Tie-dyed Sky and other Autumn Images

As fall colors near their peak, there is much to enjoy about this season. Autumn tints - burnt orange, gold and bronze, maroon, purple and rose - mingle to create a landscape reminiscent of impressionistic masters. The air is cool, and working in the garden is a pleasure. There have been a lot of good "photo moments."
This unusual cloud formation caught my eye one day; I call it a 'tie-dyed sky."
Back on earth, here are some fall colors in my garden:
The fall colors of Eastern White Pine ( Pinus strobus) and a Japanese maple complement each other.
Common forsythia has wonderful fall colors
Chinese pistache tree is noted for its fall colors.
Fall fruits and berries, clockwise from top left: 'Tamopan' persimmon; Ilex cornuta 'Dwarf Burford'; Gourds and a little pumpkin, along with decorative cabbage and violas; Viburnum nudum berries.
This was an unexpected image caught late in the day, out of the blue sky:A falling rainbowI hope you are having a wonderful season, wherever you may be! Deb

Reader Comments (16)
Dear Deb, the autumn colors in your garden look indeed magnificently! We do have some fall colors here in Southern California as well, but they are definitively not as striking as in your area.
There are hardly any flowers to see in your photos, but your garden is still so fascinating because of the gorgeous autumn colors, that I don't miss them at all.
Wishing you a lovely November!
Warm regards,
Deb, it looks like a tapestry of beautiful colors and forms. That "tie-dyed" sky is fascinating, too! Thanks so much for sharing the fall highlights from your woodland garden.
love the photos of the leaves, and the sky ones. Really does look like tie dye, and the rainbow is also an unusual shape. Beautiful.
Your garden is so beautiful in its tapestry of subdued colours, they are all so pretty, set off by your beautiful clipped domes. Love the falling rainbow!
The rainbow is a nice touch. No matter how hard life can be a times if you can find a small bit of space to believe in rainbows things will turn out pretty good. Have a wonderful autumn, love your garden photos.
that waterfall rainbow is amazing
Oh, what a lovely fall rainbow! I don't usually associate rainbows with autumn, although last fall I found one low on the horizon at the beach, and it persisted for over an hour. I don't think anyone knew it was there except me, because it was so low on the horizon. My own personal rainbow!
What beautiful colors in your garden! Forsythia certainly gives a beautiful show again in the fall. I see you are enjoying it in your garden as we are in ours. What interesting clouds you've captured, too. Thank you again for visiting our Forest Garden. You have such a lovely one, too. Cheers, WG
Great photos and fall color. I like all the autumn berries you have, mine all get eaten by rodents or birds much too fast. Love that first picture of the white clouds in a blue sky.
Your garden is spectacular in every season, Deb! I do love that tie-dyed sky - it's an apt description.
Beautiful colors and patterns both in the sky and on the ground!
Your garden is beautiful in every season Deb, I think it is my favourite garden on the web.
Gorgeous Autumn shades, pity it is over so quickly. Certainly is an unusual cloud formation, like daytime fireworks.
Lovely rainbow at the end there Deb, and beautiful autumn colours. I especially liked all the fruit and berries but the tie-dye sky was amazing too :-)
Deb, I just read about Autumn, in Diana's blog. I am so so sorry. I remember when you first got her and asked us for ideas about what to call her. I know she was a lovely cat with a lovely nature and you loved her so much. Consider yourself hugged.
It has been a glorious fall here but sadly all the foliage is gone. What a treat to see that tie-dye sky and that rainbow of gorgeous foliage in your stunning garden.