The June Garden, 2014

Summer has arrived with predictable humidity and temperatures hitting the 90s; but with plentiful rain so far, I can not complain. The June garden is lush with deep green bowers edged with orange, purple, pink, and red summer flowers.
Here is a long view across the arbor by the patio:
A different angle catches the day lilies now in bloom. Planted about 60 years ago, they were here many years before we arrived. The pink flowers belong to Anthony Waterer Spirea:
Here is another view of the day lilies. Behind is a Lady in Red Hydrangea. This plant is the one of the few macrophylla hydrangeas with any blooms this year, following an unusually hard winter.
Anthony Waterer Spirea is one of my favorite shrubs. It is low maintenance, has a beautiful draping form and wonderful summer blooms:
Below are close ups of three hydrangeas currently in bloom:Clockwise from top: Snowflake, Annabelle, and Forever Pink.
Red Cascade Rose always has masses of blooms through the summer:
Here are a few more summer bloomers:Clockwise from top left: 'Tutti Fruitti' butterfly bush with Persian Shield on the lower right, Sedum in front of Day Lily foliage, late blooming Gumbo azalea, Day Lily.
And some pretty foliage and flower combinations for the summer:Clockwise from top left: Persian Shield and Dusty Miller; Leopard Plant, Maidenhair Fern and Variegated Sedge; Anthony Waterer Spirea, Red Knockout Rose and Rosemary; Variegated Hosta, Coleus and Impatiens.
Foliage is a star in my garden in all seasons. These are a few of my favorites:Clockwise from top left: Chamaecyparis pisifera 'Blue Boulevard', Sambucus racemosa 'Lemon Lace', Trident Maple, Hepatica, 'Lady in Red' hydrangea, Cercis canadensis 'Whitewater', Fatshedera, Variegated toad Lily.
Hosta Francis Williams grows in several parts of the garden:
Nothing can beat Tropicana Canna Lily for powerful color through a hot summer:
A tour of the June garden would not be complete without some views of the woodland garden:
Top: Carex 'Everillo' grows in a pot nestled amidst Impatiens. Middle: This variety of Indigofera spreads as a ground cover and has delightful early summer blooms. Bottom: Woodland rabbit; Windchimes in a tree.Nothing like a tour of a summer garden in the Deep South to work up a thirst! Now, how about a cool drink or a slice of watermelon?
Reader Comments (30)
Wow - That first photo is truly Impressionistic.
Your garden is looking Amazing. Everything is so lush and beautiful. You've assembled a wonderful collection of plants -- and I'm sure the abundant rain has helped a lot.
We had a dearth of rain for most of May, but a couple of good storms the last week or so have helped. Still, my TN garden is a loooooooooong way from the symphony of beauty you've portrayed here.
Can I ask about the Chamaecyparis pisifera? I've heard they don't tolerate heat or drought, but if it is thriving in your garden, it must be OK with heat. (I also saw one in Atlanta that looked very healthy, and ATL is no stranger to heat.) How about the drought tolerance caveat. Is that a legitimate concern, in your opinion. Do you have to give it extra water in drought situations?
Thank you for your kind comment, Aaron! My little Chamaecyparis pisifera actually is growing in a pot. I have had it for about four years now, and I treat it like a bonsai. It stays outside year round. I have root pruned it a couple of times. It seems happy. It is in partial shade, so it does have some protection from the sun. I keep it watered as needed, just as I do my other potted plants. Best wishes! Deb
a magical invitation into your garden!
We are awaiting a cold front and snow on the mountains. Brrr!
Absolutely gorgeous pics! Love your woodland garden!
Just lovely!!!!
Such pretty vistas and combinations!
I would love for you to share it at the Home Sweet Garden Party!
See the post here ---->>>
You have so much wonderful foliage as well as all your flowers, everything is looking so pretty. The woodland must be a wonderfully cool place to be when your temperatures start soaring, it looks delightful.
