Late June in the Garden

We are having some rain this afternoon. The air should cool down into the 70s, though the rain is alternating with bright sun. Today is the first day in several weeks that the temperature has not reached into the 90s. The humidity will remain close to 100%, so the air will still feel summertime heavy. Nevertheless, I am grateful for small, if temporary, changes.
I continue to enjoy my late afternoon garden walks. Here are some photos taken within the last few days.
The view across the front garden is taking on the mellowness of mid-summer:
More images around the front garden, clockwise from top left: Pink birdhouse backed by the purple foliage of loropetalum and lush green witch hazel (Hamamelis). The orange flower is a daylily. I am not one to be offended by an orange and pink combination; Lovebirds nestle in a small bird feeder; A small potion of the walkway that wraps from the front around the side of the house. Foliage of azalea, rosemary and 'Blue Star' juniper is in front, while boxwoods edge the far side; Burford holy berries will turn red in the fall; Variegated Carex, maidenhair fern, red impatiens and leopard plant in a tomato-red pot; Common ajuga and creeping jenny make a pleasing combination of two ground covers.
A few summer flowers around the front garden:Large photo at top is crepe myrtle (Lagerstroemia), then smaller images, clockwise from top left: 'Coral' drift roses; 'Lady in Red' hydrangea; Daylily; Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle.'
Walking into the woodland garden in late afternoon is always a delight as shadow and light play amidst the foliage:Larger photo at top is a view toward one of the moss paths with the dark outline of a Japanese maple in front. Plants in the smaller images, clockwise from top left: Hardy begonia; Flowers from Heucherella rise up in front of a Bird's Nest fern; Calla lily (Zantedeschia); Stromanthe 'Tricolor'; Hydrangea 'Lady in Red'; Toad Lily (Tricyrtis).
More views inside the woodland garden:
Additional woodland foliage highlights:Clockwise from top left: Variegated ivy grows in the lady head pot, moved this year from the arbor garden into the woodland garden; Carex 'Everillo'; Cast iron plant (Aspidistra); Autumn fern (Dryopteris erythrosora); Hydrangea 'Snowflake'; Houttuynia cordata, an invasive ground cover - only plant this where you know you can keep it under control.
I found this fallen feather beside a woodland path. It is about six inches long:
A friend gave me some Agapanthus earlier this year. I was not sure if it would settle in enough to bloom this year, but look what is happening:
Finally, my Voodoo Lilies (Amorphophallus konjac) continue their weirdness. After they finished blooming (inside the house!!) several months ago, I planted the tubers outside in their garden pots. Now at last each is putting up its speckled stem, or petiole, which is topped by spokes of a deeply divided leaf, much like an umbrella.Isn't gardening grand?!
Reader Comments (19)
Always nice to visit your blog !! I admire your beautiful garden. I can see that that is a wonderful place to rest !!
Have a happy weekend :)
It certainly is and images of your garden continue to enchant :)
Love, love, love your head planter!
You have such a calming garden. I wish your blog had a "Go Visit" button so I could pop through the computer screen and wander around your garden. :o)
The speckled stem is cool. Never saw one like that before. You have some beautiful garden ornament. I am not sure I would want to be out in your weather though.
I envy you the rain, if not the accompanying humidity. Your garden certainly seems to appreciate your weather. I love that Stromanthe (I think I also said that last year too) and the voodoo lily is fascinating. We've got a touch of tropical weather today ourselves but the sky just spit at us, producing no measurable rain; however, our temps did come down, for which I'm grateful.
That voodoo lily is so cool looking! Not sure I'd want one after hearing about its, um, distinctive smell, but I enjoy seeing the pictures :) I love your pink birdhouse, too! I'm sure you are enjoying the cooler weather. The heat is the one thing I don't miss about living in North Carolina (though this past winter, I felt a little differently.)
Hi Deb! So nice of you to pop by my blog for a visit. I am so happy to meet another blogger from Alabama!! Your garden is beautiful and the advice and tips you provide are wonderful. I will be following you on bloglovin' from now on :) I still have so much to learn, and your blog is a wealth of information about gardening in our unique climate. I so look forward to seeing more of your garden and learning more to improve my own. Blessings!! Starr.
Marvelous photos as usual.
You know a photographer is talented when she can make crape myrtle flowers look fresh, new and lovely.
that voodoo lily is entertaining. Lovely to look at!
Yes, gardening is grand! This summer (so far) has been wonderfully pleasant here. Highs in the 70s and 80s--not too hot, warm enough to swim and wear shorts. The plants are very happy. It looks like your plants don't mind the heat, so you've picked and tended well. I agree regarding the woodland: it's a magical place during any season, but especially during the summer. Congrats on the Agapanthus bloom!
You let your voodoo lily bloom in the HOUSE? June is such a green, green month at your house, mine too. But then again, we are stuck in an endless cycle of rain, rain, and more rain. Normally I'd love it, but even I've had enough.
Thank you, everyone for your comments! Robin, regarding the voodoo lily blooming in the house. "Let" is the wrong word! It had a mind of its own when it bloomed in winter, long before I planned to put it out in the garden. I was fortunate we had a few warm days while it was blooming and could put it outdoors during the day at least. The rest of the time it stayed in the back part of the house, which can be shut off from the rest. This was the part of the house where the cat stayed. She did not appreciate it and stayed away from the plant! Deb
Hot and humid, no wonder everything in your garden looks so beautiful. Reminds me of our visit to Singapore some years ago. Almost too hot and humid for me but all plants and trees were so beautiful. Here it is hot and dry at the moment, not so good for the garden.
Your gardens are beautiful Deb. The combination of blooms and garden accents are fabulous and your collages are just breathtaking!
I'm envious of your agapanthus -- but not your hot weather. We've had a cool June in Maine; on many days, the high temperature never made it up to 70. Now that it's July, we're going to get some temps in the 80s -- and everyone will start to complain about the heat ;-).
Ah, Voodoo lily! I have been dithering about getting one but since I have never seen or smelled one in real life I haven’t dared yet. I could grow them outdoors, but have been put off by the description of foul, rotting smell. The flowers look amazing so maybe I could endure the smell…or maybe not!
Your garden looks amazingly green and lush, and like you, I am waiting for my first agapanthus buds to open – can’t wait to see them!
Dear Deb, I thoroughly enjoyed to tour your garden with you! I am always fascinated by the lushness of your garden, but putting up with almost 100 % humidity in summer, I don't know :-)!
I love the combination of Ajuga and Creeping Jenny. I have Ajugas waiting to be planted in my own garden already and I am looking for other plants to combine them with, so that might be a great idea for my own place, if Creeping Jenny is liking it here.
I love your first photo of the woodland garden. The light is just fascinating in this one.
Last but not least that Voodoo lily, never heard of this one before, it is an interesting plant to observe going through its growing cycles!
Wishing you a nice July!
Deb your garden is a feast for the eyes and the foliage color in the first shot just makes me sigh with delight!