Weed.
Clockwise from top left: Green Santolina; Monarda Raspberry Wine, Bee Balm; Gold Bar Maiden Grass, Miscanthus; Cranesbill Geranium.Tropicana Canna Lily:
A pretty pot of flowers:
Jean also had a few spots of shade. This variegated hosta was growing in two places, one in shade and the other in a much sunnier location. Notice the hosta on the left, the one in shade, is a richer green than the one on the right, which grows in sun:
Jean's garden is unlike my predominantly shady garden. I think how the conditions of the landscape dictate the type of gardens we have. While our taste in plants is often molded by what works in our own gardens, our eyes may be opened to new possibilities by seeing what other gardeners are doing. That is what makes visiting various gardens so much fun. In almost every space there is a takaway, an idea that I can bring home. Klanchoe lucia 'Flapjack' now grows in a pot on my sunny patio. Thank you, Jean!
Reader Comments (14)
Kalanchoe luciae is a great plant - I hope it does well for you. Your friend has a lovely assortment of daylilies. I'm envious, especially of 'Beside Still Water'. Sadly, the nasty June heatwave here even put a premature end to the daylily blooms throughout my garden this summer. Maybe, if I'm lucky, they'll regroup and I'll get some blooms in late fall. It's happened before.
Loving that Kalanchoe bowl! And the rest of the garden, with all its colour and texture. Sloping and hillside gardens are fab, a great opportunity to cultivate despite the initial challenge :)
Slopes can be challenging but worth the effort as you can see everything placed one behind the other giving a very different feel to the space in comparison to a flat garden. I agree we can learn so much from visiting others' gardens (and blogs). Thanks for sharing your visit.
I love the klanchoe plant pot. And the colours of the daylilies. Thanks for sharing.
I agree, visiting other gardens is so much fun. For getting new ideas and enjoying plants that won't grow in our own gardens.
A sloping garden looks and feels much bigger than a level one. I remember that from our Camps Bay days. How nice to sit on that patio and gaze up at all the flowers!
Jean has a pretty and colorful garden. I found it funny you said of being jealous of all the sun loving plants, but as dry and hot as it has been, I am a bit jealous of you with all your shade.
Such a colourful slope with interesting planting.
I love all our shade and find it easier to plant than my sunny borders!
Lovely garden – so many beautiful plants! I love daylilies and would love to have many more, and every time I visit a gardening blog I see plants I would like to grow in my own garden – that’s why I have so many plants :-)
Thanks for sharing Deb.
I have a sunny steep slope of my own (currently still mostly grass) and I know it can be a lot of work to garden on a slope (slippery work!) so I'm super impressed with all your friend has accomplished!!
Interesting that I grow a couple of the plants your friend has. However, my Daylily collection can't hold a candle to hers! Fabulous.
Amazing what sunshine can do. The daylilies are to kill for ,so is that canna lily.
Your friend Jean has such a nice garden. I agree- visiting other gardens can be so inspiring.
How wonderful that you have a nice gardening friend to visit and she really does have a spectacular garden. I'm envious of all those gorgeous daylilies that she is growing - some really lovely colors. Its always inspiring to visit another lovely garden and get ideas. Thank you for sharing this one and please pass on my congratulations on her wonderful creation there.