Good Excuse For Raking

Last week I stood with the breeze on my face, feeling a hint of cold weather yet to come. Autumn is increasingly glorious, but I am seeing more leaves falling. Poor Lou. He is out there with the rake. Because my recovery from hip surgery is very slow, I can't help him, except to give him moral support and to remind him how much fun he is having. He came in yesterday to report he had all the leaves raked off the lawns and paths. I looked through the window at the leaves showering down behind him and laughed.
In fact, we have LOTS of trees, and raking is one chore that won't be finished till almost spring. So we (he) may as well enjoy it!
Being outside is good reward for raking or any other gardening activity these days. Just look at what is happening around our garden. All of the following photos were taken in the past week:
Here are closer views of some of the colorful foliage:Clockwise from top left: Acer palmatum 'Sango Kaku', also called coral bark maple; Acer japonicum 'Aconitifolium'; red stems of coral bark maple; forsythia foliage.
Clockwise from top left: Acer japonicum 'Waterfall'; Acer palmatum dissectum 'Viridis'; Native Eastern Redbud, Cercis canadensis; Granddaddy longlegs watching me take photos; Acer japonicum 'Vitifolium'; Also Vitifolium, photo taken from same tree as previous.
Clockwise from top left: Native Hickory tree; Pinus strobus, Eastern white pine tree; Hosta 'Empress Wu'; Seed pods from Hosta 'Francis Williams'; Francis Williams; Fothergilla.
Below are some pumpkins and ghords in my front planter:
Finally, here are a few more images from around the garden, starting with a few of those leaves Lou has been raking!
May you enjoy all that this season has to offer!

Reader Comments (23)
Your garden looks beautiful in all seasons, Deb. Even the fallen leaves are pretty (so long as I don't have to rake them anyway). I hope your recovery is coming along well.
The Japanese Maple almost took my breath away. Gee, all the photos did. Lou can't help but admire all the colors in those fallen leaves.
So sorry about your hip...but I must know..what is that tree in the 5th picture..I think I bought a similar one recently...
Thank you all for your kind comments! I appreciate them very much. Autumn is a very special season here. Janie, that tree is a weeping Deodar cedar 'Feelin' Blue'. It is one of my favorite trees in my garden, and yes, it is that color for real! Deb
You have color to rival anything up here in New England, and it is all beautifully designed, each shrub and tree complements its partners. Japanese maples are stunning in fall, and you have so many! I hope Lou appreciates it all, and not just the fact that he has to rake : )
I am so excited that tree is a cedar! I bought one just like on my trip to NC mountains.. Except mine is called "Bill's Blue"... How old is the tree? I haven't planted it yet...but any advice on planting location...soil,...sun?
I love your garden in all seasons but I think the time that would be my favourite to visit would be autumn, now. That image of the leaves on the ground could be a piece of modern art, the colours of the leaves are wonderful; thank you for sharing; I'd come a rake leaves for you anytime if I could be looking at your garden. I do hope your hip recovery is going well. Christina
Absolutely gorgeous color in your yard! It's almost worth all the raking required to be able to see something so glorious every fall!
I just read your about page and loved your vow to learn something new each year! I made that same promise to myself on my 50th bday (6 yrs ago next month! eek!) and so far have kept it. Learning new things goes a long way to keeping people "young"!
Your yard is beautiful, and the photos are great - I especially like the daddy long legs. I generally wait until some time in November, when almost all the leaves are down, before I rake them up.
Et tu, Deborah? Still in recovery from that hip surgery. Here's hoping recovery speeds up. Meanwhile, what a setting to enjoy; it seems a shame to even rake those beautiful leaves.
Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog, and thanks for the tour around your lovely autumn coloured garden. I love this time of year, even though I am outside in my garden all year round as long as it is not raining – the climate in London is quite good that way!
Sorry to hear about your slow recovery, I really know what it’s like, after 3 operations on my left hip and a dislocation of my hip replacement I know what recovering from hip surgery means. Hope it goes better for you soon.
Take care, Helene.
What a stunning fall garden! Our colorful leaves came and went way too fast this year--I guess because we had mild weather all the way through early October. But I was a little preoccupied with travel anyway, so I guess it was a good year to be away. Still, it's always sad to see the leaves gone for another season. Time to put another log on the fire and read a good book!
Sigh... those Japanese Maples are stunning, especially in the fall.
(I ordered the book you recommended!)
Your garden just keeps getting better and better. It now takes me three or four trips through you photos to see everything. You have built such a beautiful and enjoyable spot.
Such lovely photos showing the beautiful colours at this time of year. Your garden always looks so beautiful, no matter what time of year it is. We're like Lou, non stop raking of leaves, we will still be at it in the new year, our oaks hang onto their leaves for such a long time.
dear deb, your garden looks divine, and although you can't rake, I'm so pleased you can still take superb photos of the garden! I laughed at the image of you reminding Lou how much fun he is having. Actually, I quite like raking, but I suppose you can have too much of a good thing.
raining outside and quited work in our perfect moment to enjoy your website!
Beautiful pictures and congratulation from us, both nature lovers and living in Europe/Belgium, Deb! Love the seasons!
maybe you can take a look at the page of our architect: It shows also a lot of interesting images of plants and gardens...
You certainly have a extended Autumn...many of our trees have turned, and left us bare.
And remember the snow you mentioned never getting? It's here today.
Lou does have his work cut out for him. There are certainly a lot of trees in your garden. This morning the leaves in my garden were showering down like rain. The big maple at the back is always last to drop its leaves. It seems that I have my work cut out for me as well.
I just love the photos - 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc., - that show all the different foliage colors in your garden. Absolutely wonderful. Something for me to work toward in my own garden. I hope you're recovering well from your hip surgery - but not so quickly that you have to help rake! ;)
I can't speak for Lou, but I wouldn't mind raking if the reward was being outside among all those beautiful trees. I too am a fan of that weeping cedar. What a stunner!
Your garden is so pretty, Deb, regardless what season it is. And yes - i hope Lou like raking because you sure do have a lot of trees on the property. Every season has its chores….
Deborah your sanctuary is heaven...even with all the leaves!!