Mid September with Hints of Autumn

In one week the season has stepped from summer onto the edge of fall, and there is no going back. Autumn's touch is evident. There are golden and orange tints in the trees, especially in dogwood leaves, which are always among the first to turn, and the breeze brings a few leaves fluttering to the ground.Cornus florida, our native flowering dogwood, is beginning to turn colors in mid-september.
I walk in the garden and feel sunshine on my face, but it is a gentle breath and no longer the hot, sticky lick of summer. I call autumn our second spring. Many summer flowers, like these in the front planter, are rejuvenated in the cooler, yet still warm air.
I walk slowly and enjoy my tour around the mid-September garden, with its pleasant atmosphere and hints of autumn:
Oakleaf Hydrangea leaf
Southern magnolia seed pods
Evergreen Dryopteris erythrosora, Autumn fern, does not turn colors in fall. Rather, new growth in spring has autumn tints.
Clockwise from top left: Licoris radiate, the spider lily; Ilex verticillata, the winterberry; Hydrangea paniculata 'Limelight'; Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'.
This old rusty woodpecker is in the woodland garden.
I hope you enjoyed the tour. Have a great week! Deb
Reader Comments (18)
Loved your tour. Fall in the South is wonderful, despite the absence of great flaming trees that are seen in the uplands. I treasure every little Sassafras and Sumac that blazes later on. I 'specially enjoy the cool crisp feeling like taffeta on the skin that replaces the warm wool blanket feeling of summer humidity.
Lost in the beauty of your garden, then I notice the fragrance of Buddleja wafting thru the window
I loved your description of summer's heat in your area: "the hot, sticky lick of summer." Southern California's always been known for its "dry" heat but we've had a lot of that "sticky lick" ourselves this year and we expect to get more of that tomorrow when another tropical system moves in; however, if it brings rain, I won't complain. I love your autumn garden and wish I could stroll though it with all its changing color. There's been no sign of autumn here yet. I just checked my 'Sango Kaku' Japanese maple, which last year took on a delicious orange/gold hue in early September but this year the leaves are simply burning and turning brown due to too little water and too much heat.
I very much enjoyed walking through the garden with you. We are seeing hints of fall too; how I enjoy this time of year!
Despite our very different latitudes, it seems that we are experiencing very similar seasonal changes. Here, too, leaves started to turn noticeably and today brought a cool mass of autumn air. I love this time of year.
I love wandering through your garden, no matter what time of year it is. The light in autumn is much softer and kinder to the plants. Your garden is really beautiful as the colours are turning, we have a similar effect over here too.
Judging from the photos it definitively looks like autumn has moved into your garden in a very lovely and gentle way. I especially love the photo with the sun shining through the dark arbor, so atmospheric!
I have a question: What is the name of the dark purple pompom-like flowering plant on the fourth photo from the top of you post that is planted between the petunias? I like it very much!
Wishing you many wonderful autumn days in your beautiful garden!
Warm regards,
Yep, touches of autumn here, too. Beautiful photos, Deb. Your garden is amazing in every season!
I love autumn in your garden but I'm glad you can enjoy some pleasant weather before it takes over completely. It is like a second spring here too and September is I think my favourite month.
Deb, The colors in your lovely garden are just so gorgeous and your wonderful photography brings it all to life. I really feel as if I am taking a wonderful autumnal stroll. Amazing!
Autumn has arrived here too, cooler weather and much colder in the evening, but I love autumn for the crisp light and pleasant gardening temperatures. Thanks for the stroll around your wonderful garden, beautiful photos as ever.
I love our walks through the garden, they are one of the special things in this world...I to have been watching the subtle signs of falls subtle arrival.
Beautiful, especially the C. florida. I so wish we could grow it here successfully. Also love the pine cones (also a rarity here) and the Oakleaf Hydrangea - actually something that can be grown here successfully.
Your garden is a perfect example as to why foliage is so important...that second spring! Just stunning Deb!
Your Autumn is gentle and kind, and oh so beautiful. I love the changing colors of the foliage, and this is one of my favorite months.
I think that the long hot summer here has dried everything out so badly that our colors might be a bit washed out this year.
But i can live vicariously through other bloggers.
I always love your autumn garden, Deb. This tour did not disappoint.
Autumn is so very welcome here too, especially with the cool, crisp air. I never like to say goodbye to my summer flowers, but it's the price I have to pay for the glory of fall.
Everything is perfect!! How do you do it Deb!!