Late March in the Garden, 2016

I know it's Easter time again,
I feel it in the air.
The breath of spring with woodsy tang,
And new life everywhere.
And spring glides on with magic touch
O'er mountain side and glen;
And wakens all the sleeping plants
For Easter time again.
from "I feel it In the Air" by Edna Reed
It is an enchanted time in the garden when winter's darkness has fallen away. Spring light washes over the landscape and draws fresh life out of brown earth and gray branches. I walk in my garden and breathe in the fragrance of damp earth, clean air and velvety blooms, and I am swallowed by the exuberance of creation around me.
Trees at last are unfurling young leaves, and we are moving into mid spring with its marvelous mix of colors. Japanese maples are opening their bright leaves in the front garden.
Azaleas are blooming in shades of pink, purple, orange and white.
I am planting more woodland phlox, Phlox divaricata, this year. I have visions of drifts of this native flower floating through the woodlands. I have about a dozen plants now. I need lots more!
On this Easter day, the world is troubled and dark in many places, but my prayer is that God will bless you and fill your heart with hope proved true by His resurrection. Deb

Reader Comments (15)
Your garden is truly beautiful Deb, Happy Spring and Easter to you my friend.
The garden is really coming to life! Thank you for sharing- hope you had a lovely Easter!
Your woodland looks beautiful :)
It is a magical time of year, Deb - your photos tell the truth of that. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!
Wow, spring is gorgeous at your house! I especially love that shot of the pink azaleas as seen through the green arch. It's a knockout!
I hope you had a great Easter. You are right, so much trouble in the world, not very true to religious belief. I love the view through the arbor. The azaleas are stunning. I miss them from PA. Here they are short-lived.
Hope you had a splendid Easter Deb...your garden is such a heavenly place to me...especially when the azaleas bloom. I cannot grow them so I look forward to seeing yours!
Yes, you captured that wonderful moment when you know "it's SPRING". Your garden is awakening beautifully.
Your garden certainly does look enchanting. I love your arbor and Azaleas. The air here is still chilly, not yet soft and warm. Phlox divaritica is an excellent plant, but beware: rabbits will chew them to the ground.
Thank you for your Easter prayer.
Beautiful!! I really love that arch and all those camellias. :) I do love how soft spring is.
Wonderful spring images Deb! I think your garden is a month ahead of mine. My Japanese maples and azaleas don't show any signs of flowers yet. Hopefully some warm weather will soon wake them up.
Your arbor is awesome ! Lots of garden ideas here. Enjoyed the visit.
A very belated Happy Easter Deb! This was a beautiful post, filled with lovely sentiments and gorgeous photos. Your garden is such a delight and it is lovely to see everything coming to life. It is just breathtaking!
- Kate xx
How wonderful to see all your blooms. We are enjoying the long light-filled days of spring, but they have been accompanied by the icy temperatures of winter. April is the winter-into-spring transition time here, with the real bloom show starting in May. Until then, I'll visit your flowers.