Fall Through the Lens

One reason I enjoy photography is its ability to encapsulate a picture. Photography forces me to see what I am looking at and to put boundaries on the view. Otherwise the periphery runs on forever, often taking away from the immediate outlook. It is fun to focus on an image through the lens. Japanese maples are a reliable source of color from October through November.Here are some recent shorts taken late in the afternoon when low autumn light ignited the foliage. A lot of color comes from Japanese maples, dogwoods, hickory and oak trees, as well as various shrubs. Evergreens set off the explosion of color. Enjoy!
Autumn creates a tapestry of colors in my garden.
The colors across the front garden in November are wonderful.
Sango kaku, also called Coral Bark maple is particularly lovely in fall when the orange-red leaves become flushed with pink and the coral stems become prominent. The colorful stems are also beautiful in the winter landscape. The name "Sango kaku" means coral tower.
I recently moved the concrete bench to a new location in the woodland garden. The shrub next to it is a Carolina allspice.
The yellow leaves in these two shots belong to a hickory tree.
Juniper 'Saybrook Gold' frames the view toward the woodlands from our drive.
This is a view of dogwoods edging the lower front lawn.
A fallen oak leaf on left and Chinese Pistache leaves on the right.
Oakleaf hydrangeas are noted for their fall colors.
A section of a glass wind chime glimmers against fall foliage.
A hosta is lovely even as it goes into dormancy.
This old brown birdhouse awaits its new tenants next spring.
The dried seed heads of a Limelight hydrangea will remain through most of the winter.
This colorful Japanese maple is in front of our dining room window.
The strong limbs of an oak tree rise behind a Japanese maple.
By the time I had wandered around and taken all of the above photos, plus many more I am not showing you, it was late in the day and I was quite chilly! One last image caught my attention. I looked up to see smoke coming from the chimney.
Time to go inside and enjoy the warm fire!
Reader Comments (23)
I'm surprised how much beautiful fall color that you have there, I would have thought it too warm for it! Isn't it wonderful to see?
I don't have any Japanese maples so have to come here for my fix. :) Yours have such a beautiful array of colors. I was thrilled to see my big dogwood looking like one of yours this year.
Lovely, lovely! It's your turn for stunning fall color now. Your photos are incredible! Your garden looks gorgeous in all seasons, Deb!
A beautiful mix of fall colors! We have even less than usual this year, probably due to the fact it's still so warm (near 90F today). In fact, the only fall color I've had in my garden was also from an Acer 'Sango Kaku.' Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos, Deb!
What gorgeous colors of autumn. Wonderfully captured the beauty of your garden !
Have a happy weekend :)
We finally had a hint of frost which colored up Shining Sumac, our best fall red.
Your garden is beautiful in all seasons.
Fabulous photos Debs! You've captured autumn colours in your garden so well!
the lens of the camera does help fix the eye in a most satisfactory way. As always your autumn colours are wonderful; I love the third image with the clipped box in the foreground; I fall every time for the mix of formal and natural. Have a good week, Christina
You have so many wonderful colours, your garden is looking amazing in its autumn glory. The evergreens you have, set the colours off beautifully and contrast so well with them. It must be such a joy to wake up to such a picture each morning, autumn is certainly a season to be enjoyed.
Fall brings out some of your garden's nicest features. Out trees are already bare and the days are perfect for sitting by a warm fire.
I would love to see your gardens in person but I seldom get off my block. I love all those Japanese maples.
Loved your Autumn shots Debs, like oil paintings.
Since I repotted my Japanese maple for moving it has grown bigger and better. Moved it to False Bay last week. Tomorrow I will see how it likes a kinder climate.
Almost uncanny how our cats brought us a kitten!
Beautiful photos, Deb. I especially like the wind chime, and unexpected view. I like your view on photography too, boundaries on the image. It shows how you take into account the edges while framing, a really important consideration in great photos. It is one reason why you are such a good photographer.
I am so fond of the bold. loud colors of fall...You did such a wonderful job of capturing those colors.
Beautiful fall colors!
Very Impressionistic.
And the perfect ending with the fireplace chimney shot. Hope you had a nice cuppa tea or hot cocoa to go along with the crackling fire :)
Dear Deb, your autumn photos are very lovely. Can't believe how colorful your woods are and you captured them perfectly. Thanks for the wonderful walk! Warm regards,
So beautiful! Your photos really capture the glory of autumn. :o)
So pretty! We had our first frost last night - did you?
Hello! Thanks to everyone who visits and takes time to comment. I read every comment, and I appreciate each one. Phillip, yes we had a hard freeze last night, with similar temps expected over the next week. The foliage has been so beautiful, but I am afraid this will be the end of the gorgeous colors. Winter comes! Deb
You caught the unique magical beauty of the fall! It's my favorite season and as a big critic :D I can tell that your photos are amazing! I wish I can print them and hang them on my wall!
A dreamy peaceful garden....you must pinch yourself everyday!