Late July in the Garden

It's almost August! Summer is sliding by quicker than a six year old on a Slip 'N Slide. It has been a few years since I launched myself onto one of those dangerously watery plastic sheets. I can't count how many years, though I do remember doing it! I did ask Lou to spray me with the water hose the other day. It has been hot and humid, but we have had some pleasant days thrown in now and then to make it bearable. August still to go.
Meanwhile, a quick tour of the garden shows that most non-foliage color comes from lavender and bright pink crepe myrtles, 'Coral' drift roses, and a few flowers such as yarrow and coneflowers. Here are images taken in the front garden:
Yarrow is a perennial that has long-lasting blooms:Hydrangea 'Limelight' positively glows in the midsummer garden:
The woodland garden is noticeably cooler than the non-shaded parts of the garden. It is deep green with golden summer lights:
Stromanthe tricolor, a tropical plant I bring inside when winter arrives, and Solomon's Seal are just a couple of the foliage plants in the woodlands looking good right now:
'Waterfall' Japanese maple is a highlight in the woodland garden:
Rabbit keeps an eye on everything:
Finally, I have been seeing lots of dragonflies this year. This one reminds me of an old bi-plane:
Isn't nature grand? Blessings to all of you. Deb
Reader Comments (20)
Thank you for the kewl tour through your cool garden.
Dragonflies are more plentiful here this year, too. I was despairing of seeing butterflies in large numbers until I looked back at last year's blog posts where they failed to show until the end of July then, too.
Your garden is lovely in all seasons. I think I've seen the Stromanthe sold as a houseplant here but I was surprised to see you grow in outside - I may have to try that, provided that I can find a shady location where I can also ensure it gets sufficient water. I hope you get a break from the heat and humidity! (We're more humid than normal here this year so I can empathize.)
Your garden is so beautiful. I love these photos.
Nature is grand indeed, and it's always a treat to see photos of your garden Debs!
I'm charmed by your exotic dragonfly!
I've been seeing lots of dragonflies, too. Love 'em! My garden is a lot greener this year because we had so much rain during the spring and early summer. And now it's browning a bit because we haven't had much rain for a couple of weeks. Good thing the Hostas are flowering like crazy to provide nectar for pollinators. Enjoy the beauty of midsummer!
Your garden is still looking very lush, not the least bit dry. Don't all the tree in your woodland suck all the moisture away from the other plants, my woodland is looking so dry at the moment, almost autumnal!
So beautiful. I'm newly in love with Hydrangea 'Limelight.' I've seen it here in full sun and was shocked that it doesn't seem to mind. I know that paniculata hydrangeas generally are more sun tolerant, but we're talking blazing hot full sun! Are yours in full sun or some shade?
Deb, I don't know how you do it! Such beauty at every turn. I need your expertise to figure out what to do in this dark, non functional space!! Hahaha!
Beautiful! We've had a ton of dragonflies, too, which were such a delight. And they kept down the mosquito population! I love yarrow and hydrangeas!
There is a green haze in your images that shouts mid-summer, you captured that feeling beautifully. I have a Stromanthe, that I bout as a house-plant last Christmas, It is our on the terrace now but I don't think it would survive the winter outside.
Hello everyone! thank you for your comments! Kris and Christina, I should have mentioned that the Stromanthe is not hardy. I keep it in a pot and bring it inside during the winter. I will go back and add this to my post so as not to cause confusion. Deb
Gorgeous (with a capital "G") dragonfly pic, Deb!
I echo Sarah's question about Hydrangea paniculata. I know they're sometimes described as drought tolerant, but can they *really* handle full sun without supplemental water in a typical year in Alabama? How about in partial shade?
Aaron and Sarah, sorry, I meant to comment about my Hydrangea paniculata above! My Limelight gets sun all morning and until about 1:00 p.m. I just visited the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, and they have their Limelights in full sun with no nearby trees. I am sure they water when needed! I also water mine whenever I water my other hydrangeas, but I rarely see Limelight wilting. Like all hydrangeas Limelights do best in well draining soil high in organic matter. Best wishes to you all! Deb
I wholeheartedly agree, nature is truly grand. Your garden looks wonderful despite your heat. Great planting does that. I think your birds and dragonflies are very happy in your garden. Love those images too along with the shots of your garden. Beautiful, Deb.
What wonderful photos of your garden! I especially love the woodland area, such a gorgeous array of greens.
I continue to marvel at your beautiful foliage garden many beautiful things to wonder wildlife loves it too!
Hi Deb! Your cool woodland garden looks very inviting! It's so nice to have some shade!
Don't remind me how quickly summer is flying by! I'm just getting to the point where the veggies are coming on full force, and enjoying every minute of it. Not to mention that our cool, wet summer has my flowers looking better than ever. Hey, by the way, your summer garden looks wonderful, as usual. I've been admiring limelight hydrangreas around town, but have nowhere to put them with all the sun I have in my garden.
Your woodland garden always looks like such a cool, tranquil place to visit on a hot summer day.