Best of the Rest 2014

Another year has zoomed past, and it is time for my annual "Best of the Rest" feature. These are photos taken in 2014, but for various reasons did not make it into the blog. Nevertheless, they deserve a look, and overall they provide a quick review of my garden through the year. So, a little drumroll, here they are!
I hope you enjoyed my 2014 leftovers! Did you have a favorite month?
Reader Comments (23)
Your garden and images are stunning all year round Debs!
What a lovely selection of photographs showing your garden through the year. I love visiting your garden, no matter what time of year it is. I don't think I have a favourite month here, every month brings something new, for me to get excited about !
Absolutely beautiful. So needed this time of year.
Dear Deb, I am glad that these photos got a chance to show up in public ;-)! They are definitively worth looking at. I don't have a favorite month, but I do have a favorite photo: I am totally in love with the wooden climbing structure, with the turquoise blue paint and the golden embellishment from the set of the November photos.
Wishing you a great week!
Warm regards,
Some very pretty pictures! Your redbud trees are so pretty. I love May and June - it's so nice to see some Summer photos!
It must be hard to select photos for each post, Deb, when even your "leftovers" are this good. The photos from June and October are my favorites overall, although the photo of the tree in the snow in the January collage is wonderful - it looks like a painting. I hope it's not as cold as last year's photos suggest!
Beautiful images. Happy New Year!
I love to watch all your beautiful flowers and plants ! Thanks for sharing the beauty of your garden !
Have a Happy New Year !
Absolutely gorgeous photographs. Is that Redbud in September and October with heart shaped leaves? And the brilliant spring foliage - Japanese maples? Finally, what is the tree with dark purple foliage in November?
Hello everyone, and Happy New Year! I appreciate all of your comments. Thank you all for your support! Jason, yes that is Redbud with heart shaped leaves in the September and October photos. And yes, the brilliant spring foliage (April) is Japanese maple. And that dark purple foliage in November is a Japanese maple also. I believe it is 'Bloodgood.' Deb
What a great idea! It's fascinating how the Japanese Maples look so similar in April and October. They certainly are beautiful. Your garden is stunning in all the seasons, Deb. Thanks for sharing these previously unpublished photos. Happy New Year!
All of the April photos were stunning and quite a few others. Especially liked the yellow leaves in October.
Beautiful beautiful beautiful. Your redbud has amazing color, and I so wish some of mine did. Would you be willing to do a seed trade?
I think May and September are my favorites months in the garden, although as your pictures show there can be something to love every month of the year.
What a lovely review, I'm always so envious of your wonderful tree collection, and you under plant with so many beautiful shrubs too. I always sigh happily when I have a virtual wander around. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to this year!
I loved your 2014 best of the rest. The photographs of your garden are wonderful throughout the months and your collages of April and May are gorgeous and have me longing for spring....only 75 days to go!!!
My favs are October and May, but all are beautiful. It is fun making a post for the year, because all can be seen in the changing fashion of nature. You are lucky in a way to still get that snow in your forest. The best of all seasons, makes it appreciate all those that follow all the more!
Oh so beautiful I cannot pick a favorite! Your gardens are incredible. I am so inspired and thinking of wondrous Spring! Thank you.
All lovely, Debbie, my favourite? difficult but maybe April, I really like the contrasts in form and colour. Your garden is wonderful in all seasons, it must give you such pleasure. I've read all your recent posts but was unable to comment easily because I was using my iPad and iPhone instead of my pc, I enjoyed them all.
Your calendar of images really set the mood for each month. Maybe it is the time of year and the cold weather we are having, because March was my favourite collage. Happy New Year to you Deb!
Deb I hope maybe one day to visit your see the snow and then daffs and flowers for most months with all the wonderful is a dream come true....I believe right up there with so many well respected gardens that so many visit.
A beautiful selection of leftovers! They were all stunning photos but I think I liked November best – with those gorgeous colours. All the best for 1015!
It's hard to pick a favourite month Deb. You know I love everything about your garden. But if I had to, I would choose januari for the snow on the tree and the beautiful round shrubs and june for the happy cat and july for the lovely bird and the glossy tomato and november for the rusty colors :-)
Ah, for a few minutes, I was wandering your garden with you, instead of enduring winter. Thank you!