"Tours" of your garden are always wonderful but I think you've outdone yourself with these photos. I feel as though I could sit anywhere and be happy all day (with or without the cool drink). I found myself thinking about Cannas yesterday and your photo of 'Tropicana' has me banging my head wondering why I haven't added some of those big beautiful leaves to my own garden. Thanks for sharing your garden, Deb!
So beautiful! I see so many things I want to put in my new garden - starting with Lady in Red hydrangea, which I've admired on your site before. Not to mention your lovely containers!
Your garden is spectacular Debs! So many beautiful flowers and foliage well knitted together to be a delight to the senses!
Your garden is perfect. You have a wonderful collection of flowers and green plants. I like your garden decorations !
Greetings, Ela
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. I enjoyed my visit so very much today. Actually I wished your post had been longer with more photos as I was enjoying scrolling through all your shots so much. Your garden is looking magnificent. I especially loved the photos of the red Cascade Roses near the white picket fence and the collage of foliage plants.
You really do have a beautiful garden. I love the first image, the scene looks so romantic. So do the red roses on the white fence. Picture perfect, Deb!
Thanks for letting me have a stroll in your beautiful garden, it looks so lush and green and with lots of gorgeous flowers. I can see you are fond of the pink/purple spirea, and it looks lovely – so does the red cascade rose and all the different foliage. Really beautiful.
Beautiful Deb; it is always a joy to have a tour around your garden and woodland. From looking, you wouldn't know that you experienced such a hard, cold winter.
Stunningly beautiful and belongs in a magazine spread with glossy pictures; at the very least, you should let me blog it on GardenEnvy. I so want your garden right now. Jeannine
Your woodland garden makes it look so cool and refreshing there, even though I know the temperatures must be rising! So beautiful!! I love the color of that Red Cascade Rose, and the foliage of the Whitewater Redbud is so pretty. I would love to get another variegated Redbud for my current garden - it's on the list!
Great daylily and rose selection. Plus your woodland looks so cool and inviting. Summer is not yet so established here, we are still transitioning from spring. But I wouldn't say no to some watermelon.
Even with or especially because of the heat and humidity, your garden thrives and shines with incredible!
Gorgeous, gorgeous! Where do I start?! I especially enjoyed those long shots near the end of your woodland garden. I would never know it was hot there--it looks so shady, cool, and inviting. :)
I love the lush and colorful look of your garden at this time of year. Even in Maine, we've had some warm weather this week. Although I don't have much in bloom yet, all kinds of plants are right on the edge.
Beautiful. The hepatica really caught my eye. I have that tropical canna but it refuses to grow. It has 3 stalks and is about 6" tall. I actually think it shrinks a little each year. I also have the Anthony Waterer Spirea. Started with 3, now have 1 but I just learned that they produce seeds so maybe I'll try to grow more from seed.
What a lush, gorgeous garden. Found you on G+.
Your garden is so far ahead of anything here, and it's stunning.
I'm always inspired when you post pics of your beauties.
Hi Deb
As usual, your beautiful southern garden is a good month ahead of our northern ones.Your daylilies are stunning as are the beautiful hostas. Everything looks so lush and green. Ain't summer grand?
Such wonderful foliage combinations! I am so happy you showed the Hosta flowers - too often catalogues just show the leaves and leave it up to us to guess which shade the flowers will be, so I will add that one to my list. Thank you!
Deb, I do love your flowers and foliage, but I also appreciate the structures and accessories: the metal arch is so prominent, the birdhouse is oh so lovely, the bunny and chimes are lovely...
Gorgeous! I just love how natural and harmonious your plantings are. I love spirea, too.The first photo is simply stunning. :) Have a great week, Deb!
That sounds like a perfect summer to me, hot, but lots of rain. It's kind of a good and bad situation. It makes the plants grow like crazy, but then they get out of control! My herb garden is trying to take over the universe, but I am going to have to rein them in. So many gorgeous textures and colors in your garden, as usual. One of my faves...
WOW!!! Just wow!! Looks like an enchanted garden! You really put up great work in there! Kudos!