A Bouquet For You

Other obligations have kept me out of my garden and away from my blog for a few days. Sigh. No time to explore my woodland garden! But one can see this view from the driveway.Would I be happy if I were free to spend every day as I chose, if I had no schedule book full of notations and appointments, and if there were no alarm clock forcing me out of bed before even the birds awaken? You bet I would be, haha, but I think it is a fantasy world even retired folks don't live in. Or do they? I'll find out one day!
Meanwhile, I did steal a few minutes to take some photos of spring blooms. So here is a virtual bouquet, fresh from my garden!
First there are the forsythias whose cheery fluttering blossoms announce the coming of spring:
Next, take a close look at the following blooms, but watch out for the bee when you virtually stick your nose into the working parts, down where the pollinators like to be:Large photo above is Trollius, then below that, clockwise from top left: Flowering quince; Daffodil; Camellia 'Taylor's Perfection'; Camellia 'Gunsmoke'
I can't remember who, but an ancient bard once said that if you have two coins, with one buy bread for the body and with the other buy hyacinths for the soul. I agree. My little grape hyacinths are best appreciated from the ant's point of view. I won't describe the ridiculous position I got myself into to take these pictures. Can you find the ant?Here are some more blue and white blooms with details that deserve a closer look:
Clockwise from top left: Phlox subulata; Vinca major; Pansy; Hepatica
And daffodils! Happy, happy daffodils:
Finally, some pink and red camellias complete my bouquet of spring blooms:
March 20 is the first official day of spring, but here in the Deep South we are a little early. Happy gardening!

Reader Comments (21)
You are so lucky to have spring come early. These pictures are just beautiful. Everything looks so healthy and happy! I really love the camellias!!
Much appreciation, Deb, for sharing spring blooms that my Connecticut garden might not see for a while. Yours inspire. Here's to your having more time to enjoy them. Cheers!
I was about to say your Forsythia is early, earlier than here anyway :) A great selection of blooms as always! And as for your question whether you will be happy if you spend every day as you choose, no work or obligations, I bet you will indeed! It's easy enough to find things to do, things you enjoy especially if you have a wonderful hobby like plants and gardening.
Thank you for your beautiful, springtime virtual bouquet! It certainly cheered a very blustery, cold, wet day here (we did have two perfect days earlier in the week). You have so much flowering, things are much further ahead than here in Italy. Christina
Your posts are always an excuse to stop for a minute and breathe! Today, on a cold blustery New England morning, your splash of joy and colour made me smile and reminded me of the promise of Spring. Your prose - like your photographs - is always beautiful and a treat to experience!
Spring has certainly come early for you, what a beautiful selection of flowers. We are retired and still don't have time to do everything we want to do, we try to do something in the garden each day, but it isn't always possible!
Hi Deb
The bouquet is much appreciated! Such gorgeous colours! Such terrific photos!! As I look out onto my snowy backyard, it certainly gives me something to look forward to.
Those camelias are like lovely roses. Grape hyacinths are one of our favorite bulbs, we have hundreds.
I enjoyed the show - you got spring before I did, but it's on its way. I was interested in seeing your Hepatica. I saw it at Plant Delights and thought it was quite pretty, but it looks very delicate. Is it easy to grow?
So pretty! I never realized forsythia has such a pretty bloom. The little ant and the bee were welcome sights, too.
Lots of beauty there to appreciate, even in snatched moments.
Deborah I love seeing so many favorites blooming already...i adore grape hyacinths and have so many...I'll let you know if the dream of retirement is reality :)
I can't wait until my garden looks like yours. Cute ant.
So many beautiful spring blooms! Your pictures of the grape hyacinths were definitely worth the effort. I love your yellow and white daffs and the hepatica.
Grape hyacinths seem to sprout quite freely, so maybe you could save your coin. Foxgloves cheer up my soul, luckily I don't have to pay for those either.
Spring in the south is such a tease for us in the north. Such a tease. Sigh. But how lovely to come here and see what's blooming in your garden!
Thank you, Deb! Thanks for the sneak peek at spring! Love the Camellias!
I can't believe your grape hyacinths are blooming! Our daffodils started blooming a couple of weeks ago, but our hyacinths are a little slow. I only planted them because my grandfather's spring garden had masses of them, along with lots of tulips. I can't grow tulips (except forcing them on my coffee table) as the deer eat them, but the daffodils do great. Do you know which variety you have on the bottom right photo? I had one volunteer that was supposed to be a Dutch Master, but looks like that one. My best guess was Winston Churchill, but I'm not sure. Not that it really matters, I love the color, and it was a nice surprise!
I can't wait for spring to come up to the DC area. I've seen a few daffodils here and there, but nothing more. I'll just enjoy your virtual bouquet of beautiful blooms for now. I appreciate you getting into an ant's position for the photos of the hyacinths! :) They are so pretty.
Oh! Spring has arrived in Helena!!! I am going to hate going to work very soon. Spring is my happy time! (I found the ant!!!)
Thank you so much for the virtual bouqet, I sure needed it! The cold weather just doesn't want to leave around here, and I'm frustrated!