A Few Woodland Views

Can it be May already? We have had some heavy rain and stiff winds that brought lots of small branches down. No damage, but I have some clean-up to do! And the weeds are responding by leaping out of the ground like Jack's beanstalk. Meanwhile, here are a few images taken in the woodland garden, before the mess was made!
The shrub with red new growth is Pieris japonica, next to Variegated Osmathus.
Variegated Solomon's Seal
Autumn fern with its copper colored new growth
Happy gardening to you all!
Reader Comments (14)
Oh, what beautiful views! I'm glad you didn't have much damage from the storms. (I had the same thought about it being May already. Oh dear!)
Th whole world seems to be experiencing the same rain and cold winds! Time does race by doesn't it? May already and so much already in flower that it feels like the garden will be over by mid-month. Your woodland is always a delight to the eye, thanks for sharing.
I love the bright color of the new Pieris foliage. As always, your woodland scenes are entrancing. High winds seem to be creating a mess all over - I'm also facing piles of wind-blown debris. Wind is a regular feature here but this spring it's been ridiculous!
Your woodland garden looks so spring-like and inviting. Just beautiful! The first nubs of variegated Solomon's seal are just poking up out of the ground in my garden.
Always scary when those spring storms roll through, but your garden is looking so lovely Deb! I just love the views over the beautiful bridge and the pretty photo of the Solomon's Seal. I can't believe that it is May already either...I'm not sure why time is flying so fast! haha!
Enjoy your week!
- Kate x
Fabulous Deb....still a bit cool here but with recent rain the weeds are leaping here!
I think one of the reasons that I enjoy your blog so much is because your garden is so vastly different than mine, especially the woodland garden. Here I am in suburbia, on a corner lot, so there is nothing remotely resembling a woodland here! My yard is sunny, hot, and dry, with almost no shade, so I have to garden differently than you do. Not to mention, springs are wet and chilly, then it switches gears with hot, dry summers. I have to have plants that can take both of those scenarios. Tricky!
I can't believe it's May already either. Spring is really like a whirlwind. I wish it could last longer.
I always enjoy seeing the different textures and shades of green in your woodland garden.
Your woodland is such a dreamy place. So beautiful, Deb. This year the spring garden season is rushing by. Hope the weather predictions of drought are wrong, or it will be a very long summer.
it looks idyllic, wish I could walk over your little blue bridge!
Your woodland garden is lovely, so green and tranquil.
Your woodland always seems such a peaceful place to be, I'm so pleased that you didn't suffer much damage in your storms, always a worrying time when you have huge trees.
help-we planted 3 burford hollies last fall and they looked great when we left end of december-now the leaves are falling and they are even losing branches-they are in partial shade, but i looked for some periods of sun as we planted. i see no flowering-just black, and dry there. .
I would trade in my garden any day to have a true woodland such as this, just love it.
Its some time since I last tried to add your blog to my list, I will leave it there this time for a while, you may want to check it out and possibly come up with an answer. Alistair