Almost Autumn

September 23 will be the first official day of autumn. My part of the world has not received notice just yet. The days are very warm, though cooler mornings and evenings hold promise. Weather can turn in a moment, however, so maybe day after tomorrow will bring the cool refreshing days I am longing for!
I should go back and count how many of my posts begin by talking about the weather. We gardeners are acutely tuned to climate fluctuations, and too often we are wishing for a change. I am trying to appreciate each day. This summer I have made myself walk outside even when it has been exceptionally hot and humid. (I confess I haven't always enjoyed it, and some of those strolls were short!)
Really? In truth this summer has not been exceptionally hot and humid at all. Why, June and July were quite pleasant.
OK. But as the calendar states, it is almost autumn! I admit, despite the hot afternoons, the garden looks inviting with mellow shades of yellow and myriad shades of green in the soft September light. I am eager to drag Lou out into the garden and get things done. My list is long.
A mid-September view of the arch. Notice that the Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), which we cut back almost to the ground earlier this year, is recovering nicely.
This little Japanese maple is growing near a large white pine (Pinus strobus) in the front garden. I love its golden September foliage against the blue-green of the white pine needles.
Above left: Zinnias are blooming in a pea-green pot next to Blue star Juniper. Above right: Boulevard Blue Cypress tree gets the bonsai treatment in a pot at the top of the woodland stairway.
This birdhouse is located near the main entrance to the woodland garden.It is tempting to dive into yard work, but once the sun gets up and the humidity rises, one realizes that it would be better to wait a few weeks for the benefit of plants and humans both. Sometimes it is hard to be patient, but for the most part I am content to pull a few weeds while I wander around taking photos.
I like the detail in this metal arch that leads into the arbor garden. The metal is dark brown, but the light was shining on it so that parts of it seem much lighter in this photo.
Wild ageratum, also called Mist Flower, is blooming now. This is one of my favorite wildflowers. Butterflies, like this skipper, also appreciate it.
The Ageratum rambles around the Red Cascade rose, which blooms prolifically in the spring and then sporadically through the summer. It has recently put out another flush of blooms.
I finish with some more late summer images.Clockwise from top left: My Winterberry hollies (Ilex verticillata) finally have berries on them this year. They are beginning to turn orange. I moved these shrubs FOUR times before they found a happy home; My winter daphne seems to be doing well, despite its recent move into a new pot; Annual Persian Shield is flourishing; Can I brag again about my Arborvitae fern (Selaginella braunii)? I love this plant!
May you all have a blessed week, and may you find refreshment for your souls. Deb
Reader Comments (16)
And you too Debs! Your favourite season will be there soon :) beautiful and dreamy images of your garden as always!
What an inviting view through your arch.
My list is long, too.
When you photograph that view through the arch my jaw always drops in admiration. Perfect forms and textures. Your arch is actually making me think that could be a solution to the view west from the terrace, Our autumn feels hotter than most of the summer but with cooler nights there is dew every morning.
I love the view through your arch showing your clipped shrub, such a wonderful contrast to everything else! Suddenly our nights are a lot cooler, I've actually closed the greenhouse door this evening for the first time for months!
I love the arch that begins the journey through your garden...It really makes it special.
going to be collecting a few glazed ceramic pots in glowing colours. Inspired by you and Pam @ Digging.
What a lovely welcoming shot through the trellis. Your rosemaries look wonderful.
I have to admit the hot days really stick with me too, even though this summer has been really nice. lol The same with winter. One year we had a really cold December and although the rest of the winter was mild I never could get over it.
The list is very long here too. Smart move on your part to wait until the weather cools off to tackle your list!
All the photos are great but that first photo with the arch is stunning. I like your arborvitae fern. It looks a bit like my rainbow fern (turns bluer in shade).
Your end-of-summer garden looks splendid. I love the photo of the skipper on the Ageratum. Fall arrived here on the Pacific coast just over an hour ago. We've been enjoying cooler days after a miserable heatwave last week but the temperatures are expected to climb again through mid-week, then come down again as we head into the weekend. As we often get heatwaves well into October, we're accustomed to the ups and downs in early fall and leap up to use each cool(ish) day we get. My husband and I are currently working on the clearing grass roots, sod netting and other debris the landscape service didn't get when they removed our front lawn. It's going to be awhile before we get to the fun stuff but at least we have cooler weather to work in. I hope you have an opportunity to get your hands dirty soon!
Almost Autumn in your garden looks a total treat Debs, in fact it starts today! The view of the arch and beyond is my favourite.
Dear Deb, your garden looks indeed inviting and very soothing! I love the photo of the small light green Japanese maple with the large white pine as a background, just magical! Ageratum is a new plant for me. It is stunningly beautiful especially growing through your 'Red Cascade' rose.
I also still can hardly work in the garden because of the heat. Only the most necessary things are getting done. The heat here is very dry, though, which is easier on the humans than humid heat, but the latter is much lighter on the plants, I guess. No matter how much I water everything in my garden all plants seem to have a yellowish tint right now. I can't wait until it is finally getting cooler...
Wishing you a great rest of the week!
Oohhh, we received notice this week here in London, autumn has definitely arrived, although it is still in the low 20s Celsius, and nice and sunny, there is a cold feel to the weather. We have had an amazing spring and summer, but I don’t really want it to end just yet – I might be obligatory obsessed with the weather, but right now I would like summer to stay for as long as possible.
I loved your Rose ‘Red Cascade’, I have a Rose ‘Crimson Cascade’ but it is not a miniature and although it is trained on a 5 ft fence it also sends out strong shoots 7 ft tall. I had a look at your link with the dog house – so beautiful!
I love all your hardware details, such as the arch and birdhouse - so pretty! That's exciting about your Winter Gold Winterberry - I'll bet it will look gorgeous full of those berries! As gardeners, we are all tuned in to the weather, but it's a little closer to what all our ancestors have done for generations. It's amazing the number of people who never go outside anymore - I can't think that that is good for a person's health!
I love the beautiful view through the archway Deb and the Ageratum looks lovely with the roses peeking through it. Our weather is the same here, still warm in the day (summer is clinging on!) but much colder at night and early in the morning, true Autumn is definitely approaching.
Your garden is stunning, beautiful, and so tidy...
Being a gardener, I realize just how much planning, and work has gone into this creation of beauty...and it's so worth while.
Deb your garden is stunning and the color shifts are showing. I am eager to get my reluctant helper going but it has been too dry here so we are tending the veg beds instead and getting them ready for next year.